CPD renewing focus toward community policing - FOX 32 News Chicago
Oxymoron? Possibly. The biggest mistake mayors and governors made, was when they caved in with the demands of police chiefs across the country on taking officers off foot patrols. Back in my time, you never saw a fat cop.
Now, they ride around or you always see a patrol car parked at a 7-11, or a Dunkin donuts. Policing was made worse when they began putting them behind desk that civilians could easily handle. Having local residents working inside police departments provide valuable insights for officers about the area they serve. Yet, for some strange reason, these civilians were dumped for indifferent police that didn't even live in the neighborhood.
Did someone have an epiphany? Decades ago under the Daley administration the son had a brain fart and decided bringing back foot patrols was the way forward. Back then, a cop knocked on the door and made the getting to know you speech. Another day passes, and you see the same officer walking down the street. Time passes and it evolved into riding bikes in teams of four. Slowly it devolved into a lone officer riding a motorcycle. Now, none. Who caused or changed the policy?
There's a police station around the corner from my home. I've never seen an officer walk there from the neighborhood. Yep, back in my time, you never saw a fat cop.
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Friday, February 27, 2015
Man, 60, shot and killed while shoveling snow - FOX 32 News Chicago
Man, 60, shot and killed while shoveling snow - FOX 32 News Chicago
I do hope they find this walking pile of trash and never let it out of prison.
I do hope they find this walking pile of trash and never let it out of prison.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Three killed, three wounded in citywide shootings - FOX 32 News Chicago
Three killed, three wounded in citywide shootings - FOX 32 News Chicago
Mayor, Aldermen, Governor, and State legislature still not doing shit about it. Go figure.
Mayor, Aldermen, Governor, and State legislature still not doing shit about it. Go figure.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Two Men Critically Injured In Rogers Park Shooting « CBS Chicago
Two Men Critically Injured In Rogers Park Shooting « CBS Chicago
So that's a total of four yesterday, and we now have our very own "Black Site". Go figure.
So that's a total of four yesterday, and we now have our very own "Black Site". Go figure.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Report: Suspect Shot By Police Suffered 16 Gunshot Wounds « CBS Chicago
Report: Suspect Shot By Police Suffered 16 Gunshot Wounds « CBS Chicago
One would think if his kneecaps were shot running would not be an option right? Just asking.
One would think if his kneecaps were shot running would not be an option right? Just asking.
Monday, February 23, 2015
3 Killed, 8 Wounded In Weekend Shootings « CBS Chicago
3 Killed, 8 Wounded In Weekend Shootings « CBS Chicago
Criminals and politicians never learn. It truly is the responsibility of people in these neighborhoods that must bring change.
Criminals and politicians never learn. It truly is the responsibility of people in these neighborhoods that must bring change.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Prosecutor tackles suspect fleeing Chicago courtroom - FOX 32 News Chicago
Prosecutor tackles suspect fleeing Chicago courtroom - FOX 32 News Chicago
Ha! What a dumb-ass. Enjoy your Walking Dead Sunday.
Ha! What a dumb-ass. Enjoy your Walking Dead Sunday.
Saturday, February 21, 2015
1 Dead, 2 Injured In Shootings Since Friday Evening « CBS Chicago
1 Dead, 2 Injured In Shootings Since Friday Evening « CBS Chicago
Well what do you know? Another "documented gang member". It's amazing how that state version of The Patriot Act is gathering dust across this nation.
I get it folks. That's an extreme version of combating crime in urban areas. But, when our elected representatives refuse even discussing the subject, you sometimes must throw shit on a wall and see what sticks. There's plenty of solutions out there, jobs for starters. Another is the legalization of pot. Boy, talk about crime rates plummeting. Yet, our politicians refuse doing anything. So, fuck it. Blow the dust of The Patriot Act in your states, and start enforcing it.
Well what do you know? Another "documented gang member". It's amazing how that state version of The Patriot Act is gathering dust across this nation.
I get it folks. That's an extreme version of combating crime in urban areas. But, when our elected representatives refuse even discussing the subject, you sometimes must throw shit on a wall and see what sticks. There's plenty of solutions out there, jobs for starters. Another is the legalization of pot. Boy, talk about crime rates plummeting. Yet, our politicians refuse doing anything. So, fuck it. Blow the dust of The Patriot Act in your states, and start enforcing it.
Friday, February 20, 2015
Police: Man shot and killed in Logan Square drive-by - FOX 32 News Chicago
Police: Man shot and killed in Logan Square drive-by - FOX 32 News Chicago
Here's an interesting observation, and suggestion. Police have a list of "documented gang members". This guy was one. They know the rival factions fighting for drug turf. They know there will be retaliation. What they don't know is the rival gang member that fired the shot. The simplest thing is arresting the head of the rival gang, but we have this thing called the constitution.
So why not use provisions under The Patriot Act? They (gangs) terrorize neighborhoods. As far as I know each state has a similar provision of The Patriot Act within their respective state constitution. So why not enforce it? I'm sure it will pass a constitutional test.
Here's an interesting observation, and suggestion. Police have a list of "documented gang members". This guy was one. They know the rival factions fighting for drug turf. They know there will be retaliation. What they don't know is the rival gang member that fired the shot. The simplest thing is arresting the head of the rival gang, but we have this thing called the constitution.
So why not use provisions under The Patriot Act? They (gangs) terrorize neighborhoods. As far as I know each state has a similar provision of The Patriot Act within their respective state constitution. So why not enforce it? I'm sure it will pass a constitutional test.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Four charged after Waukegan home invasion, manhunt - FOX 32 News Chicago
Four charged after Waukegan home invasion, manhunt - FOX 32 News Chicago
With the way the sentencing guidelines are so fucked up, my only question is how did the felon, and known gang members get their hands on firearms? Who, and how are these guns getting into their hands, and what the hell are our politicians doing about it?
With the way the sentencing guidelines are so fucked up, my only question is how did the felon, and known gang members get their hands on firearms? Who, and how are these guns getting into their hands, and what the hell are our politicians doing about it?
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Man Charged With Shooting Woman In Pilsen « CBS Chicago
Man Charged With Shooting Woman In Pilsen « CBS Chicago
As I've stated before, these dumb-fucks get caught. The problem comes with the sentencing guidelines because this dumb-fuck stands a high chance of hitting the streets again if not in months, maybe a year or so.
As I've stated before, these dumb-fucks get caught. The problem comes with the sentencing guidelines because this dumb-fuck stands a high chance of hitting the streets again if not in months, maybe a year or so.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Man Ran Drug Operation Out Of Oak Park Home: Police « CBS Chicago
Man Ran Drug Operation Out Of Oak Park Home: Police « CBS Chicago
As I've stated in prior post, I'm no fan of cocaine and the other hard drugs. It's scientifically proven they kill. But pot? This state should go ahead and get off their ass and legalize pot.
Yet as with most politicians, they will only find new ways of fucking the people of this state over, and make failed, after failed attempts in stealing the revenue. Legalize pot you jerks.
As I've stated in prior post, I'm no fan of cocaine and the other hard drugs. It's scientifically proven they kill. But pot? This state should go ahead and get off their ass and legalize pot.
Yet as with most politicians, they will only find new ways of fucking the people of this state over, and make failed, after failed attempts in stealing the revenue. Legalize pot you jerks.
Monday, February 16, 2015
Sunday, February 15, 2015
1 dead, 6 injured in weekend shootings across city - FOX 32 News Chicago
1 dead, 6 injured in weekend shootings across city - FOX 32 News Chicago
Madness continues even during this wicked cold spell. There's an election coming, and no stiff running has brought a solution up for discussion.What are these politicians so afraid of?
Madness continues even during this wicked cold spell. There's an election coming, and no stiff running has brought a solution up for discussion.What are these politicians so afraid of?
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Man shot by police in West Englewood - FOX 32 News Chicago
Man shot by police in West Englewood - FOX 32 News Chicago
Who wishes betting this dumb-fuck has prior arrest? And speaking of dumb-fucks. How about that lady with them? I bet her mother is really proud.
Who wishes betting this dumb-fuck has prior arrest? And speaking of dumb-fucks. How about that lady with them? I bet her mother is really proud.
Friday, February 13, 2015
Man charged with murder in shooting death of NW Side teen - FOX 32 News Chicago
Man charged with murder in shooting death of NW Side teen - FOX 32 News Chicago
Told you these idiots always get caught.
Told you these idiots always get caught.
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Police: Two shot during drug deal gone bad in Wheeling - FOX 32 News Chicago
Police: Two shot during drug deal gone bad in Wheeling - FOX 32 News Chicago
For some strange reason politicians never think this bullshit spreads. It does.
For some strange reason politicians never think this bullshit spreads. It does.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Boy, 16, Shot And Killed In Humboldt Park « CBS Chicago
Boy, 16, Shot And Killed In Humboldt Park « CBS Chicago
Not much information contained within the article. I get the not releasing the name part, but no motive? Robbery? Gang retaliation? The only fact that stands out is another kid is dead.
Not much information contained within the article. I get the not releasing the name part, but no motive? Robbery? Gang retaliation? The only fact that stands out is another kid is dead.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Chatham Residents Want To Hear Details From Mayoral Candidates « CBS Chicago
Chatham Residents Want To Hear Details From Mayoral Candidates « CBS Chicago
As does the rest of the city. All we hear is lip service, never a detailed plan. Since medical pot is okay, why not just legalize weed and have the same influx of money problems like Colorado? Little things like that solves the more police problems.
As does the rest of the city. All we hear is lip service, never a detailed plan. Since medical pot is okay, why not just legalize weed and have the same influx of money problems like Colorado? Little things like that solves the more police problems.
Monday, February 9, 2015
13-year-old boy dead, 8 injured in weekend shootings in Chicago - FOX 32 News Chicago
13-year-old boy dead, 8 injured in weekend shootings in Chicago - FOX 32 News Chicago
You certainly know when you've reached a new low when you shoot and kill a child walking with girls. It's painfully obvious they know who the shooter is. The beef is plastered on the internet. No doubt the shit-head will be arrested. They should press charges against his sisters for child endangerment. He'd be alive had they not took him out of the house.
That's something I hope stay with them for the rest of their lives.
You certainly know when you've reached a new low when you shoot and kill a child walking with girls. It's painfully obvious they know who the shooter is. The beef is plastered on the internet. No doubt the shit-head will be arrested. They should press charges against his sisters for child endangerment. He'd be alive had they not took him out of the house.
That's something I hope stay with them for the rest of their lives.
Sunday, February 8, 2015
CPD: Police Shoot Man Who Tried To Hit Officer With Vehicle On Far South Side « CBS Chicago
CPD: Police Shoot Man Who Tried To Hit Officer With Vehicle On Far South Side « CBS Chicago
In this age of the internet, why are criminals getting dumber? Everyone nearly carries a phone equipped with a camera, police are slowly using "body cams", and yet these nincompoops keep doing dumb shit.
I wonder how many years this boob will get? Oh well, enjoy your Sunday Walking Dead style.
In this age of the internet, why are criminals getting dumber? Everyone nearly carries a phone equipped with a camera, police are slowly using "body cams", and yet these nincompoops keep doing dumb shit.
I wonder how many years this boob will get? Oh well, enjoy your Sunday Walking Dead style.
Saturday, February 7, 2015
21 arrested for North Side drug trafficking operation - FOX 32 News Chicago
21 arrested for North Side drug trafficking operation - FOX 32 News Chicago
I wonder if they know how they got the cocaine for making the crack? Why wasn't the supplier caught with the rest of them?
I wonder if they know how they got the cocaine for making the crack? Why wasn't the supplier caught with the rest of them?
Friday, February 6, 2015
Man Charged With Shooting That Left 1 Dead, 1 Wounded « CBS Chicago
Man Charged With Shooting That Left 1 Dead, 1 Wounded « CBS Chicago
This is a perfect example of why we need sentencing guideline, and criminal code reformation. Just read this below.
" Poe, who was out on parole for a stolen weapon charge, shot the two during a verbal altercation, officials said."
This douche-bag had no business being out on the streets. Need anymore be said?
This is a perfect example of why we need sentencing guideline, and criminal code reformation. Just read this below.
" Poe, who was out on parole for a stolen weapon charge, shot the two during a verbal altercation, officials said."
This douche-bag had no business being out on the streets. Need anymore be said?
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Two Charged In North Lawndale Shooting « CBS Chicago
Two Charged In North Lawndale Shooting « CBS Chicago
Dear media. Say what you will about the shooting mayhem in this city, one thing remains clear. These dumb-fucks always get caught.
As for myself, I'm still scratching my head on the charges. In all honesty, fuck the "felony aggravated battery", just charge them with attempted murder. You might as well for several reasons. The weapon used, illegally obtained. Prior records may indicated felony drug charges. So why play nice? Yes folks, we need sentencing guideline, and criminal code reform.
So go right ahead media, say what you will. These dumb-fucks always get caught.
Dear media. Say what you will about the shooting mayhem in this city, one thing remains clear. These dumb-fucks always get caught.
As for myself, I'm still scratching my head on the charges. In all honesty, fuck the "felony aggravated battery", just charge them with attempted murder. You might as well for several reasons. The weapon used, illegally obtained. Prior records may indicated felony drug charges. So why play nice? Yes folks, we need sentencing guideline, and criminal code reform.
So go right ahead media, say what you will. These dumb-fucks always get caught.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Rauner Set To Lay Out His Solutions For Illinois’ Challenges « CBS Chicago
Rauner Set To Lay Out His Solutions For Illinois’ Challenges « CBS Chicago
I can sum this up and save us all valuable nap time.
Tax cuts for the wealthy, tax increases on the poor, working, and middle class. So, for any news organization to call this "solutions", get real. It's the same old "trickle down" policies that have been proven they don't work. See Kansas and all the other fucked up republican run states.
There is good news folks. We still have a democratic super majority in the legislature. Tax the wealthy. If they threaten leaving the state, fuck em. Take the land and set up a state run business.
I can sum this up and save us all valuable nap time.
Tax cuts for the wealthy, tax increases on the poor, working, and middle class. So, for any news organization to call this "solutions", get real. It's the same old "trickle down" policies that have been proven they don't work. See Kansas and all the other fucked up republican run states.
There is good news folks. We still have a democratic super majority in the legislature. Tax the wealthy. If they threaten leaving the state, fuck em. Take the land and set up a state run business.
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Illinois Democrats Content To Wait For Rauner Proposals « CBS Chicago
Illinois Democrats Content To Wait For Rauner Proposals « CBS Chicago
If anyone noticed this douche is already paying his staff more money, but wants to cut and gut real people that work for a living. I've warned you voters this guy is a puppet of Koch brothers, and will fuck this state up like that other ass in Kansas.
Thank God Chicago has some wiggle room from this ass-clown. I feel very sorry for those down state when the fracking, and earthquakes begin.
If anyone noticed this douche is already paying his staff more money, but wants to cut and gut real people that work for a living. I've warned you voters this guy is a puppet of Koch brothers, and will fuck this state up like that other ass in Kansas.
Thank God Chicago has some wiggle room from this ass-clown. I feel very sorry for those down state when the fracking, and earthquakes begin.
Monday, February 2, 2015
2 dead, 5 wounded in weekend gun violence across Chicago - FOX 32 News Chicago
2 dead, 5 wounded in weekend gun violence across Chicago - FOX 32 News Chicago
I wonder if the shooting at church attendees will spark an enough is enough movement? One would certainly hope the people will rally, since our politicians still refuse.
The second link speaks volumes. More shootings last month compared to last year. Wait, are you kidding me? More? We, and our politicians know why. We, not our politicians know what to do about it.Here's the sad fact. These numbers will continue climbing because our spineless politicians refuse passing legislation dealing with it.
I wonder if the shooting at church attendees will spark an enough is enough movement? One would certainly hope the people will rally, since our politicians still refuse.
The second link speaks volumes. More shootings last month compared to last year. Wait, are you kidding me? More? We, and our politicians know why. We, not our politicians know what to do about it.Here's the sad fact. These numbers will continue climbing because our spineless politicians refuse passing legislation dealing with it.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Man Shot During Elgin Home Invasion « CBS Chicago
Man Shot During Elgin Home Invasion « CBS Chicago
My guess it's domestic, or money involved. Enjoy your snow day.
My guess it's domestic, or money involved. Enjoy your snow day.
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