Have you ever sat back and thought to yourself, maybe we misunderstood, or just plain got it wrong on how the universe really came about? All that we know of religious text, and other books on this subject, most often neglect, or cannot stir the imagination within us to think just how complex, yet simple the creation of the universe, and our belief system came about. So with that in mind, let us think outside the box for a moment, at a creation and belief system that we all too often ignore.
From our biblical text, we know that “in the beginning,” (big bang for others) the universe and all it holds came into existence, as we know it. Yet we still to this very day, since the creation, we cannot figure out how this happened. In other text, legends, etc…, we receive a description of Lucifer’s’ appearance, the “perfect creation” in beauty, intelligence, and design. Now thinking outside of the box, if this is correct, where did the “horns” come from? We will come back to that question later. According to legend, folklore, unverified/unconfirmed text, he's (Lucifer) charged with; let us say putting the icing on the cake of creation. Things like making all the planets we know of now, habitable, beautiful, and full of life. This was his duty, for the assumption, and is in charge over others (beings/spirits) to finish this task.
Now when a person, spirit, or being, takes charge to do a monumental assignment, and observes the “big boss” kicking back and soaking up the sun, there is a tendency for one to become a little envious. You can almost imagine the conversation between the two on a certain task or tasks. It may probably go something like this: Hey boss, you want a ring around Saturn to go along with the planet, or leave it like Jupiter. (The Boss replies); Dude I gave you “freewill” to use you better judgment, so you decide, and while your out, get me another beer. Something like that, just might annoy you.
So one day after all the work is completed, the big boss decides to start a new business venture and creates man on one of the planets. He (the boss) calls his assistant (Lucifer) to check out his latest marketing campaign, then informs his dutiful assistant of his demotion, and insists that Lucifer pay homage to the “new guy”. Naturally, this would not be a good day for anyone that put so much work into putting the final changes on the universe, only to lose it all to something made from dirt, or clay. Naturally, you would find yourself so upset, that you rally all those put in your charge, to undo the work done, just to spite this lump of clay (man), to witness a snapshot of the work you and your minions effortlessly created. You then come up with a master plan (or bet), to show the boss that this knuckle-dragger sitting in a garden is a complete dunce, only to backfire and find you having to take up residence along side him. Right there we should have learned a valuable lesson. However, we still cannot figure out, that we do have a choice to make on how to lead our very simple lives. So here, we sit or stand with our sworn enemy, trying so desperately not to succumb to Lucifer’s' “bet” and turn our backside to the ultimate boss of all bosses.
We have instructions to do very simple things, live in peace with one another, help those that have fallen on difficult times, not hold envious or jealous thoughts of others, and simply strive to be our best possible selves. Nevertheless, what do we do? We do the exact opposite of the above such things. We lie, cheat, steal, murder, and complain. We ridicule those less fortunate, and dismiss others attempting to make a difference. Do we need more proof? Read any biblical and historical account. We know the Egyptians built the pyramids, and how, and with whom. We find through reading the Exodus how freed slaves left Egypt and returned home. So why is it so difficult for any reasonable person to conceive that the known universe may once have held life and beauty on other planets?
If there ever was a “war in heaven”, would it not be possible for the planets we know now to have succumbed to destruction? We look at the moon, mars, and howl at their desolation. Nevertheless, as we study them more, we find tantalizing clues of water and other elements similar to the planet we now inhabit. Preposterous you say. Well just, look at what went down during the “Dark Ages” and how other civilizations during that period invented indoor plumbing as those “Dark Ages” occurred. Therefore, to the naysayers, anything is possible. Just because you cannot find a grave/tomb, dinosaur, and human fossils together, does not mean it never existed. Moreover, when you do find it, you say this cannot be. The question then changes, who is delusional, or in denial now? Hell the calendar we use today is not accurate, because some “genius” counted one Roman Emperor twice!
We have fought ourselves since our beginning. Yet we continue to ask the question of why we do such things to ourselves. Regardless of whether one believes or not in what is in the biblical text, one must acknowledge those ten simple commandments carry much weight. Yet rather than deal with such commands, we must know who wrote them, and how dare they tell us what to do! Think back to the story of the Exodus; imagine yourself out walking about in the dessert, so happy to leave the place you abhorred so much. Yet in your self-indulgent happiness, you exhaust your basic resource, water. You begin to complain of your thirst and why or how much longer must you wander in this dry arid dessert. Your boss weary, disgusted, and impatient with your constant blubbering, smacks a rock, and holy smokes, water flows from it. One would think keeping ones pie hole closed is a great idea, after viewing such an incredible act. Yet again, the crybaby brigade over-indulges with food after quenching their thirst, and scream our bellies are empty after all this wandering. Once again, you instruct them to do a certain thing, and bang! You now have something to eat. Yet still, this just will not do. After all that they have witnessed, they insist they need a new king or ruler to show them the way. Talk about ungrateful. Should such wonders or things happen right before your own eyes, would you dare demand answers? Of course, one would. Nevertheless, one would never accept the answer given.
Now one can understand why such a test, battle, or long-running bet could very well be possible between, oh let us say God and Lucifer. One can actually imagine the conversation between the two as they discuss the bet. Lucifer states; you know you gave this knuckle-dragger “choice”. Therefore, with that in mind here is how I will sway him to my side of thinking. I will give him only so much power and wealth that he will become indignant of you and turn from you forever. Just as he completely shuts you out, I will take everything I have given unto him, just to watch him scurry and plead for you to take him back. I will begin with the woman you made for him not once but twice. She will begin his downward spiral throughout time through the art of influence. His offspring shall conspire for the youngest daughter, and murder his brother to achieve greatness, only to find oneself cast out to continue this grand deception until the end of time. They shall fight, kill, maim, and destroy in your and mine own name. They shall never know how to stop this diabolical circle of pain.
You must admit, now if that does not ring true, nothing else ever will. We have held the longest running feud with ourselves since the beginning of our existence. We have killed, maimed, and destroyed countless lives for little more than a stream of water, or a bushel of fruit. We do such things because someone or something influenced our behavior to take from others that we do not have. We still do such act today. We rob, steal, murder, cheat, lie, and deceive our way to the top. During ancient times, we became so indignant of the audacity of Christ coming into the Temple and throwing out the “money changers”, they crucified him. His enemies viewed him as a threat to the status quo. Why is it that every time someone attempts to do something right for humanity, the person dies by the hands of Man? Are we that afraid of the entire world sharing and caring for one another? It appears that way. When anyone attempts to do something for the "common-good", there is always the evil, doubtful naysayer trying to put a stop to it.
The evil minion only cares for their own selfish indulgence, decadence, and unbridled lust for power. They have no interest, and view as a threat anyone attempting to bring sanity back to an insane world, or universe. Think about that the next time you read of what's going on all over this world.
To be continued???
Monday, June 29, 2009
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