Police: Man Kills Son In Armour Square Domestic Dispute « CBS Chicago
One could venture down a couple of roads with this sad incident. Yet, I'll leave the quotes to all of you that come by this post. Have at it in the comments, and Happy New Year.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Monday, December 30, 2013
1 killed, 1 hurt in West Side shooting
1 killed, 1 hurt in West Side shooting
"Gang Related"? Ya Think?
I say targeted assassinations. Just because they use the term "Gang", people turn a blinds eye and move on since it doesn't affect them. That's naivety in its simplest form. Gangs and crimes always migrate. The question looms, what truly is being done about it?
The answer is shocking. Nothing. The perpetrators that carry out the shootings are never charged with "Conspiracy" among the standard charge of murder, or premeditated. For some odd reason the County, and States Attorney tasked with determining punishment, never apply the Illinois version of The RICO Act once these suspects are caught. The question looms still. Why?
"Gang Related"? Ya Think?
I say targeted assassinations. Just because they use the term "Gang", people turn a blinds eye and move on since it doesn't affect them. That's naivety in its simplest form. Gangs and crimes always migrate. The question looms, what truly is being done about it?
The answer is shocking. Nothing. The perpetrators that carry out the shootings are never charged with "Conspiracy" among the standard charge of murder, or premeditated. For some odd reason the County, and States Attorney tasked with determining punishment, never apply the Illinois version of The RICO Act once these suspects are caught. The question looms still. Why?
Sunday, December 29, 2013
State agency overrules CPS for charter funding
State agency overrules CPS for charter funding
Now you care for discussing how fucked up this is? No input from taxpayers for starters. And only God knows who created this unconstitutional agency. That old saying rings true. "Follow the money."
A legislator wants this "eliminated", probably on the grounds this dark operation agency does the bidding of a dictator. Decades ago there was a saying. "Follow the money". Maybe connecting the dots would prove difficult, but let's play the conspiracy theory game. Teachers and workers get pensions ripped off because the money is buried in a back pocket of politicians, and bankers. An agency is magically, and possibly unconstitutionally created that overrules a public institution that gets a huge slice of taxpayer funds, unbeknownst to the people, the public institution, teachers, and workers.
The secret, possibly unconstitutional agency demands the public institution to "Build two schools" in neighborhoods that already have boarded up closed schools in such places. So the money they swiped, isn't going towards upgrading the existing structures, it's funneled into other hands for building new schools that's a complete waste of taxpayer funds.
Hey, you don't have to take my word for it. Just read the article, and "follow the money". I can go outside and take a picture of a closed school right now. I'm willing to wager, I can go back out same time next year and take the same photo. If that isn't fucked up, just "follow the money".
Now you care for discussing how fucked up this is? No input from taxpayers for starters. And only God knows who created this unconstitutional agency. That old saying rings true. "Follow the money."
A legislator wants this "eliminated", probably on the grounds this dark operation agency does the bidding of a dictator. Decades ago there was a saying. "Follow the money". Maybe connecting the dots would prove difficult, but let's play the conspiracy theory game. Teachers and workers get pensions ripped off because the money is buried in a back pocket of politicians, and bankers. An agency is magically, and possibly unconstitutionally created that overrules a public institution that gets a huge slice of taxpayer funds, unbeknownst to the people, the public institution, teachers, and workers.
The secret, possibly unconstitutional agency demands the public institution to "Build two schools" in neighborhoods that already have boarded up closed schools in such places. So the money they swiped, isn't going towards upgrading the existing structures, it's funneled into other hands for building new schools that's a complete waste of taxpayer funds.
Hey, you don't have to take my word for it. Just read the article, and "follow the money". I can go outside and take a picture of a closed school right now. I'm willing to wager, I can go back out same time next year and take the same photo. If that isn't fucked up, just "follow the money".
Saturday, December 28, 2013
1 Dead, 7 Wounded In Weekend Shootings « CBS Chicago
1 Dead, 7 Wounded In Weekend Shootings « CBS Chicago
At the very least, the brawling couples will be a quick arrest. Yet, the elephant in the room once again, how, and why did this guy have a concealed weapon on his person when the law isn't in effect?
As for the rest of these shootings, well you know targeted hits when you see them.
At the very least, the brawling couples will be a quick arrest. Yet, the elephant in the room once again, how, and why did this guy have a concealed weapon on his person when the law isn't in effect?
As for the rest of these shootings, well you know targeted hits when you see them.
Friday, December 27, 2013
Man Killed In North Lawndale Home Invasion « CBS Chicago
Man Killed In North Lawndale Home Invasion « CBS Chicago
Okay, I read the article unlike a certain ex-governor from Alaska, and I'm scratching my head over this one.
They came specifically to that place "looking for a girl", and the victim is from the suburbs? Who else was in this place? Okay young Sherlock Holmes, get cracking on this head shaker.
Okay, I read the article unlike a certain ex-governor from Alaska, and I'm scratching my head over this one.
They came specifically to that place "looking for a girl", and the victim is from the suburbs? Who else was in this place? Okay young Sherlock Holmes, get cracking on this head shaker.
Thursday, December 26, 2013
1 Dead, 7 Wounded In Shootings On Christmas Eve, Christmas Day « CBS Chicago
1 Dead, 7 Wounded In Shootings On Christmas Eve, Christmas Day « CBS Chicago
Stupidity never sleeps folks. It's time for all to wake up.
Stupidity never sleeps folks. It's time for all to wake up.
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
2 Charged With Chicago Lawn Murder « CBS Chicago
2 Charged With Chicago Lawn Murder « CBS Chicago
So young yet I wonder how extensive the rap sheet is on both? I can't help but feel, they knew the victim. Just the article's description of the attack, leaves me with the impression they laid in wait.
I on the other hand, if prosecuting, would dig a little deeper and prosecute them with the full extent of the law. Why you ask? Well for starters, how did they obtain the weapon? If illegally obtained, why isn't the person they obtained it from, regardless if bought or stolen, not charged? They do have a law in effect should such occur.
I guess you could call it a pet peeve of mine. Our prosecutors never follow up on how these weapons are obtained, and why they never prosecute a person buying, or not reporting a weapon sold or stolen. Is it a matter of paperwork? I would hope that isn't the case. Yet, behind every sale or stolen weapon, there is a person or business behind it. That's the impression I get, and it isn't laying in wait.
So young yet I wonder how extensive the rap sheet is on both? I can't help but feel, they knew the victim. Just the article's description of the attack, leaves me with the impression they laid in wait.
I on the other hand, if prosecuting, would dig a little deeper and prosecute them with the full extent of the law. Why you ask? Well for starters, how did they obtain the weapon? If illegally obtained, why isn't the person they obtained it from, regardless if bought or stolen, not charged? They do have a law in effect should such occur.
I guess you could call it a pet peeve of mine. Our prosecutors never follow up on how these weapons are obtained, and why they never prosecute a person buying, or not reporting a weapon sold or stolen. Is it a matter of paperwork? I would hope that isn't the case. Yet, behind every sale or stolen weapon, there is a person or business behind it. That's the impression I get, and it isn't laying in wait.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
2 Dead, 4 Wounded In Shootings Since Monday Afternoon « CBS Chicago
2 Dead, 4 Wounded In Shootings Since Monday Afternoon « CBS Chicago
Meanwhile the NRA claims "more guns" will solve this. That's flat out bullshit.
These are gangs. Criminals carrying out planned assassinations, or retaliatory shootings in an attempt of controlling the drug market. When asked of the NRA about that, all you here is either crickets, or don't encroach on my 2nd amendment rights. When they use that 2nd amendment bogus argument, ask them who's side are they on? Ask them if they honestly support a criminals right "to keep and bear arms"? Should they say no, then ask them what in the hell is so wrong with universal background checks? Should they throw that bullshit conspiracy theory, "they'll have data on me", inform them, the fucking phone company already has more data on them as opposed to a simple background check.
The constitution does not give criminals the "right to keep and bear arms". No state constitution, unless you live in Idaho and run for office, gives convicted criminals that right. Yeah, I'm with you there. What in the fuck was Idaho thinking? It's simple folks. None of us want people with mental issues, and convicted criminals having access to guns. Oh, I forgot, there's another super stupid state that grants the blind the right to own a gun. This is not a unique situation here in Chicago. This is happening all over the country. Just pick up your local newspaper, or watch your local news program, not cable.
Yet I digress. This insane behavior will continue until these so-called elected leaders lock themselves in a room with input from all communities, and come up with a sane, sensible gun legislation bill that includes universal background checks. This can be done, unlike that bullshit, idiotic NRA position.
Meanwhile the NRA claims "more guns" will solve this. That's flat out bullshit.
These are gangs. Criminals carrying out planned assassinations, or retaliatory shootings in an attempt of controlling the drug market. When asked of the NRA about that, all you here is either crickets, or don't encroach on my 2nd amendment rights. When they use that 2nd amendment bogus argument, ask them who's side are they on? Ask them if they honestly support a criminals right "to keep and bear arms"? Should they say no, then ask them what in the hell is so wrong with universal background checks? Should they throw that bullshit conspiracy theory, "they'll have data on me", inform them, the fucking phone company already has more data on them as opposed to a simple background check.
The constitution does not give criminals the "right to keep and bear arms". No state constitution, unless you live in Idaho and run for office, gives convicted criminals that right. Yeah, I'm with you there. What in the fuck was Idaho thinking? It's simple folks. None of us want people with mental issues, and convicted criminals having access to guns. Oh, I forgot, there's another super stupid state that grants the blind the right to own a gun. This is not a unique situation here in Chicago. This is happening all over the country. Just pick up your local newspaper, or watch your local news program, not cable.
Yet I digress. This insane behavior will continue until these so-called elected leaders lock themselves in a room with input from all communities, and come up with a sane, sensible gun legislation bill that includes universal background checks. This can be done, unlike that bullshit, idiotic NRA position.
Monday, December 23, 2013
CPD: 2 teens hurt in stolen car police shooting
CPD: 2 teens hurt in stolen car police shooting
The odds of all of them having gang ties is high. Using the vehicle as a weapon justifies the officers response. Now we just hope whomever is prosecuting this case seeks the maximum under current law.
Happy Holidays.
The odds of all of them having gang ties is high. Using the vehicle as a weapon justifies the officers response. Now we just hope whomever is prosecuting this case seeks the maximum under current law.
Happy Holidays.
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Rauner Picks Up Endorsement From Cook County GOP « CBS Chicago
Rauner Picks Up Endorsement From Cook County GOP « CBS Chicago
Who? A "Cook County GOP"?
WTF? Here it is, not even 2014 and we got this guy, oxymoron alert: fiscal conservative spending money like crazy, on television ads. That in itself should inform any voter this is bad news for the entire states economy if this guy is ever elected Governor.
Imagine the tax giveaways he'd give corporations? Now imagine the tax increases he'd slap on the poor, and disappearing middle class? Don't shake your head, just look at the track record of all GOP governor's across the states. Not one of them can brag and claim a budget surplus. Then take a moment and watch them go after women's, voting, workers, health, and equality rights. Don't shake your head, just look at the track record. I can hear the battle cry now. Food Stamps, Welfare Queens, Voter Fraud, More Stricter, Unconstitutional Abortions Laws, Destroy Labor Unions, Including Police, and Fire, And a Gun in Every Residents pocket, Regardless if They Have a Criminal Record! Don't believe it? Just look at their track record. Hell! Better yet, look at what they did in Michigan. Rape Insurance? WTF?
Bill Daley in my opinion, is a "Wall Street Democrat". That said, his own internal polling informed him, the people would not back him for multiple reasons. I'd call it Daley-itis. Yet, being more "fiscally conservative" then this GOP guy, he saved his money. But this GOP guy could care less. If you like wasting your money, and that of your donors, how about an ad that tells the people your plan? We are kind of sick of these catch phrases. They don't inform, they just make us change the channel. Oh wait, if you did tell us what we already know your going to do, we still would not vote for you. But that doesn't seem to phase this guy. He just loves spending money. That's bad news for any economy.
Who? A "Cook County GOP"?
WTF? Here it is, not even 2014 and we got this guy, oxymoron alert: fiscal conservative spending money like crazy, on television ads. That in itself should inform any voter this is bad news for the entire states economy if this guy is ever elected Governor.
Imagine the tax giveaways he'd give corporations? Now imagine the tax increases he'd slap on the poor, and disappearing middle class? Don't shake your head, just look at the track record of all GOP governor's across the states. Not one of them can brag and claim a budget surplus. Then take a moment and watch them go after women's, voting, workers, health, and equality rights. Don't shake your head, just look at the track record. I can hear the battle cry now. Food Stamps, Welfare Queens, Voter Fraud, More Stricter, Unconstitutional Abortions Laws, Destroy Labor Unions, Including Police, and Fire, And a Gun in Every Residents pocket, Regardless if They Have a Criminal Record! Don't believe it? Just look at their track record. Hell! Better yet, look at what they did in Michigan. Rape Insurance? WTF?
Bill Daley in my opinion, is a "Wall Street Democrat". That said, his own internal polling informed him, the people would not back him for multiple reasons. I'd call it Daley-itis. Yet, being more "fiscally conservative" then this GOP guy, he saved his money. But this GOP guy could care less. If you like wasting your money, and that of your donors, how about an ad that tells the people your plan? We are kind of sick of these catch phrases. They don't inform, they just make us change the channel. Oh wait, if you did tell us what we already know your going to do, we still would not vote for you. But that doesn't seem to phase this guy. He just loves spending money. That's bad news for any economy.
Saturday, December 21, 2013
1 Dead, 9 Wounded In Shootings Since Friday « CBS Chicago
1 Dead, 9 Wounded In Shootings Since Friday « CBS Chicago
And the beat goes on. Can the madness ever end? Yes it can.
And the beat goes on. Can the madness ever end? Yes it can.
Friday, December 20, 2013
5 Dead, 4 Wounded In Thursday Shootings « CBS Chicago
5 Dead, 4 Wounded In Thursday Shootings « CBS Chicago
Just jaw dropping isn't it? The only thing that will reduce these numbers more, is the legalization of marijuana. Only a complete idiot will risk their lives selling harsher drugs like crack, and heroin.
Here's the logic behind my theory. Crack-heads, and heroin addicts are much easier to spot for not only regular people, but law enforcement also. A pot smoker on the other hand, a totally different animal. Once you smell it, you know their next stop is a store, or refrigerator. And besides, pot heads will not give up their sources simply because they may not remember. A junkie, or crack head on the other hand, will sell out their entire family, and friends for a hit, or fix. This makes policing much easier. So legalize marijuana, because only the idiots will be out there selling the more deadly drugs.
Just jaw dropping isn't it? The only thing that will reduce these numbers more, is the legalization of marijuana. Only a complete idiot will risk their lives selling harsher drugs like crack, and heroin.
Here's the logic behind my theory. Crack-heads, and heroin addicts are much easier to spot for not only regular people, but law enforcement also. A pot smoker on the other hand, a totally different animal. Once you smell it, you know their next stop is a store, or refrigerator. And besides, pot heads will not give up their sources simply because they may not remember. A junkie, or crack head on the other hand, will sell out their entire family, and friends for a hit, or fix. This makes policing much easier. So legalize marijuana, because only the idiots will be out there selling the more deadly drugs.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Three Killed In Separate Shootings Thursday Morning « CBS Chicago
Three Killed In Separate Shootings Thursday Morning « CBS Chicago
I'm curious on the odds of the 2 shootings "blocks away" not being random. The other, appears it was targeted, and the odds of the victim knowing the shooter is higher. Expect more retaliation.
I'm curious on the odds of the 2 shootings "blocks away" not being random. The other, appears it was targeted, and the odds of the victim knowing the shooter is higher. Expect more retaliation.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Teen Shot In Head In Little Village « CBS Chicago
Teen Shot In Head In Little Village « CBS Chicago
That folks, is a targeted killing. Meanwhile, our leaders appear to have dropped their sentencing guideline reform march. I guess it's up to our prosecutors to begin slapping premeditation, along with a host of weapons violations, and attempted assassination charges, regardless if the kid had gang affiliations.
It is, what it is folks. A targeted killing. Now, start charging them properly.
That folks, is a targeted killing. Meanwhile, our leaders appear to have dropped their sentencing guideline reform march. I guess it's up to our prosecutors to begin slapping premeditation, along with a host of weapons violations, and attempted assassination charges, regardless if the kid had gang affiliations.
It is, what it is folks. A targeted killing. Now, start charging them properly.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Cell Phone Store Owner Who Fatally Shot Robber Speaks Out For First Time « CBS Chicago
Cell Phone Store Owner Who Fatally Shot Robber Speaks Out For First Time « CBS Chicago
How odd is that? If you read the article, there appears to be actual idiots "taping get out" notes on this guys store. Somebody is actually upset this guy rid the neighborhood of a total, repeat, douche offender.
I wonder how they would have felt if this bag of crap executed everyone in the store? Would there be "sorry, he was misunderstood notes?' I'd like the police do a little surveillance on this store, and find out who's leaving the notes, and "threatening phone calls." One can bet it's a bag of shit family member. How odd is that?
How odd is that? If you read the article, there appears to be actual idiots "taping get out" notes on this guys store. Somebody is actually upset this guy rid the neighborhood of a total, repeat, douche offender.
I wonder how they would have felt if this bag of crap executed everyone in the store? Would there be "sorry, he was misunderstood notes?' I'd like the police do a little surveillance on this store, and find out who's leaving the notes, and "threatening phone calls." One can bet it's a bag of shit family member. How odd is that?
Monday, December 16, 2013
Despite Headlines, Chicago Crime At Lowest Levels In Decades « CBS Chicago
Despite Headlines, Chicago Crime At Lowest Levels In Decades « CBS Chicago
"Despite" this article, the pattern/motive of any of these killings is beyond redemption. Our elected leaders, prosecutors, and even church officials, are doing nothing but hiding their heads in the sand, wishing it would just go away.
Look at the pattern, or should I be bold and say, the way these killings are being carried out. Turn around, and observe how they are charged when caught. Slaps on the wrist, no follow up on where the criminals obtained their weapons, and the arrogant attitude simply because, it isn't a frequent occurrence where they live.
Break that so called graph down, and compare it via neighborhoods, not a totality of all shootings. Once that is done, we hear the same old song. "More officers are deployed where it's highest." So why does it continue where more officers are deployed? That's the question no reporters ask.
Each time you pick up a paper, or see it on the news, the killings appear as targeted "Hits". You hear, or read the accounts. "A person/persons walks up or "drives by", and shoots the intended target or targets." Well folks, in my book, that's premeditated murder. Yet, they are never charged as such. Why? Are they truly wishing it would just go away or, we will never notice?
"Despite" this article, the pattern/motive of any of these killings is beyond redemption. Our elected leaders, prosecutors, and even church officials, are doing nothing but hiding their heads in the sand, wishing it would just go away.
Look at the pattern, or should I be bold and say, the way these killings are being carried out. Turn around, and observe how they are charged when caught. Slaps on the wrist, no follow up on where the criminals obtained their weapons, and the arrogant attitude simply because, it isn't a frequent occurrence where they live.
Break that so called graph down, and compare it via neighborhoods, not a totality of all shootings. Once that is done, we hear the same old song. "More officers are deployed where it's highest." So why does it continue where more officers are deployed? That's the question no reporters ask.
Each time you pick up a paper, or see it on the news, the killings appear as targeted "Hits". You hear, or read the accounts. "A person/persons walks up or "drives by", and shoots the intended target or targets." Well folks, in my book, that's premeditated murder. Yet, they are never charged as such. Why? Are they truly wishing it would just go away or, we will never notice?
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Nine Wounded In City Shootings Since Saturday Afternoon « CBS Chicago
Nine Wounded In City Shootings Since Saturday Afternoon « CBS Chicago
Meanwhile our legislature sits on its collective ass. It's up to the people. So parents, grab your kids, teens, and young adults and give them the wake-up speech.
Ask them if they hope enjoying a 40th birthday? Show them there is nothing but death, and prison on the street corners, bus stops, and alley's where they sell addictive drugs. Instill in them the value of education. Don't repeat the failed "Say No To Drugs" speech. Go one better. And ingrain in them, a Say No To Stupidity mantra. Why you ask? Because no person on this earth likes being called STUPID. It's time for the wake-up speech.
Meanwhile our legislature sits on its collective ass. It's up to the people. So parents, grab your kids, teens, and young adults and give them the wake-up speech.
Ask them if they hope enjoying a 40th birthday? Show them there is nothing but death, and prison on the street corners, bus stops, and alley's where they sell addictive drugs. Instill in them the value of education. Don't repeat the failed "Say No To Drugs" speech. Go one better. And ingrain in them, a Say No To Stupidity mantra. Why you ask? Because no person on this earth likes being called STUPID. It's time for the wake-up speech.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Simple Madness
And there you have it folks. More madness. Try and enjoy your weekend.
And there you have it folks. More madness. Try and enjoy your weekend.
Friday, December 13, 2013
Man Charged After Boy Brings Loaded Gun To Elgin School « CBS Chicago
Man Charged After Boy Brings Loaded Gun To Elgin School « CBS Chicago
Will you please find out how a "Felon" got access to a firearm, and charge the douche that he got it from, or stole, and did not report it?
Wake Up!
Will you please find out how a "Felon" got access to a firearm, and charge the douche that he got it from, or stole, and did not report it?
Wake Up!
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Man Shot To Death In Back Of The Yards « CBS Chicago
Man Shot To Death In Back Of The Yards « CBS Chicago
If I didn't know any better, I'd say this is what they call a "Hit". I do hope our elected lawmakers, and prosecutors are paying attention.
It appears they (lawmakers and prosecutors), just see it as another "gang related shooting". Yet, one must look at exactly how this was carried out. Under the law, this was premeditated. Why else would the shooter lay in wait for the intended target? Pay attention, and begin charging accordingly.
If I didn't know any better, I'd say this is what they call a "Hit". I do hope our elected lawmakers, and prosecutors are paying attention.
It appears they (lawmakers and prosecutors), just see it as another "gang related shooting". Yet, one must look at exactly how this was carried out. Under the law, this was premeditated. Why else would the shooter lay in wait for the intended target? Pay attention, and begin charging accordingly.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
3 dead, 2 wounded in Tuesday shootings - Chicago News and Weather | FOX 32 News
3 dead, 2 wounded in Tuesday shootings - Chicago News and Weather | FOX 32 News
Stupidity never takes a holiday.
How about the first one shot and killed? The dude was an ex convict on "Parole", and managed obtaining a firearm. I wonder what our elected leaders are doing about that? How's that sentencing guideline reform going folks?
Stupidity never takes a holiday.
How about the first one shot and killed? The dude was an ex convict on "Parole", and managed obtaining a firearm. I wonder what our elected leaders are doing about that? How's that sentencing guideline reform going folks?
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Office Depot Picks Florida Over Illinois For HQ « CBS Chicago
Office Depot Picks Florida Over Illinois For HQ « CBS Chicago
Translation, tax increases for the people of Florida. None for the people of Illinois.
Just like sports teams, the shake-down of taxpayer funds continues. We all know they were trying to make lawmakers give them a deep tax cut at the peoples expense. They can deny it all they want. But you can take too the bank, some deal was struck in Florida. Just be on the lookout Florida for price increases in your goods.
Translation, tax increases for the people of Florida. None for the people of Illinois.
Just like sports teams, the shake-down of taxpayer funds continues. We all know they were trying to make lawmakers give them a deep tax cut at the peoples expense. They can deny it all they want. But you can take too the bank, some deal was struck in Florida. Just be on the lookout Florida for price increases in your goods.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Man Shot And Killed In Englewood « CBS Chicago
Man Shot And Killed In Englewood « CBS Chicago
I hate being right on this subject.
Go right ahead and click the link and read the article. This was a planned assassination. Sure people will say it's just gangs battling for "turf". Yet, if you have a vehicle waiting for you after the deed is done, that's a targeted assassination. A "hit" such as this should fall under the State version of the RICO Act. Yet so far, I'm not hearing or seeing prosecutors touting such. Days, months, or years later, I keep finding out they keep slapping them on the wrist via releasing them, so they can acquire another illegally obtained firearm.
That only means, these murderous hit squads should never see daylight again. So while our politicians squabble over a "tougher sentencing guideline", this criminal pattern should weigh heavy on their minds. I hate being right.
I hate being right on this subject.
Go right ahead and click the link and read the article. This was a planned assassination. Sure people will say it's just gangs battling for "turf". Yet, if you have a vehicle waiting for you after the deed is done, that's a targeted assassination. A "hit" such as this should fall under the State version of the RICO Act. Yet so far, I'm not hearing or seeing prosecutors touting such. Days, months, or years later, I keep finding out they keep slapping them on the wrist via releasing them, so they can acquire another illegally obtained firearm.
That only means, these murderous hit squads should never see daylight again. So while our politicians squabble over a "tougher sentencing guideline", this criminal pattern should weigh heavy on their minds. I hate being right.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
1 Killed, 9 Wounded In Weekend Shootings « CBS Chicago
1 Killed, 9 Wounded In Weekend Shootings « CBS Chicago
Did you notice after reading the article, not one person was robbed? These are nothing more but attempted assassinations. Time for prosecutors to up the ante.
And yes folks, with the exception of the one dead, there will be retaliations. This is what gang/drug wars do. If you think it's so bad in major cities, just Google Mexican newspapers and really see how horrific it can get.
Our prosecutors need a wake up call and begin charging these assassins for exactly what they do. These are not random shootings, nor robberies. These are planned assassination attempts. Up the ante.
Did you notice after reading the article, not one person was robbed? These are nothing more but attempted assassinations. Time for prosecutors to up the ante.
And yes folks, with the exception of the one dead, there will be retaliations. This is what gang/drug wars do. If you think it's so bad in major cities, just Google Mexican newspapers and really see how horrific it can get.
Our prosecutors need a wake up call and begin charging these assassins for exactly what they do. These are not random shootings, nor robberies. These are planned assassination attempts. Up the ante.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Man Charged With Robbery Of Wireless Store In Mount Prospect « CBS Chicago
Man Charged With Robbery Of Wireless Store In Mount Prospect « CBS Chicago
If I had studied journalism, I might not have many sources.
For starters, I'd ask about this nitwits criminal record. You know, general stuff like, is he a repeat offender? And if so, how in the hell did he manage acquiring a weapon?
It's tough questions like that, many journalist refuse asking for fear of being kept out of the loop. Another thing I'd make an attempt at, is getting an interview with this nitwit, and get his back-story. You know, simple questions such as, what led you into a life of crime? And, how did you acquire that weapon presuming he had multiple offenses on his "rap sheet?"
Yeah, had I studied journalism, I might not have many sources.
If I had studied journalism, I might not have many sources.
For starters, I'd ask about this nitwits criminal record. You know, general stuff like, is he a repeat offender? And if so, how in the hell did he manage acquiring a weapon?
It's tough questions like that, many journalist refuse asking for fear of being kept out of the loop. Another thing I'd make an attempt at, is getting an interview with this nitwit, and get his back-story. You know, simple questions such as, what led you into a life of crime? And, how did you acquire that weapon presuming he had multiple offenses on his "rap sheet?"
Yeah, had I studied journalism, I might not have many sources.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Man Charged With Sexually Assaulting Woman He Met Online « CBS Chicago
Man Charged With Sexually Assaulting Woman He Met Online « CBS Chicago
I wonder if they will even bother finding out how he got a gun, and will they charge the dick-head who sold, or didn't report it?
I wonder if they will even bother finding out how he got a gun, and will they charge the dick-head who sold, or didn't report it?
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Robbers Attack Man With Stun Gun, Steal iPad Minis « CBS Chicago
Robbers Attack Man With Stun Gun, Steal iPad Minis « CBS Chicago
I like the advice the police give for these transactions. Do it in the "police parking lot", or in the vicinity of a police department. Having trust in people contacted from a website that already has a sleazy reputation isn't a very smart thing either.
I like the advice the police give for these transactions. Do it in the "police parking lot", or in the vicinity of a police department. Having trust in people contacted from a website that already has a sleazy reputation isn't a very smart thing either.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Three Hurt In Chatham Shooting « CBS Chicago
Three Hurt In Chatham Shooting « CBS Chicago
Planned attacks. That could fall under the definition of terrorism. What say you lawmakers? We know drug cartels use the same tactic when they seek to wipe out any competition.
So, I guess I'm a little curious why our prosecutors don't add conspiracy with premeditated murder attempts? Seems logical, yet we never heard of it. Time to blow the dust of your version of the RICO Act.
Planned attacks. That could fall under the definition of terrorism. What say you lawmakers? We know drug cartels use the same tactic when they seek to wipe out any competition.
So, I guess I'm a little curious why our prosecutors don't add conspiracy with premeditated murder attempts? Seems logical, yet we never heard of it. Time to blow the dust of your version of the RICO Act.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
2 Dead, Six Wounded In Monday City Violence « CBS Chicago
2 Dead, Six Wounded In Monday City Violence « CBS Chicago
How much more evidence does my theory need?
The only exception is the lover's quarrel, or drug deal gone haywire. Yet, look at the others. Targeted shootings. Do your job prosecutors. Drive by shootings are conspired assassination attempts. Charge them when you catch them as such.
How much more evidence does my theory need?
The only exception is the lover's quarrel, or drug deal gone haywire. Yet, look at the others. Targeted shootings. Do your job prosecutors. Drive by shootings are conspired assassination attempts. Charge them when you catch them as such.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Shootings In Chicago Down 25 Percent From Last Year « CBS Chicago
Shootings In Chicago Down 25 Percent From Last Year « CBS Chicago
Isn't odd that every time they trot this statistic out, the second or third headline just screams "2 dead, 14 wounded over Thanksgiving weekend." And the columnist is correct. You just can't help but notice how can this be?
Well, they compare it to past years. Okay, fine. Yet here's my problem. The shootings have evolved. From this viewpoint, they appear more targeted as opposed to the past. It was a rarity when a robber would just shoot the victim. These days, they just don't care.
The gangs scout out neighborhoods for rivals. This, in its simplest form, is premeditation of murder. In layman's terms, a targeted assassination attempt. So we have our version in this State, of the RICO Act. Yet rarely, these perpetrators are charged with such. Think about that the next time a "drive by" occurs. The act in itself is a conspiracy to commit murder, and none of the offenders are charged under the State version of the RICO Act. How can this be?
Isn't odd that every time they trot this statistic out, the second or third headline just screams "2 dead, 14 wounded over Thanksgiving weekend." And the columnist is correct. You just can't help but notice how can this be?
Well, they compare it to past years. Okay, fine. Yet here's my problem. The shootings have evolved. From this viewpoint, they appear more targeted as opposed to the past. It was a rarity when a robber would just shoot the victim. These days, they just don't care.
The gangs scout out neighborhoods for rivals. This, in its simplest form, is premeditation of murder. In layman's terms, a targeted assassination attempt. So we have our version in this State, of the RICO Act. Yet rarely, these perpetrators are charged with such. Think about that the next time a "drive by" occurs. The act in itself is a conspiracy to commit murder, and none of the offenders are charged under the State version of the RICO Act. How can this be?
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Man Charged In Pizza Delivery Robbery After Victim Spots Him On Facebook « CBS Chicago
Man Charged In Pizza Delivery Robbery After Victim Spots Him On Facebook « CBS Chicago
Wow! What an idiot. I guess one could call "Facebook" the new source of the police mugshot book.
I'd go so far and predict that a great majority of gang members, robbers, murders, and vile predators have their mugshot plastered on that site. But back too this idiot. I noticed they didn't slap an illegal weapons charge. Maybe for the sake of brevity, the reporter didn't think it necessary? Oh well, I'll take it that we must follow the trial and see if the prosecutors office determine the weapon was illegally obtained. I'm betting it is.
You can't help but wonder if our law enforcement officers are not using that website. All one has to do is just type in a name and boom, criminals.
Wow! What an idiot. I guess one could call "Facebook" the new source of the police mugshot book.
I'd go so far and predict that a great majority of gang members, robbers, murders, and vile predators have their mugshot plastered on that site. But back too this idiot. I noticed they didn't slap an illegal weapons charge. Maybe for the sake of brevity, the reporter didn't think it necessary? Oh well, I'll take it that we must follow the trial and see if the prosecutors office determine the weapon was illegally obtained. I'm betting it is.
You can't help but wonder if our law enforcement officers are not using that website. All one has to do is just type in a name and boom, criminals.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
10 Wounded In Shootings Throughout Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend « CBS Chicago
10 Wounded In Shootings Throughout Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend « CBS Chicago
Told ya. Idiots never take a day off from terrorism.
Told ya. Idiots never take a day off from terrorism.
Friday, November 29, 2013
Four Wounded In Shootings Since Thanksgiving Weekend Begins « CBS Chicago
Four Wounded In Shootings Since Thanksgiving Weekend Begins « CBS Chicago
How odd that another news source has the tally at eight wounded. Did the missing four not count?
How odd that another news source has the tally at eight wounded. Did the missing four not count?
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Trio Charged With Beating Man To Get His Inheritance « CBS Chicago
Trio Charged With Beating Man To Get His Inheritance « CBS Chicago
Honestly, it's some really dumb motherfuckers on the face of this earth.
That is all. Enjoy turkey and football.
Honestly, it's some really dumb motherfuckers on the face of this earth.
That is all. Enjoy turkey and football.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Man Shot And Killed In Rogers Park « CBS Chicago
Man Shot And Killed In Rogers Park « CBS Chicago
I noticed the article didn't mention robbery as a possible motive. For my untrained eye, it appears this was another assassination. I take it we now have retaliation hit squads running around on our streets? I wonder what our knee-jerk legislators will do now?
I noticed the article didn't mention robbery as a possible motive. For my untrained eye, it appears this was another assassination. I take it we now have retaliation hit squads running around on our streets? I wonder what our knee-jerk legislators will do now?
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Teen Critically Wounded In Englewood Shooting « CBS Chicago
Teen Critically Wounded In Englewood Shooting « CBS Chicago
It's just simple madness folks.
For every resident in these communities, be forever vigilant of retaliation shootings. These are simply put, gang wars for drug turf.
Just read the article. When two people just "walk up and shoot" a 17 year old in the "chest". That's an assassination attempt. This wasn't random. That 17 year old was targeted for a specific reason. Here, one could speculate. Was it retaliation for the weekend of multiple shootings? Possibly. What about the "Stray bullet" that struck a women while "sitting in her apartment". More retaliation shootings? Possibly.
So be vigilant residents. They will not stop this madness. They don't care how many innocents get caught in the crossfire. Only your help will end this madness. If you know them, turn them in.
It's just simple madness folks.
For every resident in these communities, be forever vigilant of retaliation shootings. These are simply put, gang wars for drug turf.
Just read the article. When two people just "walk up and shoot" a 17 year old in the "chest". That's an assassination attempt. This wasn't random. That 17 year old was targeted for a specific reason. Here, one could speculate. Was it retaliation for the weekend of multiple shootings? Possibly. What about the "Stray bullet" that struck a women while "sitting in her apartment". More retaliation shootings? Possibly.
So be vigilant residents. They will not stop this madness. They don't care how many innocents get caught in the crossfire. Only your help will end this madness. If you know them, turn them in.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Two Seriously Wounded In East Garfield Park Shooting « CBS Chicago
Two Seriously Wounded In East Garfield Park Shooting « CBS Chicago
Plus another teen shot on the south side of town. I briefly spoke about these goons implementing retaliation tactics yesterday, don't be surprised when you pick up Tuesday's paper, or log online, you see more shootings around these same areas.
Plus another teen shot on the south side of town. I briefly spoke about these goons implementing retaliation tactics yesterday, don't be surprised when you pick up Tuesday's paper, or log online, you see more shootings around these same areas.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
2 Dead, 12 Wounded In Weekend Violence « CBS Chicago
2 Dead, 12 Wounded In Weekend Violence « CBS Chicago
After reading these horrendous acts of violence, I'm arriving at the conclusion, that many of these shooting victims "Knew" their attackers.You can almost bet there will be retaliation shootings.
I would take it that no person on this earth wouldn't mind a little eavesdropping on cell phone use of known gang members? It would enable police swifter reaction time in halting retaliatory shootings. And who knows, planned attacks also before they can occur? We know these murderous punks use cell phones.
What say you people?
After reading these horrendous acts of violence, I'm arriving at the conclusion, that many of these shooting victims "Knew" their attackers.You can almost bet there will be retaliation shootings.
I would take it that no person on this earth wouldn't mind a little eavesdropping on cell phone use of known gang members? It would enable police swifter reaction time in halting retaliatory shootings. And who knows, planned attacks also before they can occur? We know these murderous punks use cell phones.
What say you people?
Saturday, November 23, 2013
1 Dead, 5 Wounded In Weekend Violence « CBS Chicago
1 Dead, 5 Wounded In Weekend Violence « CBS Chicago
I told you once, and I'll tell you again despite the documentary Rev. Al Sharpton aired last night. These are nothing more but terrorist, and should be treated as such.
Until then, they will continue their murderous ways. Explain to me why does it take "A Group" of terrorist to "Rob A Teen", and also "Shoot him in the leg"? I take it the kid must have been kicking some serious ass so one of the pussy-ass cowards shot him.
Speaking of the good Rev. Al Sharpton's documentary. I noticed the AR 15 toting ass-wipes didn't have the courage to sit down with the Minister and explain why they are against background checks for felons, and the mentally unfit. Talk about pussy-ass cowards. They didn't even sit down with a minister.
Anyway, I digress. Cowards come in all colors.
I told you once, and I'll tell you again despite the documentary Rev. Al Sharpton aired last night. These are nothing more but terrorist, and should be treated as such.
Until then, they will continue their murderous ways. Explain to me why does it take "A Group" of terrorist to "Rob A Teen", and also "Shoot him in the leg"? I take it the kid must have been kicking some serious ass so one of the pussy-ass cowards shot him.
Speaking of the good Rev. Al Sharpton's documentary. I noticed the AR 15 toting ass-wipes didn't have the courage to sit down with the Minister and explain why they are against background checks for felons, and the mentally unfit. Talk about pussy-ass cowards. They didn't even sit down with a minister.
Anyway, I digress. Cowards come in all colors.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Naperville man charged in Lincoln Square shooting death
Naperville man charged in Lincoln Square shooting death
Guess the junkie didn't think cameras work in the city.
Guess the junkie didn't think cameras work in the city.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Armed Homeowner Prevents Theft, Injures Two Would-Be Robbers « CBS Chicago
Armed Homeowner Prevents Theft, Injures Two Would-Be Robbers « CBS Chicago
Let the speculation train begin. But first, good for the homeowner. This, asides from hunting, is the reason for ever owning a gun.
Now back to the speculation train. Did they criminals know the guy? Why did they scout this particular home? Have they been inside prior? Was it just random? What made them think no one was home, and a afternoon break-in was a good idea? I do hope the owner legally purchased his weapon. I also hope the police provide a little protection for the guy, in the case the two idiots may have gang ties, or they have not very bright family or friends that may seek retaliation.
Let this be a lesson for the blood thirsty NRA. We don't need assault weapon toting meat-heads threatening mother's having coffee. This, asides from hunting, is the reason for ever owning a gun.
Let the speculation train begin. But first, good for the homeowner. This, asides from hunting, is the reason for ever owning a gun.
Now back to the speculation train. Did they criminals know the guy? Why did they scout this particular home? Have they been inside prior? Was it just random? What made them think no one was home, and a afternoon break-in was a good idea? I do hope the owner legally purchased his weapon. I also hope the police provide a little protection for the guy, in the case the two idiots may have gang ties, or they have not very bright family or friends that may seek retaliation.
Let this be a lesson for the blood thirsty NRA. We don't need assault weapon toting meat-heads threatening mother's having coffee. This, asides from hunting, is the reason for ever owning a gun.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Felons Keep Getting Weapons
Once you read the article, you just shake your head wondering, how was it so easy for this guy to get his hands on so many weapons? I do hope law enforcement does their due diligence and track down the seller, or giver of these weapons.
The entire problem about this clown, is how he blatantly gamed the system (a very weak on at that), despite prior felony convictions, easily obtained weapons. When you legislators revisit your hastily slapped together gun bill, you may want tougher sentencing guidelines for the infamous straw buyer.
Once you read the article, you just shake your head wondering, how was it so easy for this guy to get his hands on so many weapons? I do hope law enforcement does their due diligence and track down the seller, or giver of these weapons.
The entire problem about this clown, is how he blatantly gamed the system (a very weak on at that), despite prior felony convictions, easily obtained weapons. When you legislators revisit your hastily slapped together gun bill, you may want tougher sentencing guidelines for the infamous straw buyer.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Monday, November 18, 2013
Nude Woman Boards Red Line, Claims To Be ‘Goddess Of The Train’ « CBS Chicago
Nude Woman Boards Red Line, Claims To Be ‘Goddess Of The Train’ « CBS Chicago
You can thank Ronald Reagan for putting republicans on the path of gutting mental health funding.
We as a nation, haven't bothered addressing this issue. Gone are the institutions that housed, and cared for people suffering from mental issues. Like the drug dealers, they have set them out on the streets, or into the hands and homes of unqualified friends, or families because of the funding cuts.
Some that come across this page may find this condition comical. But for the people on the train that knew this was a serious problem, they did the right thing. The arresting officers should start carrying blankets in their vehicles in the future. But, when politicians gut mental health funding, even the simplest things like having a blanket, is often difficult.
You can thank Ronald Reagan for putting republicans on the path of gutting mental health funding.
We as a nation, haven't bothered addressing this issue. Gone are the institutions that housed, and cared for people suffering from mental issues. Like the drug dealers, they have set them out on the streets, or into the hands and homes of unqualified friends, or families because of the funding cuts.
Some that come across this page may find this condition comical. But for the people on the train that knew this was a serious problem, they did the right thing. The arresting officers should start carrying blankets in their vehicles in the future. But, when politicians gut mental health funding, even the simplest things like having a blanket, is often difficult.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
18 Wounded In Weekend Violence « CBS Chicago
18 Wounded In Weekend Violence « CBS Chicago
These terrorist have lost their minds.
What else can one say?
These terrorist have lost their minds.
What else can one say?
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Man Shot Multiple Times In West Town « CBS Chicago
Man Shot Multiple Times In West Town « CBS Chicago
All in all, at this moment, the shooting count stands at three from multiple areas within the city, and it's only Saturday.
The reason this article stuck out, is because the target here is a "documented gang member". Hopefully when the shooter is caught, prosecutors will slap additional charges of conspiracy, and premeditation, included with illegal possession of a firearm. That should total up to a multiple year prison sentence of at least 20 or so years.
All in all, at this moment, the shooting count stands at three from multiple areas within the city, and it's only Saturday.
The reason this article stuck out, is because the target here is a "documented gang member". Hopefully when the shooter is caught, prosecutors will slap additional charges of conspiracy, and premeditation, included with illegal possession of a firearm. That should total up to a multiple year prison sentence of at least 20 or so years.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Teen Charged In Murder Of UPS Worker « CBS Chicago
Teen Charged In Murder Of UPS Worker « CBS Chicago
The adults that made him do it should be burned.
That's all I have.
The adults that made him do it should be burned.
That's all I have.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
NIU Student Faces Weapons Charges After Guns, Body Armor Found In Dorm Room « CBS Chicago
NIU Student Faces Weapons Charges After Guns, Body Armor Found In Dorm Room « CBS Chicago
Yeah folks, "ignorance of the law, is no excuse". Unless of course you work for congress, or a super stupid state like Idaho.
Yes folks, Idaho. They have a lying elected convicted rapist in office, and guess what? He's allowed under their state law, to not only own, but carry a concealed firearm. As history has taught anything, this law will come back and bite them nitwits right in the ass.
Idaho is sending a clear message for criminals with prior convictions. So for all you felons with prior convictions, move to Idaho, run for office, and get as many guns as you want, and carry them freely. Talk about a major case of ignorance. You just can't top Idaho.
Yeah folks, "ignorance of the law, is no excuse". Unless of course you work for congress, or a super stupid state like Idaho.
Yes folks, Idaho. They have a lying elected convicted rapist in office, and guess what? He's allowed under their state law, to not only own, but carry a concealed firearm. As history has taught anything, this law will come back and bite them nitwits right in the ass.
Idaho is sending a clear message for criminals with prior convictions. So for all you felons with prior convictions, move to Idaho, run for office, and get as many guns as you want, and carry them freely. Talk about a major case of ignorance. You just can't top Idaho.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
2 Killed, 5 Wounded In Overnight Shootings « CBS Chicago
2 Killed, 5 Wounded In Overnight Shootings « CBS Chicago
Now that is a real head shaker. The "guy in the wheelchair knew his attacker." You mean to tell me this mega-pussy needed a gun, for a guy in a wheelchair? Wow! I'm mean just wow! Talk about cowards.
How much of a true, low-life, cowardly pussy do you have to be?
Now that is a real head shaker. The "guy in the wheelchair knew his attacker." You mean to tell me this mega-pussy needed a gun, for a guy in a wheelchair? Wow! I'm mean just wow! Talk about cowards.
How much of a true, low-life, cowardly pussy do you have to be?
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Two Men Robbed At Gunpoint In Lakeview « CBS Chicago
Two Men Robbed At Gunpoint In Lakeview « CBS Chicago
Also in the headlines, but one must search diligently. A dude was "shot in the abdomen", up north, and another was "killed" out south. Also, a woman was "raped" by a sick degenerate out south.
Also in the headlines, but one must search diligently. A dude was "shot in the abdomen", up north, and another was "killed" out south. Also, a woman was "raped" by a sick degenerate out south.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Emanuel’s Gun Crime Legislation Stalls In Springfield « CBS Chicago
Emanuel’s Gun Crime Legislation Stalls In Springfield « CBS Chicago
Let me translate this legislation for you. It was rushed.
The corporation, not elected representatives wrote this bill with zero consideration of cost to taxpayers. It's like the twin of the idiotic crack, cocaine legislation from years back. So in essence, this will just be another massive round up of Black and Brown people should this corporate written bill advance in its current form.
In the future, learn from past historical mistakes. Get off your asses, do the work yourselves. Stop allowing corporations and lobbyist from writing legislation.
No thought, no consideration of cost for taxpayers, and a complete failure of learning from history. It was rushed.
Let me translate this legislation for you. It was rushed.
The corporation, not elected representatives wrote this bill with zero consideration of cost to taxpayers. It's like the twin of the idiotic crack, cocaine legislation from years back. So in essence, this will just be another massive round up of Black and Brown people should this corporate written bill advance in its current form.
In the future, learn from past historical mistakes. Get off your asses, do the work yourselves. Stop allowing corporations and lobbyist from writing legislation.
No thought, no consideration of cost for taxpayers, and a complete failure of learning from history. It was rushed.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
12 wounded in Chicago weekend shootings - Chicago News and Weather | FOX 32 News
12 wounded in Chicago weekend shootings - Chicago News and Weather | FOX 32 News
What the fuck lawmakers?
Most of these fuck nuts have prior convictions and you sit on your collective asses and ponder changing the sentencing guidelines.
How many times have I posted "this will spread"? How many times have I posted "you will not do shit until it affects you directly"? Well guess what? It will spread, and it will soon affect you directly. This isn't a case of Black and Brown crime, against Black and Brown crime. It's the definitive case of terrorism. They are criminal/terrorist organizations. They are in a state of war for control of a market, and populace by means of the most heinous actions.
So again I ask, what the fuck lawmakers?
What the fuck lawmakers?
Most of these fuck nuts have prior convictions and you sit on your collective asses and ponder changing the sentencing guidelines.
How many times have I posted "this will spread"? How many times have I posted "you will not do shit until it affects you directly"? Well guess what? It will spread, and it will soon affect you directly. This isn't a case of Black and Brown crime, against Black and Brown crime. It's the definitive case of terrorism. They are criminal/terrorist organizations. They are in a state of war for control of a market, and populace by means of the most heinous actions.
So again I ask, what the fuck lawmakers?
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Two Shot In South Chicago Restaurant « CBS Chicago
Two Shot In South Chicago Restaurant « CBS Chicago
You can bet folks there will be some form of retaliation.
Try and enjoy your weekend safely.
You can bet folks there will be some form of retaliation.
Try and enjoy your weekend safely.
Friday, November 8, 2013
Police Question Person In Shooting Of 6-Year-Old Boy « CBS Chicago
Police Question Person In Shooting Of 6-Year-Old Boy « CBS Chicago
"An argument"? That definitely would sound off alarm bells if the brother knew the shooter/s. If he does, rat them out. They have no business in society. They belong under a prison. They knew kids were in the car, and fired anyway.
"An argument"? That definitely would sound off alarm bells if the brother knew the shooter/s. If he does, rat them out. They have no business in society. They belong under a prison. They knew kids were in the car, and fired anyway.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
3 Dead, 4 Wounded In Overnight Shootings « CBS Chicago
3 Dead, 4 Wounded In Overnight Shootings « CBS Chicago
Kind of makes one wonder if those expensive cameras are actually working? Oh well folks, expect more retaliation killings.
By the way, if you already know these terrorist, why are they not under surveillance? They have multiple arrest records. And you know they will retaliate. Just a thought.
Kind of makes one wonder if those expensive cameras are actually working? Oh well folks, expect more retaliation killings.
By the way, if you already know these terrorist, why are they not under surveillance? They have multiple arrest records. And you know they will retaliate. Just a thought.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Sentencing Guidelines Anyone?
Another great fable from the "What in the Fuck Was The Prosecutor Thinking File".
Dude has multiple convictions, yet returned back on the streets for more mayhem which resulted in an innocent loss of life. If you don't think the sentencing guidelines need a serious case of reformation, you sir or madam are a tea party idiot.
Just from reading what this miscreant did prior to the uptick of charges, he fits the definition of a mindless terrorist. Am I wrong? If not, I ask again. What in the fuck was the Prosecutor Thinking?
Another great fable from the "What in the Fuck Was The Prosecutor Thinking File".
Dude has multiple convictions, yet returned back on the streets for more mayhem which resulted in an innocent loss of life. If you don't think the sentencing guidelines need a serious case of reformation, you sir or madam are a tea party idiot.
Just from reading what this miscreant did prior to the uptick of charges, he fits the definition of a mindless terrorist. Am I wrong? If not, I ask again. What in the fuck was the Prosecutor Thinking?
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Madness Continues
Wow! The terrorist appear to have went off Monday night.
I'm betting the "robbery victim" knew his attacker/s that was "shot in the hand". Expect some reprisals. I know our police department certainly will.
Wow! The terrorist appear to have went off Monday night.
I'm betting the "robbery victim" knew his attacker/s that was "shot in the hand". Expect some reprisals. I know our police department certainly will.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Man Found Dead With Head Trauma In West Englewood « CBS Chicago
Man Found Dead With Head Trauma In West Englewood « CBS Chicago
The headline says it all. No need for speculation, but if you must, go on.
The headline says it all. No need for speculation, but if you must, go on.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Three Killed, Six Wounded In Weekend Shootings « CBS Chicago
Three Killed, Six Wounded In Weekend Shootings « CBS Chicago
And there you have folks. Madness Continues, and no new legislation is moving to address it.
It belabors the point of making suggestions over and over, when our elected officials do nothing. Our own top cop doesn't see a need for hiring more officers and is cool with an exploding overtime fiasco. How's your budget looking now Mayor? Some cities and states took the initiative and passed reasonable legislation. Ours, collectively sits on its ass for the simple reason of indifference, until it directly affects them.
If history has proved anything, it will soon directly affect them, and finally they will howl, and address it.
And there you have folks. Madness Continues, and no new legislation is moving to address it.
It belabors the point of making suggestions over and over, when our elected officials do nothing. Our own top cop doesn't see a need for hiring more officers and is cool with an exploding overtime fiasco. How's your budget looking now Mayor? Some cities and states took the initiative and passed reasonable legislation. Ours, collectively sits on its ass for the simple reason of indifference, until it directly affects them.
If history has proved anything, it will soon directly affect them, and finally they will howl, and address it.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Stupidity Continues
I take it the shooter forgot cameras are everywhere these days. You must be the biggest pussy in the world when you think your problem can be solved with an illegally obtained firearm. Only a pussy would fire a gun and run, instead of being a man and use his fist if he thought he was wronged in some fashion.
As is the norm with these cowardly pussies, they run after doing their deed. If you don't want to spend time in jail or prison, put down the gun, use your words. Violence only begets more violence. It's time for this stupidity to end.
I take it the shooter forgot cameras are everywhere these days. You must be the biggest pussy in the world when you think your problem can be solved with an illegally obtained firearm. Only a pussy would fire a gun and run, instead of being a man and use his fist if he thought he was wronged in some fashion.
As is the norm with these cowardly pussies, they run after doing their deed. If you don't want to spend time in jail or prison, put down the gun, use your words. Violence only begets more violence. It's time for this stupidity to end.
Friday, November 1, 2013
Man Shot And Killed In Auburn Gresham « CBS Chicago
Man Shot And Killed In Auburn Gresham « CBS Chicago
If you follow the "Tweets", this is the latest entry of shootings.
I have mentioned in past postings how these terrorist will spread, and in a prior tweet, several were shot at a grocery store in the suburbs. I highly doubt these were "Random Acts Of Violence". Terrorist always plan their attacks. It's time for prosecutors, and law enforcement to begin treating them as such.
If you follow the "Tweets", this is the latest entry of shootings.
I have mentioned in past postings how these terrorist will spread, and in a prior tweet, several were shot at a grocery store in the suburbs. I highly doubt these were "Random Acts Of Violence". Terrorist always plan their attacks. It's time for prosecutors, and law enforcement to begin treating them as such.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
McCarthy: Every Major Category Of Crime Down This Year « CBS Chicago
McCarthy: Every Major Category Of Crime Down This Year « CBS Chicago
I always find it odd how they claim "compared too last year", and the first headline you read is, so and so shot here, and so and so killed here.
Look, I get it. It's a tough job. Especially when the criminals use different tactics. But here's some glaring observations. Since Ronny launched the "War on Drugs" back in the 80's, the dope peddlers were simply "Forced" out on the streets, making it easier for police to round up. Prior to that, they hid in apartments, and homes. Yet with the threat of asset seizures, the dealers were faced with little choice, and had to hit the streets, along with their peddlers and users.
So now when you read "Killed Standing On A Corner, Or In an Alley", you get a sense of why. They became much easier targets not only for police, but rivals also. So when the violence cranks up, so does police presence. When that happens, the dope dealers move towards other areas, and the cycle repeats. And right there, is your problem.
So compared too last year, the cycle will continue its repetitiveness, as the dealers, peddlers, and users move towards other areas.
I always find it odd how they claim "compared too last year", and the first headline you read is, so and so shot here, and so and so killed here.
Look, I get it. It's a tough job. Especially when the criminals use different tactics. But here's some glaring observations. Since Ronny launched the "War on Drugs" back in the 80's, the dope peddlers were simply "Forced" out on the streets, making it easier for police to round up. Prior to that, they hid in apartments, and homes. Yet with the threat of asset seizures, the dealers were faced with little choice, and had to hit the streets, along with their peddlers and users.
So now when you read "Killed Standing On A Corner, Or In an Alley", you get a sense of why. They became much easier targets not only for police, but rivals also. So when the violence cranks up, so does police presence. When that happens, the dope dealers move towards other areas, and the cycle repeats. And right there, is your problem.
So compared too last year, the cycle will continue its repetitiveness, as the dealers, peddlers, and users move towards other areas.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
5 arrested following high-speed Gary shoot-out
5 arrested following high-speed Gary shoot-out
Gee! I wonder how they obtained those guns? I also wonder if they have felonies from previous convictions? I also wonder if they will receive a slap on the wrist?
Any takers?
Gee! I wonder how they obtained those guns? I also wonder if they have felonies from previous convictions? I also wonder if they will receive a slap on the wrist?
Any takers?
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Police: Man Found Fatally Shot In Vehicle « CBS Chicago
Police: Man Found Fatally Shot In Vehicle « CBS Chicago
Unlike other publications, this particular online news source doesn't collate all the shootings that happen overnight.
Just from browsing through it, the total of victims, or retaliation shootings is 3 so far, across the city overnight. If the media really wishes to inform its readers of the terrorist running wild in the city, I would suggest a special staff assigned specifically for the cowardly acts of terrorism. This way, the people would get a much more detailed account of the murderous mayhem that continues unabated.
Unlike other publications, this particular online news source doesn't collate all the shootings that happen overnight.
Just from browsing through it, the total of victims, or retaliation shootings is 3 so far, across the city overnight. If the media really wishes to inform its readers of the terrorist running wild in the city, I would suggest a special staff assigned specifically for the cowardly acts of terrorism. This way, the people would get a much more detailed account of the murderous mayhem that continues unabated.
Monday, October 28, 2013
2 Dead, 14 Wounded In Weekend Shootings « CBS Chicago
2 Dead, 14 Wounded In Weekend Shootings « CBS Chicago
Return of the terrorist. I wonder how that sentencing reform legislation is going? You know, the one that still doesn't treat them like the terrorist that they are.
Return of the terrorist. I wonder how that sentencing reform legislation is going? You know, the one that still doesn't treat them like the terrorist that they are.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Madness Continues
There was a lull, but the terrorist have returned.
There was a lull, but the terrorist have returned.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Madness Continues
Just when you thought there was a lull in madness, the idiots return, guns blazing.
There's nothing against the law about a 17 year old out on the streets at such a late hour of the night. Yet, he must have been doing something foul causing a stray bullet that struck his uncle while he slept. If I was the uncle, the kid would be banned from the home. Madness continues folks.
Just when you thought there was a lull in madness, the idiots return, guns blazing.
There's nothing against the law about a 17 year old out on the streets at such a late hour of the night. Yet, he must have been doing something foul causing a stray bullet that struck his uncle while he slept. If I was the uncle, the kid would be banned from the home. Madness continues folks.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Teens Steal Pizza, Wallet, GPS From Delivery Man « CBS Chicago
Teens Steal Pizza, Wallet, GPS From Delivery Man « CBS Chicago
Another sad tale in epic parenting failure.
If law enforcement, and our prosecutors really want to crack down on crime, they need to begin holding the parents responsible for their children's crimes. Not the adult gang members, just the punks under 17. In this state, 17 is the age of consent, hence the young pukes photo is blasted on the page. But his sidekick isn't.
Put more pressure on the parents, and you will see a dramatic drop in crime.
Another sad tale in epic parenting failure.
If law enforcement, and our prosecutors really want to crack down on crime, they need to begin holding the parents responsible for their children's crimes. Not the adult gang members, just the punks under 17. In this state, 17 is the age of consent, hence the young pukes photo is blasted on the page. But his sidekick isn't.
Put more pressure on the parents, and you will see a dramatic drop in crime.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Chief Keef released from jail 11 days early
Chief Keef released from jail 11 days early
If you read the article like myself,did you noticed how they just "Mentioned" his federal weapons possession violation? He was "Arrested for pointing a gun at police." They then throw him in jail for "Appearing in a video" with another illegally obtained firearm.
Judging from his tweet, he'll be back in jail, (Should be prison) soon. He hasn't learned a thing. And the not-to-bright girls having sex with this idiot either. Hey parents, if you think your daughters will be rich dating this clown, it ain't happening. He has multiple felony weapons charges. Translation, he can't legally own a gun. He will find a straw buyer and get another. Our criminal court system will release him back on the streets over, and over again, until he finally kills someone, with another illegally obtained firearm.
If you read the article like myself,did you noticed how they just "Mentioned" his federal weapons possession violation? He was "Arrested for pointing a gun at police." They then throw him in jail for "Appearing in a video" with another illegally obtained firearm.
Judging from his tweet, he'll be back in jail, (Should be prison) soon. He hasn't learned a thing. And the not-to-bright girls having sex with this idiot either. Hey parents, if you think your daughters will be rich dating this clown, it ain't happening. He has multiple felony weapons charges. Translation, he can't legally own a gun. He will find a straw buyer and get another. Our criminal court system will release him back on the streets over, and over again, until he finally kills someone, with another illegally obtained firearm.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
2 Investigators: Parents Say Cops Didn’t Do Enough To Solve Son’s Murder « CBS Chicago
2 Investigators: Parents Say Cops Didn’t Do Enough To Solve Son’s Murder « CBS Chicago
From this viewpoint, it's an attitude thing with law enforcement. Let's not sugarcoat it folks. Right off the bat some in law enforcement just assume it's gang related because of the neighborhood.
They (Some) don't get the entire story from the family, friends, and neighbors. That's a problem. Many within this group may actually know the killers and refuse, out of fear, informing law enforcement. In a case such as this one, the police should become relentless on the friends of this youth. The probability one of the "Friends" of the youth, may be involved in gang activity, or knows the killer is 50/50. It all boils down to the attitude of law enforcement in the pursuit justice. They just can't throw their hands in the air.
Lastly, the probability the killer has a prior felony conviction, is extremely high. If this murderous scum still walks the streets, it will kill again. And that folks isn't an assumption, it's an attitude.
From this viewpoint, it's an attitude thing with law enforcement. Let's not sugarcoat it folks. Right off the bat some in law enforcement just assume it's gang related because of the neighborhood.
They (Some) don't get the entire story from the family, friends, and neighbors. That's a problem. Many within this group may actually know the killers and refuse, out of fear, informing law enforcement. In a case such as this one, the police should become relentless on the friends of this youth. The probability one of the "Friends" of the youth, may be involved in gang activity, or knows the killer is 50/50. It all boils down to the attitude of law enforcement in the pursuit justice. They just can't throw their hands in the air.
Lastly, the probability the killer has a prior felony conviction, is extremely high. If this murderous scum still walks the streets, it will kill again. And that folks isn't an assumption, it's an attitude.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Mark Kirk supporting tougher gun crime penalties bill
Mark Kirk supporting tougher gun crime penalties bill
3 years? Seriously?
The majority of these cases have repeat offenders. Let's say one of them have a prior felony drug possession charge. Let's also say the second time the repeat offender was caught again for felony possession of a controlled substance, but also an illegally obtain firearm. Who in the hell wrote this law? How does that justify 3 years? Why are you not seeking public feedback?
Why are you not seeking a repeal of gun manufacturers not being held accountable? What, or where in this legislation does it deal with straw buyers? 3 years isn't "Tough" enough. Seriously?
3 years? Seriously?
The majority of these cases have repeat offenders. Let's say one of them have a prior felony drug possession charge. Let's also say the second time the repeat offender was caught again for felony possession of a controlled substance, but also an illegally obtain firearm. Who in the hell wrote this law? How does that justify 3 years? Why are you not seeking public feedback?
Why are you not seeking a repeal of gun manufacturers not being held accountable? What, or where in this legislation does it deal with straw buyers? 3 years isn't "Tough" enough. Seriously?
Monday, October 21, 2013
Morning Shift: Criminologists debate the efficacy of mandatory sentencing
Morning Shift: Criminologists debate the efficacy of mandatory sentencing
What they should discuss, is the fact this abomination is a republican brain fart that was intended to do nothing but imprison minorities at a higher rate then White counterparts. Just look at the numbers since this brain fart went into effect across the country.
There should be no difference in sentencing when cocaine is the main ingredient of crack. Why such a disparity? Look at the incarceration rates between Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics. Why would you give a slap on the wrist sentence for a known gang member, with an illegally obtained firearm, and no sentence whatsoever for the straw buyer? These two are both federal offenses. So please include in your "Debate", the real reason this brain fart went into effect across the country.
What they should discuss, is the fact this abomination is a republican brain fart that was intended to do nothing but imprison minorities at a higher rate then White counterparts. Just look at the numbers since this brain fart went into effect across the country.
There should be no difference in sentencing when cocaine is the main ingredient of crack. Why such a disparity? Look at the incarceration rates between Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics. Why would you give a slap on the wrist sentence for a known gang member, with an illegally obtained firearm, and no sentence whatsoever for the straw buyer? These two are both federal offenses. So please include in your "Debate", the real reason this brain fart went into effect across the country.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Teen Boy Shot In Englewood « CBS Chicago
Teen Boy Shot In Englewood « CBS Chicago
No age, no name, yet still someone's child.
The only question one must ask, does this unknown ageless youth know his assailant? And if so, will this ageless, unknown youth cooperate with law enforcement? I truly hope the parents of this nameless, ageless youth make him.
No age, no name, yet still someone's child.
The only question one must ask, does this unknown ageless youth know his assailant? And if so, will this ageless, unknown youth cooperate with law enforcement? I truly hope the parents of this nameless, ageless youth make him.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Governor Again Suspends State Funds For Uno; Puts $15M On Hold « CBS Chicago
Governor Again Suspends State Funds For Uno; Puts $15M On Hold « CBS Chicago
Just run the crooks out of town, or simply charged them.
Privatization has, and forever will be a bad idea when public institutions could use those funds for fixing their own problems. This is nothing but a bait and switch. Giving crooks are hard earned tax dollars, when that money should have went into the General Education Fund. Remember that?
Or better yet, our parking meters, and the sky-way. Bet old Richie is still laughing his ass off. Don't be like that guy governor. Run them out of town or just charged them with corruption and theft.
Just run the crooks out of town, or simply charged them.
Privatization has, and forever will be a bad idea when public institutions could use those funds for fixing their own problems. This is nothing but a bait and switch. Giving crooks are hard earned tax dollars, when that money should have went into the General Education Fund. Remember that?
Or better yet, our parking meters, and the sky-way. Bet old Richie is still laughing his ass off. Don't be like that guy governor. Run them out of town or just charged them with corruption and theft.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
'Take Back Chicago' rally calls for social, economic justice
'Take Back Chicago' rally calls for social, economic justice
My only question, what took them so long?
The minute old Ronald Reagan launched his war on drugs, and slashing mental health funding, each and every city and state should have demanding from our congressional representatives funding for the chaos that followed.
Any sane person knew letting mentally unstable people loose upon its cities would bring an uptick in crime. But what happened instead? Our politicians fell asleep at the wheel and let the lunatic have his way. There are things in life that one just cannot do. Slashing funding for mental health institutions is among them.
Closing public schools and funneling the money elsewhere leads parents with fewer choices when seeking quality education for their children. Lying to the American people about the minimum wage is a travesty in itself. These politicians, and their well to do counterparts never go inside an actual grocery store, or buy gasoline and actually see a receipt. If they did, they would know what the people are truly paying. They send a low wage employee for such chores. Someone should inform the egg-head that runs the Congressional Budget Office, that they should go into a grocery store in any community, Black, White, or Brown, and buy a weeks worth of food. They just might pass the fuck out when they get the bill. Yet here they are leaking that the cost of living adjustment for people on Social Security may be the "Lowest" in years. And don't even get me started on crime. The only way you can "Take Back" your cities, and states, is for all of us to stop voting for lying, mentally unstable people. You know a lie when you hear it. Vet your candidates.
Sleep at the wheel politicians. Thanks for the chaos that followed.
My only question, what took them so long?
The minute old Ronald Reagan launched his war on drugs, and slashing mental health funding, each and every city and state should have demanding from our congressional representatives funding for the chaos that followed.
Any sane person knew letting mentally unstable people loose upon its cities would bring an uptick in crime. But what happened instead? Our politicians fell asleep at the wheel and let the lunatic have his way. There are things in life that one just cannot do. Slashing funding for mental health institutions is among them.
Closing public schools and funneling the money elsewhere leads parents with fewer choices when seeking quality education for their children. Lying to the American people about the minimum wage is a travesty in itself. These politicians, and their well to do counterparts never go inside an actual grocery store, or buy gasoline and actually see a receipt. If they did, they would know what the people are truly paying. They send a low wage employee for such chores. Someone should inform the egg-head that runs the Congressional Budget Office, that they should go into a grocery store in any community, Black, White, or Brown, and buy a weeks worth of food. They just might pass the fuck out when they get the bill. Yet here they are leaking that the cost of living adjustment for people on Social Security may be the "Lowest" in years. And don't even get me started on crime. The only way you can "Take Back" your cities, and states, is for all of us to stop voting for lying, mentally unstable people. You know a lie when you hear it. Vet your candidates.
Sleep at the wheel politicians. Thanks for the chaos that followed.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Police Union: NFL Ban On Guns Is ‘An Insult’ To Off-Duty Cops « CBS Chicago
Police Union: NFL Ban On Guns Is ‘An Insult’ To Off-Duty Cops « CBS Chicago
Talk about a titty baby moment. I guess you could call this one of those "Damn I shot my mouth off before I thought type of scenarios.
Allow this explanation. You are off duty, attending any sport and decide several beers (God knows how many shots in the parking lot) are just fantastic. What could possibly go wrong? Look guys and gals, I'm all for safety, but accidents waiting to happen? I don't think so. So if you hate the policy so much, just stay at home, have your several beers, and shoot your boob tube when you see a play you don't like.
We know it will happen. So for now, just shut the fuck up titty baby.
Talk about a titty baby moment. I guess you could call this one of those "Damn I shot my mouth off before I thought type of scenarios.
Allow this explanation. You are off duty, attending any sport and decide several beers (God knows how many shots in the parking lot) are just fantastic. What could possibly go wrong? Look guys and gals, I'm all for safety, but accidents waiting to happen? I don't think so. So if you hate the policy so much, just stay at home, have your several beers, and shoot your boob tube when you see a play you don't like.
We know it will happen. So for now, just shut the fuck up titty baby.
Monday, October 14, 2013
UChicago study shows need for tougher gun punishments - Chicago News and Weather | FOX 32 News
UChicago study shows need for tougher gun punishments - Chicago News and Weather | FOX 32 News
You know it's a sad day in America when you have to do a "Study", bad enough pay for it, for something that is simple common sense amongst the people.
Out on the streets you see how fucked up the criminal justice system really is. The system makes one put on their tin foil hat and bark conspiracy. Why would you give a known gang member a slap on the wrist sentence for violating federal and state gun laws? Why haven't they went aggressively went after the infamous straw buyer? Why did they even bother making into law, a federal version of the RICO Act and not use it? Why isn't the federal law enforcement agencies enforcing its own RICO Act against these known gang members?
We know what they are doing on our streets. We see it, along with local law enforcement everyday, and night. They buy and sell drugs, weapons, wound, and murder one another, and innocent civilians on a daily/nightly basis. The end result. Another study that tells us something we already know, but legislators, and prosecutors refuse doing.
You know it's a sad day in America when you have to do a "Study", bad enough pay for it, for something that is simple common sense amongst the people.
Out on the streets you see how fucked up the criminal justice system really is. The system makes one put on their tin foil hat and bark conspiracy. Why would you give a known gang member a slap on the wrist sentence for violating federal and state gun laws? Why haven't they went aggressively went after the infamous straw buyer? Why did they even bother making into law, a federal version of the RICO Act and not use it? Why isn't the federal law enforcement agencies enforcing its own RICO Act against these known gang members?
We know what they are doing on our streets. We see it, along with local law enforcement everyday, and night. They buy and sell drugs, weapons, wound, and murder one another, and innocent civilians on a daily/nightly basis. The end result. Another study that tells us something we already know, but legislators, and prosecutors refuse doing.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Simple Madness
What else can be said? Simple madness.
What else can be said? Simple madness.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
4 wounded during weekend shootings - Chicago News and Weather | FOX 32 News
4 wounded during weekend shootings - Chicago News and Weather | FOX 32 News
Madness continues folks. Oh, and by the way, this is a local FOX station that picked this update from the Chicago Sun-Times. So it's not biased.
Madness continues folks. Oh, and by the way, this is a local FOX station that picked this update from the Chicago Sun-Times. So it's not biased.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Sketch released of sexual assault suspect
Sketch released of sexual assault suspect
If anyone caught the interview with one of the people that live in that area, he said it best. Paraphrasing, "If not by the police, justice will be served."
Translation. If the police don't catch him, someone in the neighborhood will, and his ass will be dealt with in a most ugly fashion, that he will wish the police caught him. Yep. Justice will be served.
If anyone caught the interview with one of the people that live in that area, he said it best. Paraphrasing, "If not by the police, justice will be served."
Translation. If the police don't catch him, someone in the neighborhood will, and his ass will be dealt with in a most ugly fashion, that he will wish the police caught him. Yep. Justice will be served.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Man Critically Wounded In Austin Shooting « CBS Chicago
Man Critically Wounded In Austin Shooting « CBS Chicago
Another was shot in Humboldt Park. God knows how many others on the South side. The mayor, county prosecutor, and others are asking the lazy, spineless, legislators down state, for an increase in the mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines, for the terrorist that get their hands on illegally obtained firearms.
Those spineless officials claim it will cost billions. Really? I mean come on, really? There's a very easy way for resolving this little quandry. Legalize marijuana. Doing such will not clog the system with non-violent offenders. Which by the way, may far outnumber the statistics you claim from your bogus study. Which also failed to mention the sprawling, empty, super max you have on the taxpayers hands. Why are you all of a sudden worried about money when you drained the workers pension funds? Oh, that's right you drained it.
Like Former President Clinton said. "It's Math." Legalize marijuana. Tax it. There's your funds. Stop jailing non-violent offenders. There's your space. Increase the mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines for the terrorist that get their hands on illegally obtained firearms. Math problem solved.
Another was shot in Humboldt Park. God knows how many others on the South side. The mayor, county prosecutor, and others are asking the lazy, spineless, legislators down state, for an increase in the mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines, for the terrorist that get their hands on illegally obtained firearms.
Those spineless officials claim it will cost billions. Really? I mean come on, really? There's a very easy way for resolving this little quandry. Legalize marijuana. Doing such will not clog the system with non-violent offenders. Which by the way, may far outnumber the statistics you claim from your bogus study. Which also failed to mention the sprawling, empty, super max you have on the taxpayers hands. Why are you all of a sudden worried about money when you drained the workers pension funds? Oh, that's right you drained it.
Like Former President Clinton said. "It's Math." Legalize marijuana. Tax it. There's your funds. Stop jailing non-violent offenders. There's your space. Increase the mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines for the terrorist that get their hands on illegally obtained firearms. Math problem solved.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Boy, 13, Wounded In Englewood Shooting « CBS Chicago
Boy, 13, Wounded In Englewood Shooting « CBS Chicago
So just from gleaning through the headlines, the tally I'm looking at is a total of 3 people shot since Monday across the city. So far.
Good grief.
So just from gleaning through the headlines, the tally I'm looking at is a total of 3 people shot since Monday across the city. So far.
Good grief.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Simple Madness
What else can one say but the title? Simple madness. That's what terrorist do. They instill fear, chaos, and madness.
They should be charged as such. What say you legislators, judges, and prosecutors?
What else can one say but the title? Simple madness. That's what terrorist do. They instill fear, chaos, and madness.
They should be charged as such. What say you legislators, judges, and prosecutors?
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Madness Continues
In its simplest terms folks, this is just terrorism and should be dealt as such.
In its simplest terms folks, this is just terrorism and should be dealt as such.
Friday, October 4, 2013
VIDEO: Gunman Fires Into Little Village Bar « CBS Chicago
VIDEO: Gunman Fires Into Little Village Bar « CBS Chicago
Please find out how he got access to that weapon, and charge the asshole that gave/sold it too him.
That's where the law needs major tweaking. We must get these lawmakers on the same page and pass legislation for universal background checks. Just ask yourself this. How many times has this idiot been arrested? How many times did he slip through the cracks? How did he ever get access to a weapon? Who sold/gave it too him?
Please find out how he got access to that weapon, and charge the asshole that gave/sold it too him.
That's where the law needs major tweaking. We must get these lawmakers on the same page and pass legislation for universal background checks. Just ask yourself this. How many times has this idiot been arrested? How many times did he slip through the cracks? How did he ever get access to a weapon? Who sold/gave it too him?
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Several Students Charged After School Brawl « CBS Chicago
Several Students Charged After School Brawl « CBS Chicago
If you have no idea what your kids are doing, you are a fucked up parent, and don't ever procreate again. You both need to be FIXED!
If you have no idea what your kids are doing, you are a fucked up parent, and don't ever procreate again. You both need to be FIXED!
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Madness Continues
Some call it gang wars. I call it terrorism.
It is what it is.
Some call it gang wars. I call it terrorism.
It is what it is.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Man Fatally Shot On Street In Woodlawn « CBS Chicago
Man Fatally Shot On Street In Woodlawn « CBS Chicago
Anyone wants to bet he knew the shooter?
Enjoy the shutdown folks, and if you don't have health insurance, sign up today.
Anyone wants to bet he knew the shooter?
Enjoy the shutdown folks, and if you don't have health insurance, sign up today.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Prehistoric Fish Getting 2nd Chance In Illinois « CBS Chicago
Prehistoric Fish Getting 2nd Chance In Illinois « CBS Chicago
Next thing you know, we'll be chased by raptors and T Rex if mad scientist have their way.
Just kidding folks, move along nothing to see here.
Next thing you know, we'll be chased by raptors and T Rex if mad scientist have their way.
Just kidding folks, move along nothing to see here.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
1 Dead, 14 Wounded In Shootings Since Friday « CBS Chicago
1 Dead, 14 Wounded In Shootings Since Friday « CBS Chicago
And there you have it folks. Madness Continues.
And there you have it folks. Madness Continues.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Friday, September 27, 2013
Teen Charged In Shooting Outside School « CBS Chicago
Teen Charged In Shooting Outside School « CBS Chicago
Wait. 18 and already a "Felon". Yet he was let loose so he could get another gun and use it again? Sounds like that press conference all over again.
Let me guess. Did he also receive boot camp? It appears we have a lazy pattern in our prosecutors office. Hey Anita, and Lisa, I think it's time for a little house cleaning. Put the hammer down and stop letting felons go through the revolving door. It's obvious boot camp doesn't work for terrorist that commit felonies. If you truly want to get serious about crime, stop the privilege of weight equipment in jails and prisons. No basketball courts. No fucking cable television. Books and educators should suffice. If they need exercise, let them walk or run around the jail or prison. Stop coddling them. They gave up such privileges when they committed felonies.
Fix the sentencing guidelines so the superintendent doesn't have to repeat himself at another press conference.
Wait. 18 and already a "Felon". Yet he was let loose so he could get another gun and use it again? Sounds like that press conference all over again.
Let me guess. Did he also receive boot camp? It appears we have a lazy pattern in our prosecutors office. Hey Anita, and Lisa, I think it's time for a little house cleaning. Put the hammer down and stop letting felons go through the revolving door. It's obvious boot camp doesn't work for terrorist that commit felonies. If you truly want to get serious about crime, stop the privilege of weight equipment in jails and prisons. No basketball courts. No fucking cable television. Books and educators should suffice. If they need exercise, let them walk or run around the jail or prison. Stop coddling them. They gave up such privileges when they committed felonies.
Fix the sentencing guidelines so the superintendent doesn't have to repeat himself at another press conference.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Man Charged In August Uptown Shooting « CBS Chicago
Man Charged In August Uptown Shooting « CBS Chicago
Makes you wonder if he was ever sentenced too boot camp before. Yeah folks, it's time for these legislators to reform those pesky sentencing guidelines.
Makes you wonder if he was ever sentenced too boot camp before. Yeah folks, it's time for these legislators to reform those pesky sentencing guidelines.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Two Men Shot In Parked Car On Southeast Side « CBS Chicago
Two Men Shot In Parked Car On Southeast Side « CBS Chicago
And there you have it. Everyday you pick up the paper, or go online, and read, or see stories like this which leave you with more questions.
Are they gang members? What were they doing in the car? If they are known gang members, will the police be on the lookout for retaliation? Remember the sorry douche-bag that only received boot camp? I only hope that judge, and prosecutor are going to be reprimanded.
But that's another question. And there you have it.
And there you have it. Everyday you pick up the paper, or go online, and read, or see stories like this which leave you with more questions.
Are they gang members? What were they doing in the car? If they are known gang members, will the police be on the lookout for retaliation? Remember the sorry douche-bag that only received boot camp? I only hope that judge, and prosecutor are going to be reprimanded.
But that's another question. And there you have it.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
2 More, Including Gunman, Charged In Mass Shooting « CBS Chicago
2 More, Including Gunman, Charged In Mass Shooting « CBS Chicago
Sounds like a criminal conspiracy huh folks?
According to the report, this case should fall under Illinois version of the Federal RICO Act. Let's wait and see if they are charged as such. Oh, and I'm guessing the police have confiscated some of the weapons used? I'm just wondering if so, how many other shootings/murders they were used in?
Where, and who they got that assault rifle from, should be sued, and charged also. Just saying. I'm talking too you Indiana gun stores.
Sounds like a criminal conspiracy huh folks?
According to the report, this case should fall under Illinois version of the Federal RICO Act. Let's wait and see if they are charged as such. Oh, and I'm guessing the police have confiscated some of the weapons used? I'm just wondering if so, how many other shootings/murders they were used in?
Where, and who they got that assault rifle from, should be sued, and charged also. Just saying. I'm talking too you Indiana gun stores.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Mayor tours violent areas in police ride-along
Mayor tours violent areas in police ride-along
How long did that last? Did you know as soon as you went by, they went back towards doing what they do best?
Here's what may drop the shooting numbers even more. Foot Patrols. You need to grab all of the city, and county legislators, even the congressional and senate members, and demand funding for fully staffed police departments, so that you don't have scattered foot patrols across the city.
If you pack 4 officers in a vehicle, make 2 of them get out and walk. I told you years ago folks, they were touting foot patrols in my community. Haven't seen it yet. I did tell you that a couple of years ago they were riding bikes, but for some strange reason, they too have vanished. Hell, there was even one that rode a motorcycle like clockwork towards the park. I don't even hear the rumble of that bike anymore.
I'm betting the only reason why is budget cuts. Yet they freely give themselves pay raises. Yeah Mr. Mayor, how long did that ride last? They went right back doing business as usual, because a couple more were shot before, during, or after your cadet ride.
How long did that last? Did you know as soon as you went by, they went back towards doing what they do best?
Here's what may drop the shooting numbers even more. Foot Patrols. You need to grab all of the city, and county legislators, even the congressional and senate members, and demand funding for fully staffed police departments, so that you don't have scattered foot patrols across the city.
If you pack 4 officers in a vehicle, make 2 of them get out and walk. I told you years ago folks, they were touting foot patrols in my community. Haven't seen it yet. I did tell you that a couple of years ago they were riding bikes, but for some strange reason, they too have vanished. Hell, there was even one that rode a motorcycle like clockwork towards the park. I don't even hear the rumble of that bike anymore.
I'm betting the only reason why is budget cuts. Yet they freely give themselves pay raises. Yeah Mr. Mayor, how long did that ride last? They went right back doing business as usual, because a couple more were shot before, during, or after your cadet ride.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Quinn Open-Minded About Using State Resources To Curb Chicago Violence « CBS Chicago
Quinn Open-Minded About Using State Resources To Curb Chicago Violence « CBS Chicago
Here's a better idea. How about enforcing the state version of the federal RICO Act?
Look at the facts. They are terrorist criminal enterprises. They deal in multiple felony crimes. Drugs, money laundering, and gun smuggling. Those three alone is a criminal conspiracy under the law. So don't wave a piece of paper around and say to us, "Look we did something", and not put any teeth into it. All that to us, is just smoke and mirrors. And by the way, we are sick of it.
You passed it. It's the law. Start enforcing it.
Here's a better idea. How about enforcing the state version of the federal RICO Act?
Look at the facts. They are terrorist criminal enterprises. They deal in multiple felony crimes. Drugs, money laundering, and gun smuggling. Those three alone is a criminal conspiracy under the law. So don't wave a piece of paper around and say to us, "Look we did something", and not put any teeth into it. All that to us, is just smoke and mirrors. And by the way, we are sick of it.
You passed it. It's the law. Start enforcing it.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Four Dead From Gun Violence So Far This Weekend « CBS Chicago
Four Dead From Gun Violence So Far This Weekend « CBS Chicago
Such a shame. Yet, our legislators still don't care. No jobs plan. No education funding. They just wait for marching orders, and funding from their corporate overlords.
Such a shame. Yet, our legislators still don't care. No jobs plan. No education funding. They just wait for marching orders, and funding from their corporate overlords.
Friday, September 20, 2013
McCarthy: ‘A Miracle’ No One Died In Shooting That Wounded 13 « CBS Chicago
McCarthy: ‘A Miracle’ No One Died In Shooting That Wounded 13 « CBS Chicago
Told ya to treat them like the terrorist that they are. These spineless bums pass a state version of the RICO Act and refuse to enforce it.
They are afraid the civil liberties people will sue them for cruel and unusual punishment. What's more cruel and unusual then these spineless terrorist bringing mayhem too our streets? A terrorist act of this nature must have a life or death prison term. There's no other way. It is time we send a message too these gutless, cowardly, terrorist. Most of these stories always end with "No One In Custody". That's bullshit! The police know who these terrorist are. The NRA stops the police from doing the job of slamming these terrorist in prison.
A "Miracle" will be when you people wake up and stop giving money to an organization that preaches Death, Fear, and unsafe neighborhoods. Enforce the laws on the books, and let the chips fall.
Told ya to treat them like the terrorist that they are. These spineless bums pass a state version of the RICO Act and refuse to enforce it.
They are afraid the civil liberties people will sue them for cruel and unusual punishment. What's more cruel and unusual then these spineless terrorist bringing mayhem too our streets? A terrorist act of this nature must have a life or death prison term. There's no other way. It is time we send a message too these gutless, cowardly, terrorist. Most of these stories always end with "No One In Custody". That's bullshit! The police know who these terrorist are. The NRA stops the police from doing the job of slamming these terrorist in prison.
A "Miracle" will be when you people wake up and stop giving money to an organization that preaches Death, Fear, and unsafe neighborhoods. Enforce the laws on the books, and let the chips fall.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
What Is Most Likely Place To Get Shot On South, West Sides? « CBS Chicago
What Is Most Likely Place To Get Shot On South, West Sides? « CBS Chicago
Love it when someone has time on their hands and do a half-assed study on where people get shot. Newsflash doc. How long have liquor stores been in existence? Too lazy to take the study back more then 10 years? For the next group of lazy data miners, do yourself a favor with your research. Talk to the people this affects.
We all know scum loiters at liquor stores, hence the term "Wino's" became popular. But did you also know since Reagan launched the "War On Drugs", that put the dealers out of apartments, and homes, and on the streets, the dealers and their troops hang around bus stops, laundry mats, and foreign-owned small stores too? The bottom line doc, your study is so flawed and biased. It doesn't expand its scope since what the Reagan administration put in-place. This is common knowledge not only too law enforcement, but the people that live in these areas.
So next time, get off your ass and not only SEE, but talk to the people. You would learn more from them, as opposed to a piece of paper.
Love it when someone has time on their hands and do a half-assed study on where people get shot. Newsflash doc. How long have liquor stores been in existence? Too lazy to take the study back more then 10 years? For the next group of lazy data miners, do yourself a favor with your research. Talk to the people this affects.
We all know scum loiters at liquor stores, hence the term "Wino's" became popular. But did you also know since Reagan launched the "War On Drugs", that put the dealers out of apartments, and homes, and on the streets, the dealers and their troops hang around bus stops, laundry mats, and foreign-owned small stores too? The bottom line doc, your study is so flawed and biased. It doesn't expand its scope since what the Reagan administration put in-place. This is common knowledge not only too law enforcement, but the people that live in these areas.
So next time, get off your ass and not only SEE, but talk to the people. You would learn more from them, as opposed to a piece of paper.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Pepper Spray Attack At School Sends Kids To Hospital « CBS Chicago
Pepper Spray Attack At School Sends Kids To Hospital « CBS Chicago
Get the last line of the story. "Nobody is being questioned."
I get the fact she carries pepper spray for keeping creeps at bay. God bless her. But why lie and say it's an inhaler? Did she forget to leave it in her locker? I can accept that. Does the school have the infamous "Zero Tolerance Policy"? If so, at the very least, let the children store such protection in the lockers.
Finally, since nobody is being questioned. Why does she have to carry pepper spray? Who's bothering her? That's the main question that should, and must be asked. After-all, we did find out some of these "Safe Passage Routes" go by sex offenders.
Get the last line of the story. "Nobody is being questioned."
I get the fact she carries pepper spray for keeping creeps at bay. God bless her. But why lie and say it's an inhaler? Did she forget to leave it in her locker? I can accept that. Does the school have the infamous "Zero Tolerance Policy"? If so, at the very least, let the children store such protection in the lockers.
Finally, since nobody is being questioned. Why does she have to carry pepper spray? Who's bothering her? That's the main question that should, and must be asked. After-all, we did find out some of these "Safe Passage Routes" go by sex offenders.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Bill Daley: I cannot commit to what voters may need
Bill Daley: I cannot commit to what voters may need
Boy you got that right. We (Voters) know for a fact, you would sell the state to the highest bidder. We also know the republicans would simply do even worse. They (The GOP) would not only sell us out, but take the state back to the stone age.
After what your dad and brother did, did you really think we would ever vote for another Daley? That wise old saying applies here. "A leopard can't change its spots". Your comment Bill, is the understatement of the year because, we the voters, know exactly what you would do. Sell us flat out.
Boy you got that right. We (Voters) know for a fact, you would sell the state to the highest bidder. We also know the republicans would simply do even worse. They (The GOP) would not only sell us out, but take the state back to the stone age.
After what your dad and brother did, did you really think we would ever vote for another Daley? That wise old saying applies here. "A leopard can't change its spots". Your comment Bill, is the understatement of the year because, we the voters, know exactly what you would do. Sell us flat out.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Workers Grumble Over Pay-To-Park Plan At 26th And Cal Courthouse « CBS Chicago
Workers Grumble Over Pay-To-Park Plan At 26th And Cal Courthouse « CBS Chicago
Remember that series one of those newscast had called "The Fleecing of America"? This is how it's done folks.
Remember that series one of those newscast had called "The Fleecing of America"? This is how it's done folks.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Riot Fest injuries in mosh pit: 6 hurt
Riot Fest injuries in mosh pit: 6 hurt
With everything else going on in this state, you must ask yourself, are we getting dumber?
With everything else going on in this state, you must ask yourself, are we getting dumber?
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Man Killed In Wicker Park Shooting « CBS Chicago
Man Killed In Wicker Park Shooting « CBS Chicago
Told you it will spread. Now what are you going to do about it Mayor, Governor, State and County Prosecutors, Aldermen/women, State and Federal Congressional members? The police are overwhelmed, and the Chicago Crime Commission is a joke.
All of these shooting fall under your version of the Federal RICO Act. Why are you not having the ones caught, charged as such? You know they are known gang members so what's the problem?
This is not a joke.
Told you it will spread. Now what are you going to do about it Mayor, Governor, State and County Prosecutors, Aldermen/women, State and Federal Congressional members? The police are overwhelmed, and the Chicago Crime Commission is a joke.
All of these shooting fall under your version of the Federal RICO Act. Why are you not having the ones caught, charged as such? You know they are known gang members so what's the problem?
This is not a joke.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Three Men Shot In Chicago Lawn « CBS Chicago
Three Men Shot In Chicago Lawn « CBS Chicago
Gee! I wonder what that was all about? It just isn't safe for our unemployed nations youth to be joining gangs for fast cash. You might make a little money for selling drugs, but your life expectancy is short. So my question for you. Is it really worth it?
I'm sure not one of you will say yes. Just look at the money you waste. You are lucky if you make it too your 30th birthday by not being either shot, killed, maimed, or in prison. None of you have your own apartment or home. None of you have a high school education. You can't even get a low wage job. Hell! You can't even stand on a street corner. None of you will even try going too community centers that will help clean up your record, so you can at least go back too school, or job training. So you can't say an opportunity isn't available. You can still buy a bus card with the illegal money you make, and go too such places.
I'm very sure you want something better out of life, as opposed to just standing on a street corner waiting for a bullet or two? So save your illegal money. Stop buying shoes that don't even last 6 months, and pants that don't fit. Go back too school. Learn a trade. Seek out organizations that will set you on the right path. So ask yourself, is it really worth it?
Gee! I wonder what that was all about? It just isn't safe for our unemployed nations youth to be joining gangs for fast cash. You might make a little money for selling drugs, but your life expectancy is short. So my question for you. Is it really worth it?
I'm sure not one of you will say yes. Just look at the money you waste. You are lucky if you make it too your 30th birthday by not being either shot, killed, maimed, or in prison. None of you have your own apartment or home. None of you have a high school education. You can't even get a low wage job. Hell! You can't even stand on a street corner. None of you will even try going too community centers that will help clean up your record, so you can at least go back too school, or job training. So you can't say an opportunity isn't available. You can still buy a bus card with the illegal money you make, and go too such places.
I'm very sure you want something better out of life, as opposed to just standing on a street corner waiting for a bullet or two? So save your illegal money. Stop buying shoes that don't even last 6 months, and pants that don't fit. Go back too school. Learn a trade. Seek out organizations that will set you on the right path. So ask yourself, is it really worth it?
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Girl’s Hair Gets Caught In Handheld Fan Distributed By CPS « CBS Chicago
Girl’s Hair Gets Caught In Handheld Fan Distributed By CPS « CBS Chicago
Always remember, follow the money.
They closed damn near 50 schools, laid off thousands of teachers, and not one of those "Smart, Educated, Administrators" had the forethought of using that money for the purchase of air conditioners. What are they doing with their portion of the property taxes they receive?
I want that inspector general to get off his or her ass, and audit this money draining bureaucracy. As a matter of fact, why not the CTA also? What in the holy hell are they doing with the funds they suck out of our pockets? Ask yourself this folks. Why isn't every school air conditioned? Were all the ones they closed, not have one air conditioning unit, or individual air conditioners? Sounds highly improbable right?
Last but not least, why are they crying budget deficit after the largest school closing in the history of this country? Where did the savings go? Did it go from one hand towards another? I thinks so. Remember folks, follow the money.
Always remember, follow the money.
They closed damn near 50 schools, laid off thousands of teachers, and not one of those "Smart, Educated, Administrators" had the forethought of using that money for the purchase of air conditioners. What are they doing with their portion of the property taxes they receive?
I want that inspector general to get off his or her ass, and audit this money draining bureaucracy. As a matter of fact, why not the CTA also? What in the holy hell are they doing with the funds they suck out of our pockets? Ask yourself this folks. Why isn't every school air conditioned? Were all the ones they closed, not have one air conditioning unit, or individual air conditioners? Sounds highly improbable right?
Last but not least, why are they crying budget deficit after the largest school closing in the history of this country? Where did the savings go? Did it go from one hand towards another? I thinks so. Remember folks, follow the money.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Two Shot In Drive-By Near South Side Gas Station « CBS Chicago
Two Shot In Drive-By Near South Side Gas Station « CBS Chicago
Plus one killed in Evanston, and another found dead in their home with head trauma. Makes one wonder how many more are there that wasn't reported?
On another note. Don't forget the perverts living on "Safe Passage Routes". Fucking elected douche-bags never see the forest for the trees. They always do knee-jerk shit so they can proclaim See! I did something! Odd how it all comes back and bites them right in the ass. And the sad part, we vote for these tools every election cycle.
Plus one killed in Evanston, and another found dead in their home with head trauma. Makes one wonder how many more are there that wasn't reported?
On another note. Don't forget the perverts living on "Safe Passage Routes". Fucking elected douche-bags never see the forest for the trees. They always do knee-jerk shit so they can proclaim See! I did something! Odd how it all comes back and bites them right in the ass. And the sad part, we vote for these tools every election cycle.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Police: Foot patrols helping reduction in Chicago crime
Police: Foot patrols helping reduction in Chicago crime
Huh? Where have I Been? Decades ago this neighborhood was supposed to have this. Haven't seen any walking. Did see a few last year riding bikes. I guess the budget cuts knocked out the bike riding.
Oh well.
Huh? Where have I Been? Decades ago this neighborhood was supposed to have this. Haven't seen any walking. Did see a few last year riding bikes. I guess the budget cuts knocked out the bike riding.
Oh well.
Monday, September 9, 2013
1 Dead, 17 Wounded In Weekend Gun Violence « CBS Chicago
1 Dead, 17 Wounded In Weekend Gun Violence « CBS Chicago
Depressing isn't it? Yet, don't let it get you down. Fight back, hit the streets, get on your pastors backs and let them know they must get involved with the parents.
Depressing isn't it? Yet, don't let it get you down. Fight back, hit the streets, get on your pastors backs and let them know they must get involved with the parents.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
1 Dead, 14 Shot Across The City Since Friday Night « CBS Chicago
1 Dead, 14 Shot Across The City Since Friday Night « CBS Chicago
Simple madness folks.
On another note, the teachers must being doing something right at my old grade school for it to be still open. Yep. I attended Melody decades ago. I even remember when Dr. King was assassinated, the teachers, and staff quietly organized, and sent us home. The teachers walked us down the alleys of that old neighborhood, until every child reached the safety of their homes.
After that, chaos ensued. My city burned and to this day, has never recovered. Fast forward. Our nations youth have been infected with evil, and continue killing, maiming, and destroying lives of families. As children back on that horrific day, we inquired of our parents, what happened, and why the madness? As an adult today, the same question lingers.
Simple madness folks.
On another note, the teachers must being doing something right at my old grade school for it to be still open. Yep. I attended Melody decades ago. I even remember when Dr. King was assassinated, the teachers, and staff quietly organized, and sent us home. The teachers walked us down the alleys of that old neighborhood, until every child reached the safety of their homes.
After that, chaos ensued. My city burned and to this day, has never recovered. Fast forward. Our nations youth have been infected with evil, and continue killing, maiming, and destroying lives of families. As children back on that horrific day, we inquired of our parents, what happened, and why the madness? As an adult today, the same question lingers.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
1 Dead, 7 Shot Across The City Since Friday Night « CBS Chicago
1 Dead, 7 Shot Across The City Since Friday Night « CBS Chicago
Damn! Well, there's the latest numbers in the saga of Madness Continues.
They are getting either so bold, or so dumb, that one of the nitwits stole an officers car, and another slow of wit douche-bag, pointed a gun at an officer. I take it that idiot thought the officer would turn and run. Not!
Cheer up folks it's Saturday, and I'm sure people across the country are getting fed up with these NRA backed knuckle-draggers. NRA backed you inquire? Oh yes. In the event you didn't catch the story, the NRA is fighting our elected representatives from going after straw buyers. Ain't that a kick in the ass?
So with that said. Madness continues.
Damn! Well, there's the latest numbers in the saga of Madness Continues.
They are getting either so bold, or so dumb, that one of the nitwits stole an officers car, and another slow of wit douche-bag, pointed a gun at an officer. I take it that idiot thought the officer would turn and run. Not!
Cheer up folks it's Saturday, and I'm sure people across the country are getting fed up with these NRA backed knuckle-draggers. NRA backed you inquire? Oh yes. In the event you didn't catch the story, the NRA is fighting our elected representatives from going after straw buyers. Ain't that a kick in the ass?
So with that said. Madness continues.
Friday, September 6, 2013
Aldermen Seek To Make Bars, Restaurants “Gun-Free Zones” « CBS Chicago
Aldermen Seek To Make Bars, Restaurants “Gun-Free Zones” « CBS Chicago
Okay city council, once again your stepping on the constitution. This is a decision for the owners of such establishments.
The sane owners of such places already have enacted such "Bans". The ones that will refuse, should have never been granted a license for selling such libations, because they are reckless from the get go. They could care less about the people's safety. So with this in mind, here's a suggestion. Let the insurance companies jack up the rates of any mentally unstable establishment that will not honor such a safe solution, for a highly reckless policy. Hopefully, such a move would slap some sense into such a moronic business owner.
Okay city council, once again your stepping on the constitution. This is a decision for the owners of such establishments.
The sane owners of such places already have enacted such "Bans". The ones that will refuse, should have never been granted a license for selling such libations, because they are reckless from the get go. They could care less about the people's safety. So with this in mind, here's a suggestion. Let the insurance companies jack up the rates of any mentally unstable establishment that will not honor such a safe solution, for a highly reckless policy. Hopefully, such a move would slap some sense into such a moronic business owner.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Teen Boys Shot On South Side Porch « CBS Chicago
Teen Boys Shot On South Side Porch « CBS Chicago
Let me guess? Both are known gang members? Both have extensive criminal records? Could the reason "No One Is In Custody" stem from the theory both knew the shooter and will seek retaliation?
And there you have it folks, lunacy.
Let me guess? Both are known gang members? Both have extensive criminal records? Could the reason "No One Is In Custody" stem from the theory both knew the shooter and will seek retaliation?
And there you have it folks, lunacy.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Prosecutors: Man Shot Fellow Gang Member For Being Witness In Court Case « CBS Chicago
Prosecutors: Man Shot Fellow Gang Member For Being Witness In Court Case « CBS Chicago
What a bang up job criminal justice system. And you granted this douche-bag bail so he could kill again. Smart, very smart.
What a bang up job criminal justice system. And you granted this douche-bag bail so he could kill again. Smart, very smart.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Monday, September 2, 2013
Madness Continues
Like I've stated before, this will not stop until we all stop it. It will spread from neighborhood too neighborhood. It's time we and our elected officials get serious.
Like I've stated before, this will not stop until we all stop it. It will spread from neighborhood too neighborhood. It's time we and our elected officials get serious.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Police: Naked Man Tasered After Shattering Car Windshield « CBS Chicago
Police: Naked Man Tasered After Shattering Car Windshield « CBS Chicago
So tired of the shootings so here's a story from Clown College.
So tired of the shootings so here's a story from Clown College.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
1 Dead, 5 Wounded In Shootings Since Friday Night « CBS Chicago
1 Dead, 5 Wounded In Shootings Since Friday Night « CBS Chicago
Stupidity never takes a break. I do hope that when (and it's only a matter of time), they catch the ignorant, disrespectful, low-life that commits these crimes, they show no mercy.
I've never proclaimed being a bible guy, but "Thou Shalt Not Kill" is a damn good lesson for all. Show them no mercy when you catch them.
Stupidity never takes a break. I do hope that when (and it's only a matter of time), they catch the ignorant, disrespectful, low-life that commits these crimes, they show no mercy.
I've never proclaimed being a bible guy, but "Thou Shalt Not Kill" is a damn good lesson for all. Show them no mercy when you catch them.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Sen. Kirk meets residents on tour of Englewood to understand violence
Sen. Kirk meets residents on tour of Englewood to understand violence
Well, at least the people made an attempt at informing the Senator. Yet, he's not really concerned at what they have tried to expand too his thought process. He's been duped by misinformation, and not having the experience of living in such areas.
He's safe, and secure where he resides. He doesn't hear the intermittent gunshots, or the constant scream of police, fire, and ambulance sirens going up and down certain streets each and every day, and night. So the best solution he could only come up with is, lock em all up. Well Senator, that only creates more prisons, and the last time I checked, this State doesn't have the funds for such an endeavor, with the raiding of hard working folks pension funds.
Senator Kirk, you do realize you represent the entire State of Illinois? Why didn't you listen too what the people were saying? Oh wait, I forgot. You don't live there.
Well, at least the people made an attempt at informing the Senator. Yet, he's not really concerned at what they have tried to expand too his thought process. He's been duped by misinformation, and not having the experience of living in such areas.
He's safe, and secure where he resides. He doesn't hear the intermittent gunshots, or the constant scream of police, fire, and ambulance sirens going up and down certain streets each and every day, and night. So the best solution he could only come up with is, lock em all up. Well Senator, that only creates more prisons, and the last time I checked, this State doesn't have the funds for such an endeavor, with the raiding of hard working folks pension funds.
Senator Kirk, you do realize you represent the entire State of Illinois? Why didn't you listen too what the people were saying? Oh wait, I forgot. You don't live there.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
3 arrested at rap video shoot over guns
3 arrested at rap video shoot over guns
How much does anyone want to bet, the clown from Indiana is a Straw Buyer?
Since the Bush administration doesn't think water-boarding is torture, how about doing it too this clown and get some information? I know, sounds pretty harsh huh? But hey! These idiots had no respect for the persons property, and they were in possession of illegal guns. Hell! I'd go so far and bet these dick-heads will get a slap on the wrist for these felony charges.
If you really need to know how fucked up the criminal justice system truly is, follow this case. I'll bet the clown from Indiana is a Straw Buyer.
How much does anyone want to bet, the clown from Indiana is a Straw Buyer?
Since the Bush administration doesn't think water-boarding is torture, how about doing it too this clown and get some information? I know, sounds pretty harsh huh? But hey! These idiots had no respect for the persons property, and they were in possession of illegal guns. Hell! I'd go so far and bet these dick-heads will get a slap on the wrist for these felony charges.
If you really need to know how fucked up the criminal justice system truly is, follow this case. I'll bet the clown from Indiana is a Straw Buyer.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Man Shot And Killed In Englewood « CBS Chicago
Man Shot And Killed In Englewood « CBS Chicago
So far, this tally should include another shot near a "Safe Passage Route", and two stabbed in separate incidents. Being stupid is very contagious around the country.
Here's the links for the other incidents: http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2013/08/28/man-shot-on-west-side-near-safe-passage-route/ And the other stabbings: http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2013/08/28/man-stabbed-to-death-during-family-dispute-in-portage-park/ http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2013/08/28/man-stabbed-to-death-in-humboldt-park/
So far, this tally should include another shot near a "Safe Passage Route", and two stabbed in separate incidents. Being stupid is very contagious around the country.
Here's the links for the other incidents: http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2013/08/28/man-shot-on-west-side-near-safe-passage-route/ And the other stabbings: http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2013/08/28/man-stabbed-to-death-during-family-dispute-in-portage-park/ http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2013/08/28/man-stabbed-to-death-in-humboldt-park/
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Teen Shot And Killed On South Side « CBS Chicago
Teen Shot And Killed On South Side « CBS Chicago
If my count is right, that's a total of 3 shot with one fatality. It's simple madness.
If my count is right, that's a total of 3 shot with one fatality. It's simple madness.
Monday, August 26, 2013
2 Dead, 15 Wounded In Weekend Shootings « CBS Chicago
2 Dead, 15 Wounded In Weekend Shootings « CBS Chicago
Hell of a weekend folks.
The only thing an individual can do, is keep the pressure on our elected leaders for change.
Hell of a weekend folks.
The only thing an individual can do, is keep the pressure on our elected leaders for change.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
11 Wounded In Weekend Shootings « CBS Chicago
11 Wounded In Weekend Shootings « CBS Chicago
Somewhere in this country, there's another person like myself, posting similar articles of horrendous gang shootings as you read here. Face it people, it's happening all over the Untied States.
The question is, why are we, and our elected officials failing in addressing this menace? Just a couple of days ago, they were marching up and down the block demanding a ceasefire. Today, one picks up, or reads online, more shootings.
What must finally happen for all involved to realize we have not a problem, but an epidemic on our hands? Some states are taking action, others are making it worse. When teens have access too firearms better than your law abiding citizen, well you know your entire state is fucked up. And yet you have other states with more stringent laws on the books, while its neighboring state has a big "Come Get You Gun, No Questions Asked Sign", on their border.
The United States of America should mean exactly that, United. Why are we so divided on this simple issue? Somewhere in this country, there's another person like myself, asking the same question.
Somewhere in this country, there's another person like myself, posting similar articles of horrendous gang shootings as you read here. Face it people, it's happening all over the Untied States.
The question is, why are we, and our elected officials failing in addressing this menace? Just a couple of days ago, they were marching up and down the block demanding a ceasefire. Today, one picks up, or reads online, more shootings.
What must finally happen for all involved to realize we have not a problem, but an epidemic on our hands? Some states are taking action, others are making it worse. When teens have access too firearms better than your law abiding citizen, well you know your entire state is fucked up. And yet you have other states with more stringent laws on the books, while its neighboring state has a big "Come Get You Gun, No Questions Asked Sign", on their border.
The United States of America should mean exactly that, United. Why are we so divided on this simple issue? Somewhere in this country, there's another person like myself, asking the same question.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Four Charged With Kidnapping Businessman For Ransom « CBS Chicago
Four Charged With Kidnapping Businessman For Ransom « CBS Chicago
Words cannot describe how dumb these super-idiots are.
Now you know why education is the key for a very successful life. Stay In School Kids.
Words cannot describe how dumb these super-idiots are.
Now you know why education is the key for a very successful life. Stay In School Kids.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Teen Slain In McKinley Park « CBS Chicago
Teen Slain In McKinley Park « CBS Chicago
They will not stop unless we make them. When I say we, that includes you churches, and parents.
They will not stop unless we make them. When I say we, that includes you churches, and parents.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
1 Killed, 1 Wounded In Englewood Shooting « CBS Chicago
1 Killed, 1 Wounded In Englewood Shooting « CBS Chicago
They don't care. When I say that, I'm talking about the douche-bag that fired the shots. The "Known Gang Member" standing on the corner with a bulls-eye on their back. The politicians. And the parent/s that let their children do what they please, with no consequences.
Think about that.
They don't care. When I say that, I'm talking about the douche-bag that fired the shots. The "Known Gang Member" standing on the corner with a bulls-eye on their back. The politicians. And the parent/s that let their children do what they please, with no consequences.
Think about that.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
8 injured in shootings across city - Chicago News and Weather | FOX 32 News
8 injured in shootings across city - Chicago News and Weather | FOX 32 News
Since the Governor made it a crime if citizens don't report "Lost or Stolen Weapons", I wonder how many of the guns used in these shootings are "Lost or Stolen"?
I'll go you one better Governor. How about an automatic 10 years for straw buyers, and life in prison for straw buyers if the gun is used to commit murder? Constitutionally speaking, there's nothing cruel and unusual about that type of sentencing.
Think about it.
Since the Governor made it a crime if citizens don't report "Lost or Stolen Weapons", I wonder how many of the guns used in these shootings are "Lost or Stolen"?
I'll go you one better Governor. How about an automatic 10 years for straw buyers, and life in prison for straw buyers if the gun is used to commit murder? Constitutionally speaking, there's nothing cruel and unusual about that type of sentencing.
Think about it.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
1 Dead, 11 Wounded In Citywide Shootings Overnight « CBS Chicago
1 Dead, 11 Wounded In Citywide Shootings Overnight « CBS Chicago
Crime update. The madness never ends.
Crime update. The madness never ends.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Just Look At The Age Range
In a nutshell, it's simple insanity.
Yet when you look at the age of many of the people, the bulk falls in that early, mid, and late 20 area with the exceptions of those caught in stupid crossfire. One could easily argue if that age group had decent employment, such incidents would decline. But, we all know a good number of them are out on the streets selling drugs for a person that doesn't give a shit about them, because there are no jobs.
In a nutshell, it's simple insanity.
In a nutshell, it's simple insanity.
Yet when you look at the age of many of the people, the bulk falls in that early, mid, and late 20 area with the exceptions of those caught in stupid crossfire. One could easily argue if that age group had decent employment, such incidents would decline. But, we all know a good number of them are out on the streets selling drugs for a person that doesn't give a shit about them, because there are no jobs.
In a nutshell, it's simple insanity.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Saturday, August 17, 2013
1 Dead, 8 Wounded In Shootings Since Friday Night « CBS Chicago
1 Dead, 8 Wounded In Shootings Since Friday Night « CBS Chicago
They have no respect for life. They have no decency. They rather deal with the hand they have been dealt, as opposed to making meaningful changes for their lives, and community.
The will not change until we do.
They have no respect for life. They have no decency. They rather deal with the hand they have been dealt, as opposed to making meaningful changes for their lives, and community.
The will not change until we do.
Friday, August 16, 2013
2 Killed, 11 Wounded In Overnight Shootings « CBS Chicago
2 Killed, 11 Wounded In Overnight Shootings « CBS Chicago
I guess our elected leaders are too busy covering their collective asses with the transportation scandal, then deal with this. Follow the money folks. That's when your eyes open, and see the ugly corrupt graft going on around the country. And let me be clear. It's both parties.
They don't care, until it affects them.
I guess our elected leaders are too busy covering their collective asses with the transportation scandal, then deal with this. Follow the money folks. That's when your eyes open, and see the ugly corrupt graft going on around the country. And let me be clear. It's both parties.
They don't care, until it affects them.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
4 Teens Wounded In 2 Separate Shootings Overnight « CBS Chicago
4 Teens Wounded In 2 Separate Shootings Overnight « CBS Chicago
All in all, I read elsewhere the total is a horrific 7 shot overnight. So there you have it folks. Just remember how many times I stated our elected leaders, are just sitting on their hands until this menace affects them.
All in all, I read elsewhere the total is a horrific 7 shot overnight. So there you have it folks. Just remember how many times I stated our elected leaders, are just sitting on their hands until this menace affects them.
Crime Commission Produces 1st Of Anti-Heroin Ads « CBS Chicago
Crime Commission Produces 1st Of Anti-Heroin Ads « CBS Chicago
Told ya so. If your brain is locked down, I've always stated, they (Politicians, etc. etc.) only do anything when it begins affecting them.
So ask yourself this. How long has heroin been a problem in this country? What finally made them do this? The answer is simple. It's starting to affect them.
Told ya so. If your brain is locked down, I've always stated, they (Politicians, etc. etc.) only do anything when it begins affecting them.
So ask yourself this. How long has heroin been a problem in this country? What finally made them do this? The answer is simple. It's starting to affect them.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
2 Dead, 11 Wounded In Shootings Since Monday Evening « CBS Chicago
2 Dead, 11 Wounded In Shootings Since Monday Evening « CBS Chicago
And still our elected officials do nothing.
And still our elected officials do nothing.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Four Dead, 33 Wounded In Weekend Violence « CBS Chicago
Four Dead, 33 Wounded In Weekend Violence « CBS Chicago
Cynically speaking. The reason these shootings are going down is because people are getting tired of getting shot. This action only leaves the die-hard idiots out on the streets.
Yet still, even one shooting is always one to many. Hopefully, the rest will wise up also.
Cynically speaking. The reason these shootings are going down is because people are getting tired of getting shot. This action only leaves the die-hard idiots out on the streets.
Yet still, even one shooting is always one to many. Hopefully, the rest will wise up also.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
So with the other 3 shot in Cicero, the shooting count stands at 5, and it's only Sunday morning.
So with the other 3 shot in Cicero, the shooting count stands at 5, and it's only Sunday morning.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Friday, August 9, 2013
Tyrisce Calhoun shot at Oak Knoll Renaissance apartments in Gary, for 2nd time | abc7chicago.com
Tyrisce Calhoun shot at Oak Knoll Renaissance apartments in Gary, for 2nd time | abc7chicago.com
He didn't cooperate the first time, which makes me think he should be investigated for any shootings in that area. It's obvious something nefarious is going on here.
He didn't cooperate the first time, which makes me think he should be investigated for any shootings in that area. It's obvious something nefarious is going on here.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Man Seriously Wounded In Ukrainian Village Shooting « CBS Chicago
Man Seriously Wounded In Ukrainian Village Shooting « CBS Chicago
He 'refused to cooperate with law enforcement." That explains how stupid he is. It should not be difficult for law enforcement to begin surveillance on this moron, and knock off two bids with one stone. Well, possibly more birds. They will catch the idiot that gives him an illegal weapon. They will catch the person that shot the douche when he goes for retaliation. And they will catch him for attempting retaliation.
The next headline should be "Seriously wounded moron caught with illegal gun seeking retaliation, helps nab straw buyer, and original shooter."
He 'refused to cooperate with law enforcement." That explains how stupid he is. It should not be difficult for law enforcement to begin surveillance on this moron, and knock off two bids with one stone. Well, possibly more birds. They will catch the idiot that gives him an illegal weapon. They will catch the person that shot the douche when he goes for retaliation. And they will catch him for attempting retaliation.
The next headline should be "Seriously wounded moron caught with illegal gun seeking retaliation, helps nab straw buyer, and original shooter."
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
3 Killed, 9 Wounded In Shootings Since Monday Afternoon « CBS Chicago
3 Killed, 9 Wounded In Shootings Since Monday Afternoon « CBS Chicago
Until they change the laws, this will continue.
You see, this city may have tough gun laws, but that doesn't stop a criminal from going to the suburbs, or Indiana. Hell, for that matter, an open air gun show.
This is the main reason for legislation for universial background checks. Anyone that argues against this measure, isn't fit mentally, to own a gun. It just makes good common sense.
Until they change the laws, this will continue.
You see, this city may have tough gun laws, but that doesn't stop a criminal from going to the suburbs, or Indiana. Hell, for that matter, an open air gun show.
This is the main reason for legislation for universial background checks. Anyone that argues against this measure, isn't fit mentally, to own a gun. It just makes good common sense.
Monday, August 5, 2013
2 Dead, 22 Others Shot Over Weekend In Chicago « CBS Chicago
2 Dead, 22 Others Shot Over Weekend In Chicago « CBS Chicago
Un-real. And yet, still no legislative action unless it affects them.
When you browse through your local, and national newspapers, make sure you check out the comments section. This way, you'll know why I say nothing is being done. Some of the people that chime in, are just as vicious as the terrorist doing the shootings. They are completely heartless by saying one race is nothing but a bunch of animals, while failing to acknowledge they kill more in a single day.
One thing you can be assured of, our politicians will continue sitting on their hands until it affects them.
Un-real. And yet, still no legislative action unless it affects them.
When you browse through your local, and national newspapers, make sure you check out the comments section. This way, you'll know why I say nothing is being done. Some of the people that chime in, are just as vicious as the terrorist doing the shootings. They are completely heartless by saying one race is nothing but a bunch of animals, while failing to acknowledge they kill more in a single day.
One thing you can be assured of, our politicians will continue sitting on their hands until it affects them.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
1 Dead, 21 Others Hurt In Shootings Since Friday « CBS Chicago
1 Dead, 21 Others Hurt In Shootings Since Friday « CBS Chicago
That sad number keeps climbing, and it's only Sunday.
Meanwhile, still no legislation fix for straw buyers. Think about that next time you go out with your family.
That sad number keeps climbing, and it's only Sunday.
Meanwhile, still no legislation fix for straw buyers. Think about that next time you go out with your family.
Saturday, August 3, 2013
This Is Insane
My God, this is just insane. And still, nothing being passed down state.
One more reason the governor isn't paying them.
My God, this is just insane. And still, nothing being passed down state.
One more reason the governor isn't paying them.
Friday, August 2, 2013
6 hurt in Chicago shootings since Thursday night - Chicago News and Weather | FOX 32 News
6 hurt in Chicago shootings since Thursday night - Chicago News and Weather | FOX 32 News
Damn shame our elected lawmakers don't care until it affects them.
Damn shame our elected lawmakers don't care until it affects them.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
6 Wounded In Shootings Since Wednesday Afternoon « CBS Chicago
6 Wounded In Shootings Since Wednesday Afternoon « CBS Chicago
Meanwhile, they still haven't passed any serious legislation down state.
Meanwhile, they still haven't passed any serious legislation down state.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
2 Teens Among 6 Hurt In Shootings, Stabbing Tuesday Night « CBS Chicago
2 Teens Among 6 Hurt In Shootings, Stabbing Tuesday Night « CBS Chicago
Still no serious legislation from down state. Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.
Still no serious legislation from down state. Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Man Killed In South Shore Shooting « CBS Chicago
Man Killed In South Shore Shooting « CBS Chicago
I guess we just have to wait on our elected officials if any legislation will get passed. Honestly, I'm not holding my breath.
They never do anything until it affects them. So if any of you are well versed in history, it has this nasty habit of repeating itself. So don't hold your breath.
I guess we just have to wait on our elected officials if any legislation will get passed. Honestly, I'm not holding my breath.
They never do anything until it affects them. So if any of you are well versed in history, it has this nasty habit of repeating itself. So don't hold your breath.
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