3 Killed, 12 Wounded In Chicago Shootings Tuesday:
Meanwhile, our politicians across the nation continue ignoring the carnage. Still wondering why?
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Man, 18, Becomes Fourth Person Fatally Shot Over Chicago Holiday Weekend
Man, 18, Becomes Fourth Person Fatally Shot Over Chicago Holiday Weekend:
Wow! And damn near 30 wounded. Busy little mini-terrorist are they not?. Meanwhile, a particular politician down state is stalling legislation that will deal with repeat gun offenders. Think about that.
What problem or more information would you need for REPEAT gun offenders? First of all they are convicted felons if they use a gun in the commission of a crime. Next thing you know, they DO IT AGAIN! What more information do you need?
Don't believe me? Here's the link: http://chicago.suntimes.com/news/bill-targeting-repeat-gun-offenders-passes-but-motion-stalls-it/
Now, are you still wondering why?
Wow! And damn near 30 wounded. Busy little mini-terrorist are they not?. Meanwhile, a particular politician down state is stalling legislation that will deal with repeat gun offenders. Think about that.
What problem or more information would you need for REPEAT gun offenders? First of all they are convicted felons if they use a gun in the commission of a crime. Next thing you know, they DO IT AGAIN! What more information do you need?
Don't believe me? Here's the link: http://chicago.suntimes.com/news/bill-targeting-repeat-gun-offenders-passes-but-motion-stalls-it/
Now, are you still wondering why?
Monday, May 29, 2017
1 Dead, 26 Wounded In Memorial Day Weekend Shootings Across Chicago
1 Dead, 26 Wounded In Memorial Day Weekend Shootings Across Chicago:
Meanwhile, our politicians across the nation continue ignoring the carnage. If you are still wondering why just follow the NRA blood money politicians get paid.
Meanwhile, our politicians across the nation continue ignoring the carnage. If you are still wondering why just follow the NRA blood money politicians get paid.
Sunday, May 28, 2017
16 Wounded In Memorial Day Weekend Shootings Across Chicago
16 Wounded In Memorial Day Weekend Shootings Across Chicago:
Oh boy, they are going to catch a lot of you dumb-fucks this weekend. You clowns forget the police have a list of all of you and where you live and hang out. Do yourself a favor and toss the guns. It just isn't worth it.
Oh boy, they are going to catch a lot of you dumb-fucks this weekend. You clowns forget the police have a list of all of you and where you live and hang out. Do yourself a favor and toss the guns. It just isn't worth it.
Saturday, May 27, 2017
4 wounded in shootings to open Memorial Day weekend
4 wounded in shootings to open Memorial Day weekend:
Hope it doesn't get worse. Meanwhile, voters continue voting for scumbags who could care less because it doesn't effect them yet. Are you still wondering why?
Hope it doesn't get worse. Meanwhile, voters continue voting for scumbags who could care less because it doesn't effect them yet. Are you still wondering why?
Friday, May 26, 2017
3 Killed, 4 Wounded In Chicago Shootings On Thursday
3 Killed, 4 Wounded In Chicago Shootings On Thursday: At least 71 people have been shot in the last week, leaving 11 dead. Nearly 1,300 people have been shot so far this year, 222 fatally.
That's one hell of a headline. Yet, it's happening all across the nation and the people, politicians included, just don't care because for them, it's just Black and Brown people killing one another. Disgusting mindset isn't it? Yet, they elected a future criminal into the White House, and just last night a fucking future criminal that assaulted a reporter in Montana.
Just like the gangs running amok, these same voters have no shame until the shit begins affecting them. Some call it the "chickens coming home to roost". Other's call it "what goes around, comes around". I prefer the failing from ever learning from history syndrome. All this crime going on and you fucks elect a future criminal in Montana. Are you still wondering why?
That's one hell of a headline. Yet, it's happening all across the nation and the people, politicians included, just don't care because for them, it's just Black and Brown people killing one another. Disgusting mindset isn't it? Yet, they elected a future criminal into the White House, and just last night a fucking future criminal that assaulted a reporter in Montana.
Just like the gangs running amok, these same voters have no shame until the shit begins affecting them. Some call it the "chickens coming home to roost". Other's call it "what goes around, comes around". I prefer the failing from ever learning from history syndrome. All this crime going on and you fucks elect a future criminal in Montana. Are you still wondering why?
Thursday, May 25, 2017
1 Killed, 7 Wounded In Wednesday Shootings Across Chicago
1 Killed, 7 Wounded In Wednesday Shootings Across Chicago:
Look at those two links. Amazing isn't it? One would think the second link would be a priority for legislators? It's not. One side is arguing over taxing the wealthy and not the worker and poor people as unfair. Are you still wondering why?
Look at those two links. Amazing isn't it? One would think the second link would be a priority for legislators? It's not. One side is arguing over taxing the wealthy and not the worker and poor people as unfair. Are you still wondering why?
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
New Task Force Expected To Keep People From Ending Up Back In Jail
New Task Force Expected To Keep People From Ending Up Back In Jail:
On top of all that, two people were killed and one wounded yesterday. Yet, for some odd reason a bill designed in putting an end for offenders of repeat gun crimes still languishes at the state capitol. Look, this is all fine and good but you forgot one thing naive aldermen/women. Where and how are you going to pay for this? More taxes on the working class and poor, while the wealthy walk between raindrops?
Oh well.
On top of all that, two people were killed and one wounded yesterday. Yet, for some odd reason a bill designed in putting an end for offenders of repeat gun crimes still languishes at the state capitol. Look, this is all fine and good but you forgot one thing naive aldermen/women. Where and how are you going to pay for this? More taxes on the working class and poor, while the wealthy walk between raindrops?
Oh well.
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
2 Killed, 5 Wounded In Chicago Shootings Monday
2 Killed, 5 Wounded In Chicago Shootings Monday:
Meanwhile as I was reading local crime news in papers around the country, it dawned on me that politicians seriously don't give a fuck. Still wondering why?
Meanwhile as I was reading local crime news in papers around the country, it dawned on me that politicians seriously don't give a fuck. Still wondering why?
Monday, May 22, 2017
4 Killed, 34 Wounded In Weekend Shootings Across Chicago
4 Killed, 34 Wounded In Weekend Shootings Across Chicago:
Meanwhile, our politicians nationwide continue ignoring the mass carnage. Are you seriously still wondering why?
Meanwhile, our politicians nationwide continue ignoring the mass carnage. Are you seriously still wondering why?
Sunday, May 21, 2017
Police: 3 Dead, 26 Wounded In Weekend Shootings Across Chicago
Police: 3 Dead, 26 Wounded In Weekend Shootings Across Chicago:
Meanwhile, our politicians nationwide continue ignoring this madness. Are you still wondering why? I keep saying follow the NRA blood money. Once you become informed, vote these ghoulish politicians out of office.
Meanwhile, our politicians nationwide continue ignoring this madness. Are you still wondering why? I keep saying follow the NRA blood money. Once you become informed, vote these ghoulish politicians out of office.
Saturday, May 20, 2017
4 Men Shot Across Chicago In 3 hours Overnight
4 Men Shot Across Chicago In 3 hours Overnight:
Just a rant folks.
The mayor whats to borrow money the city doesn't have in order to keep schools open, yet refuses pushing legislators to legalize marijuana to pay for schools. In the meantime, the mini-terrorist continue their senseless shooting sprees across the nation. Go fucking figure right?
The sorry-ass governor is finding money to run campaign ads, but can't even consider raising taxes on his well-heeled buddies in order to help fix the state budget. Go fucking figure right? Jobs are leaving. Shouldn't that inform you that you are fucking up?
And lastly, some ass-clown wrote a letter asking when will citizens stop voting for democrats in this state? What a fucking joke. Apparently this ass-clown failed to look at Kansas and other republican held states and how fucked up their finances are. Shit, look at the republican controlled house an senate. Those fuck-nuts have a legitimate crook in the White House and refuse doing shit about it. Go fucking figure right?
Just a rant folks.
The mayor whats to borrow money the city doesn't have in order to keep schools open, yet refuses pushing legislators to legalize marijuana to pay for schools. In the meantime, the mini-terrorist continue their senseless shooting sprees across the nation. Go fucking figure right?
The sorry-ass governor is finding money to run campaign ads, but can't even consider raising taxes on his well-heeled buddies in order to help fix the state budget. Go fucking figure right? Jobs are leaving. Shouldn't that inform you that you are fucking up?
And lastly, some ass-clown wrote a letter asking when will citizens stop voting for democrats in this state? What a fucking joke. Apparently this ass-clown failed to look at Kansas and other republican held states and how fucked up their finances are. Shit, look at the republican controlled house an senate. Those fuck-nuts have a legitimate crook in the White House and refuse doing shit about it. Go fucking figure right?
Friday, May 19, 2017
3 men shot at party in West Rogers Park
3 men shot at party in West Rogers Park:
Damn! I counted a total of 8 shootings and Friday isn't even over with. God only knows how many were shot yesterday. Our local news appears to be suffering from shooting fatigue. But never fear fellow citizens, our sorry ass politicians will continue ignoring it all.
Damn! I counted a total of 8 shootings and Friday isn't even over with. God only knows how many were shot yesterday. Our local news appears to be suffering from shooting fatigue. But never fear fellow citizens, our sorry ass politicians will continue ignoring it all.
Thursday, May 18, 2017
4 Killed, 12 Wounded In Chicago Shootings Wednesday
4 Killed, 12 Wounded In Chicago Shootings Wednesday:
Once again a convicted felon is caught with a gun, and you are left wondering how in the hell did he get it? Aside from that, our politicians across the nation continue ignoring this madness. Are you still wondering why? Follow the NRA blood money your politician receives.
Once again a convicted felon is caught with a gun, and you are left wondering how in the hell did he get it? Aside from that, our politicians across the nation continue ignoring this madness. Are you still wondering why? Follow the NRA blood money your politician receives.
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
1 Dead, 15 Wounded In Chicago Shootings Tuesday
1 Dead, 15 Wounded In Chicago Shootings Tuesday:
Meanwhile, our politicians nation-wide continue ignoring the sickness. Still wondering why? Follow the NRA blood money.
Meanwhile, our politicians nation-wide continue ignoring the sickness. Still wondering why? Follow the NRA blood money.
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
14 Wounded In Monday Shootings Across Chicago
14 Wounded In Monday Shootings Across Chicago:
I told you it will spread. Meanwhile, legislation all across the country dealing with this cancer still languishes in state legislatures. Are you still wondering why?
I told you it will spread. Meanwhile, legislation all across the country dealing with this cancer still languishes in state legislatures. Are you still wondering why?
Monday, May 15, 2017
6 Killed, 15 Wounded In Weekend Shootings Across Chicago
6 Killed, 15 Wounded In Weekend Shootings Across Chicago: The city recorded its 200th homicide on Tuesday, according to Sun-Times data. More than 1,100 people have been shot in Chicago this year.
Those are some pretty fucked up numbers and it's only May. Meanwhile, our spineless politicians across the nation continue ignoring this madness. Are you still wondering why?
Those are some pretty fucked up numbers and it's only May. Meanwhile, our spineless politicians across the nation continue ignoring this madness. Are you still wondering why?
Sunday, May 14, 2017
Police: 3 dead, 13 wounded in Chicago weekend shootings
Police: 3 dead, 13 wounded in Chicago weekend shootings:
Fucking monsters. What do you do with monsters? You destroy them. They have no remorse, no conscience, no soul. They flee at the very site of resistance. So, they must be captured and destroyed. You have a bigot in the White House and justice department. They have vowed they will come after the monsters. They will even go so far as to violate the constitution in doing so. If it was up to them, they'd bring back the guillotine.
So beware monsters. Your actions will place this country in a police state because you have no remorse, no conscience, and no soul.
Fucking monsters. What do you do with monsters? You destroy them. They have no remorse, no conscience, no soul. They flee at the very site of resistance. So, they must be captured and destroyed. You have a bigot in the White House and justice department. They have vowed they will come after the monsters. They will even go so far as to violate the constitution in doing so. If it was up to them, they'd bring back the guillotine.
So beware monsters. Your actions will place this country in a police state because you have no remorse, no conscience, and no soul.
Saturday, May 13, 2017
5 shot across Chicago from Friday evening to Saturday morning
5 shot across Chicago from Friday evening to Saturday morning:
The reason they call this a blog is because you can say/type words/slang like unfucking believable. The magnitude of this senseless shooting across not only this city, but the nation as well if unfucking believable. Meanwhile, our politicians across the nation still don't give a fuck.
The reason they call this a blog is because you can say/type words/slang like unfucking believable. The magnitude of this senseless shooting across not only this city, but the nation as well if unfucking believable. Meanwhile, our politicians across the nation still don't give a fuck.
Friday, May 12, 2017
2 Killed, 14 Wounded In Chicago Shootings On Thursday
2 Killed, 14 Wounded In Chicago Shootings On Thursday:
Meanwhile, our politicians nationwide continue ignoring the carnage. Still wondering why? Follow the money.
Meanwhile, our politicians nationwide continue ignoring the carnage. Still wondering why? Follow the money.
Thursday, May 11, 2017
2 Killed, 3 Wounded In Wednesday Shootings In Chicago
2 Killed, 3 Wounded In Wednesday Shootings In Chicago:
It's business as usual for politicians across the nation, as legislation dealing with this problem stalls. Are you still wondering why? I keep telling you that you shouldn't.
The people must march on city halls, state capitols, and congress everyday. You must march. If you call, write a letter, or e-mail, they'll hang up, trash the letter, and delete the e-mail. Only when they see how serious voters are, they will tuck their tails and finally do the will of the people. If you don't believe that, look at the sad state of affairs in our nations capitol. Nobody is marching on congress demanding the impeachment, or removal of a mentally challenged Russian puppet. Now, are you still wondering why?
It's business as usual for politicians across the nation, as legislation dealing with this problem stalls. Are you still wondering why? I keep telling you that you shouldn't.
The people must march on city halls, state capitols, and congress everyday. You must march. If you call, write a letter, or e-mail, they'll hang up, trash the letter, and delete the e-mail. Only when they see how serious voters are, they will tuck their tails and finally do the will of the people. If you don't believe that, look at the sad state of affairs in our nations capitol. Nobody is marching on congress demanding the impeachment, or removal of a mentally challenged Russian puppet. Now, are you still wondering why?
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
2 Killed, 8 Wounded In Tuesday Shootings Across Chicago
2 Killed, 8 Wounded In Tuesday Shootings Across Chicago:
Just like the rest of you, I'm hoping one day these horrific numbers will cease being. But, as long as you have a bought and paid for legislators doing the bidding of the NRA, it will never end.
Just like the rest of you, I'm hoping one day these horrific numbers will cease being. But, as long as you have a bought and paid for legislators doing the bidding of the NRA, it will never end.
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Man dead, 2 wounded in Monday shootings in Chicago
Man dead, 2 wounded in Monday shootings in Chicago:
Meanwhile, politicians continue ignoring the carnage. The police can only do so much. They need these spineless politicians to enact legislation that will help them be more efficient at their jobs.
Meanwhile, politicians continue ignoring the carnage. The police can only do so much. They need these spineless politicians to enact legislation that will help them be more efficient at their jobs.
Monday, May 8, 2017
6 Killed, 26 Wounded In Weekend Shootings Across Chicago
6 Killed, 26 Wounded In Weekend Shootings Across Chicago:
What the fuck Chicago? How long is that repeat offender legislation going to languish down state?
End communication.
What the fuck Chicago? How long is that repeat offender legislation going to languish down state?
End communication.
Sunday, May 7, 2017
2 dead, 14 wounded in Chicago shootings since Friday evening
2 dead, 14 wounded in Chicago shootings since Friday evening:
Meanwhile, politicians across the nation continue ignoring the carnage. Instead of helping law enforcement, they are constantly passing more open/concealed carry laws. They continue refusing to allow a database that tracks gun sales that law enforcement can share. I find that very odd. Don't you wish to know if an unstable person living in your neighborhood has unfettered access to guns? You can thank the NRA for that. You can also thank them for blocking the ATF from modernizing. Now, are you still wondering why?
Meanwhile, politicians across the nation continue ignoring the carnage. Instead of helping law enforcement, they are constantly passing more open/concealed carry laws. They continue refusing to allow a database that tracks gun sales that law enforcement can share. I find that very odd. Don't you wish to know if an unstable person living in your neighborhood has unfettered access to guns? You can thank the NRA for that. You can also thank them for blocking the ATF from modernizing. Now, are you still wondering why?
Saturday, May 6, 2017
THE WATCHDOGS: Gun-shop burglaries helping fuel Chicago violence
THE WATCHDOGS: Gun-shop burglaries helping fuel Chicago violence:
One would think having security cameras at your business is a very good idea. Should a store open in the city they must meet such requirements. Oh well. Switching gears. Even with that stunning headline, five people were shot yesterday. Meanwhile, our politicians across the nation continue ignoring the carnage as legislation stalls.
One would think having security cameras at your business is a very good idea. Should a store open in the city they must meet such requirements. Oh well. Switching gears. Even with that stunning headline, five people were shot yesterday. Meanwhile, our politicians across the nation continue ignoring the carnage as legislation stalls.
Friday, May 5, 2017
2 Wounded In Chicago Shootings On Thursday
2 Wounded In Chicago Shootings On Thursday:
Politicians must be popping champagne with this news. It's still one shooting to many, and no legislation has been passed. I wonder why?
Politicians must be popping champagne with this news. It's still one shooting to many, and no legislation has been passed. I wonder why?
Thursday, May 4, 2017
5 Wounded In Wednesday Shootings In Chicago
5 Wounded In Wednesday Shootings In Chicago:
Meanwhile, the best idea one alderman has is giving police more powerful weapons. Really? How about marching your ass down state and forcing those dick-bags into passing the legislation dealing with this menace?
Meanwhile, the best idea one alderman has is giving police more powerful weapons. Really? How about marching your ass down state and forcing those dick-bags into passing the legislation dealing with this menace?
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
CPD Officers Among 8 Shot In 4-Hour Period Tuesday
CPD Officers Among 8 Shot In 4-Hour Period Tuesday:
These dumb-fucks are getting bolder or dumber. Oh well. In the meantime, our politicians across the country continue ignoring the carnage. Are you still wondering why? Follow the money from the NRA.
These dumb-fucks are getting bolder or dumber. Oh well. In the meantime, our politicians across the country continue ignoring the carnage. Are you still wondering why? Follow the money from the NRA.
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Man Killed, 4 Wounded In Monday Shootings
Man Killed, 4 Wounded In Monday Shootings:
Damn shame. Meanwhile, politicians across the nation continue stalling legislation that will bring such horrific numbers down. A guns for everyone policy doesn't help law enforcement do its job. Think about that the next time you hear a politician claim they support law enforcement, yet refuse legislation banning people on the known fly list access to guns.
Damn shame. Meanwhile, politicians across the nation continue stalling legislation that will bring such horrific numbers down. A guns for everyone policy doesn't help law enforcement do its job. Think about that the next time you hear a politician claim they support law enforcement, yet refuse legislation banning people on the known fly list access to guns.
Monday, May 1, 2017
4 Killed, 17 Wounded In Weekend Shootings Across Chicago
4 Killed, 17 Wounded In Weekend Shootings Across Chicago:
It's amazing how they try and polish that turd. The second link pats itself on the back know that shootings were down for the month of April. Yet, the first link screams at you about how many were killed and wounded in one FUCKING weekend. Totally amazing.
It's amazing how they try and polish that turd. The second link pats itself on the back know that shootings were down for the month of April. Yet, the first link screams at you about how many were killed and wounded in one FUCKING weekend. Totally amazing.
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