City seeks more time to weigh Midway privatization
Last time I checked, selling off government services to the lowest bidder, never works.
Just look at the shitty deal we taxpayers got stuck with when our last Mayor sold parking meters. Prices went up, service sucks, and the city still ran a deficit. I wonder what happened to that money? So go right ahead and sell Midway. Just watch what happens. Prices will go up, service will suck, and the cities deficit may even explode beyond imagination.
Happens every time you sell government services too the "Private Sector".
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
Illinois pension reform measure passes House
Illinois pension reform measure passes House
Interesting what a difference a day makes when these guys and gals passed legislation telling "Online Dating Sites" to do background checks on its "Booty-Calling" members.
If anything, the entire political pension system should reflect the same system working class people must face. So with that said, a major overhaul of this pension system is in order. The special perks must come to an end.
Interesting what a difference a day makes when these guys and gals passed legislation telling "Online Dating Sites" to do background checks on its "Booty-Calling" members.
If anything, the entire political pension system should reflect the same system working class people must face. So with that said, a major overhaul of this pension system is in order. The special perks must come to an end.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
State Senate OKs online dating safeguards
State Senate OKs online dating safeguards
Why are we paying them again?
One would think they would have more pressing issues to vote on as opposed to telling Private companies a no brain-er. The ultimate in blind dates now has to do background checks to make sure no Chester The Molesters are lurking as members. Oh , that includes rapist and murders also. Again, one would think if you are starting such a website, background checks would be priority number one. That's a safeguard for these entities against lawsuits.
But, if these websites are not doing this, well that's a pretty shitty site for anyone willing to join, and take such a risk.
The mayor of Chicago wants to get an infrastructure project off the ground. Meanwhile the folks down State, wants to make sure you are not hooking up with a pervert. Funny, I thought adults would be more aware of what they are getting into on such sites.
So, why are we paying them?
Why are we paying them again?
One would think they would have more pressing issues to vote on as opposed to telling Private companies a no brain-er. The ultimate in blind dates now has to do background checks to make sure no Chester The Molesters are lurking as members. Oh , that includes rapist and murders also. Again, one would think if you are starting such a website, background checks would be priority number one. That's a safeguard for these entities against lawsuits.
But, if these websites are not doing this, well that's a pretty shitty site for anyone willing to join, and take such a risk.
The mayor of Chicago wants to get an infrastructure project off the ground. Meanwhile the folks down State, wants to make sure you are not hooking up with a pervert. Funny, I thought adults would be more aware of what they are getting into on such sites.
So, why are we paying them?
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Homicide case involving Daley nephew needs special prosecutor
Homicide case involving Daley nephew needs special prosecutor
Since this happened, no marches, no taking to the streets, and no national media spotlight.
Why? With all the witnesses present, giving detailed statements, this clout-laden nephew is walking the streets. Why was there no arrest, simply even for assault, let alone manslaughter, or perhaps murder? Why was the investigation just left alone? Who influenced who? Why is it taking so long?
It cannot be the old saying of "It's not what you know, but who you know"? If that's the case, Trayvon, and David may have a longer wait. I certainly hope that is not, and never shall be the case in the future.
Since this happened, no marches, no taking to the streets, and no national media spotlight.
Why? With all the witnesses present, giving detailed statements, this clout-laden nephew is walking the streets. Why was there no arrest, simply even for assault, let alone manslaughter, or perhaps murder? Why was the investigation just left alone? Who influenced who? Why is it taking so long?
It cannot be the old saying of "It's not what you know, but who you know"? If that's the case, Trayvon, and David may have a longer wait. I certainly hope that is not, and never shall be the case in the future.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Neighbors: Drop charges against man, 80, in shooting of burglar
Neighbors: Drop charges against man, 80, in shooting of burglar
Some food for thought about this article.
"Wright was charged with one felony count of unlawful use of a weapon after police discovered he had two prior weapons convictions from 1968 and 1994, officials said. Records show Wright also was convicted of theft in 1990. Wright turned his gun over to detectives."
Question. Were these charges misdemeanor's or felonies? That's the missing detail in this story. If they are misdemeanors, and this man hasn't been in trouble with the law since 1994, why bother going through the formality of charging him?
Yes two wrongs never make a right. But this city makes its citizen's jump through hoops just to own a firearm for protecting themselves from criminals. Who by the way, have much better access.
Drop the charges, let him go on with his life. Look at the positive side. He could have killed this jerk.
Some food for thought about this article.
"Wright was charged with one felony count of unlawful use of a weapon after police discovered he had two prior weapons convictions from 1968 and 1994, officials said. Records show Wright also was convicted of theft in 1990. Wright turned his gun over to detectives."
Question. Were these charges misdemeanor's or felonies? That's the missing detail in this story. If they are misdemeanors, and this man hasn't been in trouble with the law since 1994, why bother going through the formality of charging him?
Yes two wrongs never make a right. But this city makes its citizen's jump through hoops just to own a firearm for protecting themselves from criminals. Who by the way, have much better access.
Drop the charges, let him go on with his life. Look at the positive side. He could have killed this jerk.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Lashing at healthcare, Santorum says only 'creator' can grant rights
Lashing at healthcare, Santorum says only 'creator' can grant rights
I'm sorry folks. I do my best in refraining from stooping to such levels, but ass-clowns like this guy just make you want to repeat what Christ was quoted as saying. "Get Behind Me Satan...". In a nutshell that simply means, get the fuck out of my face with your crazy bullshit.
The Founding fathers would tar and feather this zealot for trying to turn what they "Created" into a theocracy. This is what they didn't want when they crafted the constitution. Christ taught his followers that faith is a "Private Matter" between you and God, should you choose to accept it. When anyone pushes their agenda religious or otherwise, on people that don't share such views, you will run into a situation.
We elect representatives in this country, not ayatollahs. Maybe Rick should run as the American Taliban candidate since he wants to force his religious views on the rest of this country, and world. It boggles the mind that a person with so many degrees from "Higher Education" can be so fucking ignorant of the true meaning of Separation of Church and State.
Get behind me Satan. Just get the hell behind me, because you totally are clueless.
I'm sorry folks. I do my best in refraining from stooping to such levels, but ass-clowns like this guy just make you want to repeat what Christ was quoted as saying. "Get Behind Me Satan...". In a nutshell that simply means, get the fuck out of my face with your crazy bullshit.
The Founding fathers would tar and feather this zealot for trying to turn what they "Created" into a theocracy. This is what they didn't want when they crafted the constitution. Christ taught his followers that faith is a "Private Matter" between you and God, should you choose to accept it. When anyone pushes their agenda religious or otherwise, on people that don't share such views, you will run into a situation.
We elect representatives in this country, not ayatollahs. Maybe Rick should run as the American Taliban candidate since he wants to force his religious views on the rest of this country, and world. It boggles the mind that a person with so many degrees from "Higher Education" can be so fucking ignorant of the true meaning of Separation of Church and State.
Get behind me Satan. Just get the hell behind me, because you totally are clueless.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
What black parents tell their sons
What black parents tell their sons
This such a great article and in all honesty, applies to all minorities in this country.
Tell your children the truth parents.
This such a great article and in all honesty, applies to all minorities in this country.
Tell your children the truth parents.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Milk money: Clout-heavy family got $162 million in contracts - Chicago Sun-Times
Milk money: Clout-heavy family got $162 million in contracts - Chicago Sun-Times
Why am I not surprised Alderman Burke is mentioned? Hell, he's been milking taxpayers for police protection, which by the way HE DOESN'T NEED!
Why am I not surprised Alderman Burke is mentioned? Hell, he's been milking taxpayers for police protection, which by the way HE DOESN'T NEED!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Illinois congressional races are key nationally in the fall
Illinois congressional races are key nationally in the fall
Ask yourself this very important question Illinois voters. What have these clowns done that you can tangibly see, since you elected them? Short answer, Not A Damn Thing.
Yet, I can tell you what they have done since they fooled you into voting them in. They took taxpayer health-care. They don't want you having it. They have launched bill after bill, attacking women, dirtying our air, and water. The list goes on and on.
So the next time you step in the voting booth, think about what they have taken from you, but keep too themselves. When you vote in November, think transportation, construction, police, fire, teachers, nurses, doctors, hospitals, and schools. Don't think about "Taking our Country Back to the Days of Our Founding Fathers". Hell people, they owned slaves.
Ask yourself this very important question Illinois voters. What have these clowns done that you can tangibly see, since you elected them? Short answer, Not A Damn Thing.
Yet, I can tell you what they have done since they fooled you into voting them in. They took taxpayer health-care. They don't want you having it. They have launched bill after bill, attacking women, dirtying our air, and water. The list goes on and on.
So the next time you step in the voting booth, think about what they have taken from you, but keep too themselves. When you vote in November, think transportation, construction, police, fire, teachers, nurses, doctors, hospitals, and schools. Don't think about "Taking our Country Back to the Days of Our Founding Fathers". Hell people, they owned slaves.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Prognosis good for decorated officer shot in chest
Prognosis good for decorated officer shot in chest
Well politicians? When crack invaded you slapped together a ridiculous law, and forgot to treat it the same as cocaine. Now you have an opportunity to put together a serious and tougher law for these criminals roaming our streets armed. First off the bat. If these were juveniles, what the fuck were the parent/s doing letting them out? Parents, crackdown, or tell them to hit the bricks. Second, if the shooter was a juvenile, how in the hell did he have access to a firearm?
Lastly. Now is the time for crafting legislation that will ensure these clowns stay in prison for life. No more slaps on the wrist. Hell, I'll even bet they had priors.
Well politicians? When crack invaded you slapped together a ridiculous law, and forgot to treat it the same as cocaine. Now you have an opportunity to put together a serious and tougher law for these criminals roaming our streets armed. First off the bat. If these were juveniles, what the fuck were the parent/s doing letting them out? Parents, crackdown, or tell them to hit the bricks. Second, if the shooter was a juvenile, how in the hell did he have access to a firearm?
Lastly. Now is the time for crafting legislation that will ensure these clowns stay in prison for life. No more slaps on the wrist. Hell, I'll even bet they had priors.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Mom of slain girl, 6: 'They're animals for doing this to my baby'
Mom of slain girl, 6: 'They're animals for doing this to my baby'
Many prayers for this mother.
She is right about these mindless "animals". I call upon our elected officials to seriously consider "Life In Prison Punishment" for all who use a gun. rifle, or assault weapon during the commission of a crime in this State. Stop the revolving door of our prison system. These criminals must know that they will never be on the streets again.
So lawmakers, gather the constitutional lawyers and craft a law that will put these "animals" away for life. No more slaps on the wrist.
Many prayers for this mother.
She is right about these mindless "animals". I call upon our elected officials to seriously consider "Life In Prison Punishment" for all who use a gun. rifle, or assault weapon during the commission of a crime in this State. Stop the revolving door of our prison system. These criminals must know that they will never be on the streets again.
So lawmakers, gather the constitutional lawyers and craft a law that will put these "animals" away for life. No more slaps on the wrist.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
5 dead, 12 wounded in attacks across Chicago
5 dead, 12 wounded in attacks across Chicago
Anyone that claims it's the weather, is just as ignorant as these mindless criminals.
It isn't the weather that causes these mindless scum to take to the streets and fire wildly. They are targeting people for either recruitment, or revenge. They will never be man enough to settle anything with fist, or reason. They clearly don't care once caught, they know they will be back on the streets doing the same again.
What needs to be done is the simple "Never See The Streets Again" approach. That is the only way these mindless scum will know how serious this state is. So should a legislator happen by this posting, initiate a bill that will propose a life incarceration minimum for any gang member, and person using a gun, rifle, or assault weapon in the commission of a crime. That's right folks, for any commission of a crime.
Since we can't depend on the NRA helping law enforcement, our state representatives must initiate such legislation. A bill of this nature will stand constitutional requirements. It is not "Cruel and Unusual Punishment". It is just, and deserves attention for all concerned.
No matter how much you "tweak" gun laws, these mindless criminals find ways of obtaining them thanks to the NRA. So let's get serious lawmakers, and enact legislation for life imprisonment for these criminals using these weapons.
Anyone that claims it's the weather, is just as ignorant as these mindless criminals.
It isn't the weather that causes these mindless scum to take to the streets and fire wildly. They are targeting people for either recruitment, or revenge. They will never be man enough to settle anything with fist, or reason. They clearly don't care once caught, they know they will be back on the streets doing the same again.
What needs to be done is the simple "Never See The Streets Again" approach. That is the only way these mindless scum will know how serious this state is. So should a legislator happen by this posting, initiate a bill that will propose a life incarceration minimum for any gang member, and person using a gun, rifle, or assault weapon in the commission of a crime. That's right folks, for any commission of a crime.
Since we can't depend on the NRA helping law enforcement, our state representatives must initiate such legislation. A bill of this nature will stand constitutional requirements. It is not "Cruel and Unusual Punishment". It is just, and deserves attention for all concerned.
No matter how much you "tweak" gun laws, these mindless criminals find ways of obtaining them thanks to the NRA. So let's get serious lawmakers, and enact legislation for life imprisonment for these criminals using these weapons.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Suburban chief: Berwyn man’s DUI case shows need for stiffer laws - Chicago Sun-Times
Suburban chief: Berwyn man’s DUI case shows need for stiffer laws - Chicago Sun-Times
It's about time someone is seeing how the criminal justice system needs reforming.
Remember when everyone "Bitched" about California's "3 Strikes Law"? I bet you it didn't include DUI's. If you can't stop yourself from getting behind the wheel after boozing it up, you have a problem. If you can't stop, you can't drive. It's as simple as that. I agree with this chief. It is time to up the ante, and seriously reform our criminal justice system.
It's about time someone is seeing how the criminal justice system needs reforming.
Remember when everyone "Bitched" about California's "3 Strikes Law"? I bet you it didn't include DUI's. If you can't stop yourself from getting behind the wheel after boozing it up, you have a problem. If you can't stop, you can't drive. It's as simple as that. I agree with this chief. It is time to up the ante, and seriously reform our criminal justice system.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Police seek leads in Illinois bald eagle shootings
Police seek leads in Illinois bald eagle shootings
Another reason for background checks. Hopefully the NRA will stop interfering with law enforcement. Who am I kidding?
Another reason for background checks. Hopefully the NRA will stop interfering with law enforcement. Who am I kidding?
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Karzai asks NATO to leave Afghan villages; Taliban scraps talks
Karzai asks NATO to leave Afghan villages; Taliban scraps talks
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm in favor of leaving and letting them descend back into chaos.
Anyone with a brain knows the previous administration dropped the proverbial ball with that illegal incursion into Iraq. Had we utilize our resources better, Afghanistan would have gave up Osama years ago, and they could have returned to what they do best, harvesting dope.
So I say, fuck em. Let's split and leave them to their own devices.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm in favor of leaving and letting them descend back into chaos.
Anyone with a brain knows the previous administration dropped the proverbial ball with that illegal incursion into Iraq. Had we utilize our resources better, Afghanistan would have gave up Osama years ago, and they could have returned to what they do best, harvesting dope.
So I say, fuck em. Let's split and leave them to their own devices.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Caterpillar to move work from Joliet to South Carolina
Caterpillar to move work from Joliet to South Carolina
Step one. Lie and get a tax cut. Step two. Sneak to another state and open up another plant using cheap labor. Step three. Using the cheap workforce you begin shifting more and more production there, leaving the original plant in a state of unproductive activity. Step four. Begin layoffs claiming work slow-down. Step five. Close the plant, state left holding the bag after giving away tax-cuts for a company that had no intention of staying.
It will happen. Governments rely on tax revenue. Tax cuts deprive governments of revenue. Hence, governments cut services that are provided to the people it serves. You know, police, fire, etc, etc, etc. As any cost rises, governments and people make adjustments and do one of two things. Increase funding in critical areas, and cut funding in wasteful ones. Giving tax cuts to companies that have no intention of staying in your state is one of those waste.
Step one. Lie and get a tax cut. Step two. Sneak to another state and open up another plant using cheap labor. Step three. Using the cheap workforce you begin shifting more and more production there, leaving the original plant in a state of unproductive activity. Step four. Begin layoffs claiming work slow-down. Step five. Close the plant, state left holding the bag after giving away tax-cuts for a company that had no intention of staying.
It will happen. Governments rely on tax revenue. Tax cuts deprive governments of revenue. Hence, governments cut services that are provided to the people it serves. You know, police, fire, etc, etc, etc. As any cost rises, governments and people make adjustments and do one of two things. Increase funding in critical areas, and cut funding in wasteful ones. Giving tax cuts to companies that have no intention of staying in your state is one of those waste.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
State Rep. Derrick Smith charged with accepting bribe
State Rep. Derrick Smith charged with accepting bribe
Wow! What a douche.
I find these politicians totally unbelievable with the money they suck from us taxpayers as salary, and cry broke. What a douche.
Wow! What a douche.
I find these politicians totally unbelievable with the money they suck from us taxpayers as salary, and cry broke. What a douche.
Monday, March 12, 2012
CPS worker ethics probed
CPS worker ethics probed
Surprised? You should never be. What is done in the dark, always comes to light.
Surprised? You should never be. What is done in the dark, always comes to light.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
If the pundits are right, it’s going to be a long baseball season in Chicago - Chicago Sun-Times
If the pundits are right, it’s going to be a long baseball season in Chicago - Chicago Sun-Times
162 games, hell yeah it's going to be a long season. But I can't wait for it to get started.
It's spring training season, and as I type this the Cubs are getting blanked by the Dodgers 5-0 in the 6th. But hey, spring training is for working out the kinks.
162 games, hell yeah it's going to be a long season. But I can't wait for it to get started.
It's spring training season, and as I type this the Cubs are getting blanked by the Dodgers 5-0 in the 6th. But hey, spring training is for working out the kinks.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Ken Griffin talks politics with the Tribune
Ken Griffin talks politics with the Tribune
Okay. I agree with him on the casino, polluters, and any company that only has an interest in its bottom line and not the health of the people. But dude! You guys need regulation because some of you are just blinded by greed. Let's say we re-instate Glass-Steagall, would you agree with that? Things were fine, everyone was cool. Yet, we had the merchants of greed pour money into our elected representatives pockets, and look what that did to this country.
So come on. Let's push to have Glass-Steagall re-instated? It beats wasting your hard/easy earned cash on another disaster led by the GOP. They have zero clue on managing finances. After all these years, you of all people should know that.
Okay. I agree with him on the casino, polluters, and any company that only has an interest in its bottom line and not the health of the people. But dude! You guys need regulation because some of you are just blinded by greed. Let's say we re-instate Glass-Steagall, would you agree with that? Things were fine, everyone was cool. Yet, we had the merchants of greed pour money into our elected representatives pockets, and look what that did to this country.
So come on. Let's push to have Glass-Steagall re-instated? It beats wasting your hard/easy earned cash on another disaster led by the GOP. They have zero clue on managing finances. After all these years, you of all people should know that.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Coke, Pepsi changing their caramel
Coke, Pepsi changing their caramel
Strange, when a product that can be used for cleaning car battery post is finally thought of as a "Cancer-Causing Agent".
Strange, when a product that can be used for cleaning car battery post is finally thought of as a "Cancer-Causing Agent".
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Michigan cuts off food aid for $1-million lottery winner
Michigan cuts off food aid for $1-million lottery winner
A blind person saw this coming.
Once again we have a person that failed a basic lesson in "Common Sense". Just like that wealthy couple in California that is milking that state. Naturally FOX will make a big stink out of this just for the simple reason, this is a Black person. The wealthy couple in California, are White. And you didn't hear a peep from FOX.
But enough of facts. This person was just simply greedy. I'm on disability. But if by the grace of God I get a phone call for an interview, and land a job. I know I have to inform Social Security, and my State of my employment. It's as simple as that. She knew this, and that couple in California knew it as well.
Yep. A blind person saw this coming. It isn't love, it's LUST of money that drive people insane.
A blind person saw this coming.
Once again we have a person that failed a basic lesson in "Common Sense". Just like that wealthy couple in California that is milking that state. Naturally FOX will make a big stink out of this just for the simple reason, this is a Black person. The wealthy couple in California, are White. And you didn't hear a peep from FOX.
But enough of facts. This person was just simply greedy. I'm on disability. But if by the grace of God I get a phone call for an interview, and land a job. I know I have to inform Social Security, and my State of my employment. It's as simple as that. She knew this, and that couple in California knew it as well.
Yep. A blind person saw this coming. It isn't love, it's LUST of money that drive people insane.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
NU law profs’ questions for Attorney General Holder go unanswered - Chicago Sun-Times
NU law profs’ questions for Attorney General Holder go unanswered - Chicago Sun-Times
In a nutshell, he/she are asking the wrong people. It was Congress that gave such powers, it is Congress that must repeal such powers.
Damn! For calling yourself a "Law Professor" you should know that.
In a nutshell, he/she are asking the wrong people. It was Congress that gave such powers, it is Congress that must repeal such powers.
Damn! For calling yourself a "Law Professor" you should know that.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Cubs win! Videogame envisions celebration
Cubs win! Videogame envisions celebration
Hell I do it all the time with the help of my "Created Player". Now if they would only stop cheating me and call a foul once and awhile on NBA2K12, I'd bet set.
I must admit. NBA2K12 is the only game that makes me curse. What's up with that?
Hell I do it all the time with the help of my "Created Player". Now if they would only stop cheating me and call a foul once and awhile on NBA2K12, I'd bet set.
I must admit. NBA2K12 is the only game that makes me curse. What's up with that?
Monday, March 5, 2012
Sunday, March 4, 2012
High DCFS caseloads raise red flags
High DCFS caseloads raise red flags
Wait a second. If caseloads are rising, doesn't that mean there are more idiot, unfit adults having children? How in the hell can you put a limit on cases? Read this: "DCFS is violating critical terms of a 1991 federal consent decree that, among other reforms, set monthly limits on new cases for investigators, the Tribune has learned."
Yeah, my head caved in when I read that little nugget. How can you put such a restriction on an agency that deals with irresponsible people?
Wait a second. If caseloads are rising, doesn't that mean there are more idiot, unfit adults having children? How in the hell can you put a limit on cases? Read this: "DCFS is violating critical terms of a 1991 federal consent decree that, among other reforms, set monthly limits on new cases for investigators, the Tribune has learned."
Yeah, my head caved in when I read that little nugget. How can you put such a restriction on an agency that deals with irresponsible people?
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Eavesdropping law unconstitutional, court says
Eavesdropping law unconstitutional, court says
Isn't it strange how are justice system works?
For almost 3 decades we had an unconstitutional ban on hand guns in this city. Last year they went further by attempting to ban your 1st Amendment rights with this also unconstitutional law. Yet for some strange reason, this new abomination was struck down rather quickly. It didn't drag on for decades.
Maybe, just maybe our judges are waking up and smelling mini-dictators for once. In my humble opinion, judges are not supposed to anything but INDEPENDENT. Sworn to do only one thing, that is uphold both State and Federal Constitutions. If a mini-dictator decides to trump the US Constitution, it is that State, and County Judges duty to never allow such a horrendous act to become a law in any State. Look at Michigan as a perfect example. Disbanding duly elected representatives of the people, and installing hand-picked puppets to do that governors bidding. That folks is clearly a violation of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, The 19th, and 26th Amendment of The Constitution Of The United States of America. They broke the law and must be punished. Those judges that let this abomination stand, must be removed.
How indeed the strangeness of it all?
Isn't it strange how are justice system works?
For almost 3 decades we had an unconstitutional ban on hand guns in this city. Last year they went further by attempting to ban your 1st Amendment rights with this also unconstitutional law. Yet for some strange reason, this new abomination was struck down rather quickly. It didn't drag on for decades.
Maybe, just maybe our judges are waking up and smelling mini-dictators for once. In my humble opinion, judges are not supposed to anything but INDEPENDENT. Sworn to do only one thing, that is uphold both State and Federal Constitutions. If a mini-dictator decides to trump the US Constitution, it is that State, and County Judges duty to never allow such a horrendous act to become a law in any State. Look at Michigan as a perfect example. Disbanding duly elected representatives of the people, and installing hand-picked puppets to do that governors bidding. That folks is clearly a violation of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, The 19th, and 26th Amendment of The Constitution Of The United States of America. They broke the law and must be punished. Those judges that let this abomination stand, must be removed.
How indeed the strangeness of it all?
Friday, March 2, 2012
'The Lorax': Will Dr. Seuss film turn your kid into an eco-terrorist?
'The Lorax': Will Dr. Seuss film turn your kid into an eco-terrorist?
You truly have to be a giant piece of something, to call yourself an adult yet sink so low as to slam a KIDS film. It just boggles the mind of how many boogie-men live under this persons bed.
There is an old saying that goes like this: "Some Folks Worry And Putter, And Push And Shove...Hunting Little Molehills To Make Mountains Of!" This is one of those folks.
I would bet in his messed up, they are all out to get me world, Batman was a liberal simply because he fought crime. And yet, don't be surprised if those nincompoops over at that rag called FOX start yammering about such. It just depends on the "Theme" of any movie or cartoon, for these unhinged dolts to begin howling at the moon.
Maybe the Mayans were on to something? The ninny's are coming out of the woodwork because of the boogie-men under their beds. A Kids flick. Really Lou and FOX? Really?
You truly have to be a giant piece of something, to call yourself an adult yet sink so low as to slam a KIDS film. It just boggles the mind of how many boogie-men live under this persons bed.
There is an old saying that goes like this: "Some Folks Worry And Putter, And Push And Shove...Hunting Little Molehills To Make Mountains Of!" This is one of those folks.
I would bet in his messed up, they are all out to get me world, Batman was a liberal simply because he fought crime. And yet, don't be surprised if those nincompoops over at that rag called FOX start yammering about such. It just depends on the "Theme" of any movie or cartoon, for these unhinged dolts to begin howling at the moon.
Maybe the Mayans were on to something? The ninny's are coming out of the woodwork because of the boogie-men under their beds. A Kids flick. Really Lou and FOX? Really?
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Ex-Bull Orlando Woolridge arrested in Louisiana
Ex-Bull Orlando Woolridge arrested in Louisiana
Now that's really fucked up.
This is a lesson for all of you young men and women, looking towards sports entertainment as a primary source of income. You must finish you college courses, and obtain a degree as your priority backup plan. And please, stay away from drugs.
Now that's really fucked up.
This is a lesson for all of you young men and women, looking towards sports entertainment as a primary source of income. You must finish you college courses, and obtain a degree as your priority backup plan. And please, stay away from drugs.
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