Paranoia: Nerf gun game proves popular with teens out for the kill -
Talk about bored, and stupid. Things of this nature has to put law enforcement on alert.
One can already imagine a scenario of these not-too-bright clowns running around at night, or, as mentioned in the article, coming to someones' home and the occupant doesn't know them, or worse yet, startles them. I'm willing to bet somewhere, some place, one of these morons will get punched, and God forbid, accidentally killed by gunfire.
Kids, pick up a book, play online with the blue-tooth, but don't go around to peoples' homes, hide in vehicles, or any other bone-headed place you think of. It's always better for you to be safe, as opposed to sorry.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
The 2005 reform failed to rein in costs, so state legislators are looking again at fixing workers' comp -
The 2005 reform failed to rein in costs, so state legislators are looking again at fixing workers' comp -
It must be nice sitting in a cushy office pontificating about workers' compensation without even asking the basic question of why are the States rates so high in the first place? Or better yet, if the author even bothered to remove that posterior, and go on the floor where the Real Work happens. Nine times out of ten, the author probably didn't even bother.
It is agreed that cost should be reigned in, and any corruption/fraud vigorously investigated, and prosecuted. But the least the author could do, is go into some of these warehouses and witness some of the unusual, and often dangerous practices some employers utilize. In other words, get out of the cushy, leather-sewn, swivel recliner and go to one of these "Distribution Centers", and for one day, and play "Beat The Clock" as most of these workers have to do.
Maybe then you will see how accidents happen. Just maybe.
It must be nice sitting in a cushy office pontificating about workers' compensation without even asking the basic question of why are the States rates so high in the first place? Or better yet, if the author even bothered to remove that posterior, and go on the floor where the Real Work happens. Nine times out of ten, the author probably didn't even bother.
It is agreed that cost should be reigned in, and any corruption/fraud vigorously investigated, and prosecuted. But the least the author could do, is go into some of these warehouses and witness some of the unusual, and often dangerous practices some employers utilize. In other words, get out of the cushy, leather-sewn, swivel recliner and go to one of these "Distribution Centers", and for one day, and play "Beat The Clock" as most of these workers have to do.
Maybe then you will see how accidents happen. Just maybe.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
U.S. companies hiring — but mostly overseas - Chicago Sun-Times
U.S. companies hiring — but mostly overseas - Chicago Sun-Times
You can thank the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for this.
What is it that these uncaring, super-rich want from the average working man and women? Do they really want to turn the United States into a feudal system of land barons, and reduce the average citizens into peasant status? What could they possibly think how this country would look, should they continue the shipping of jobs overseas? What will they do when the people of the oppressive governments they do business with revolt, and demand a decent living wage? We have given them tax cuts and they have spat in the face of Americans by hording, and hiring cheap labor. They will fight to the death any legislative attempt at comprehensive immigration reform. After-all, they are the ones hiring undocumented workers in this country just to save a few more pennies.
This country has transformed from a manufacturing powerhouse, into an obese consumer industry. We know, and see our infrastructure crumbling across this nation. But just the slight mention of a tax increase in order for us to repair this crumbling, we remove the jelly doughnut from our obese mouths and scream, no way. We are in a "Cake and Eat it Too" society, and this cannot, and should not ever be the case. The middle class, lower middle class, and the working poor have sacrificed enough. The State of Florida just elected for governor a man that had to pay millions in fines for bilking Medicare. Now he proposes those on the roster of the unemployed, to do community service in order for the continuance of receiving such funds. When you think about that scenario, it reminds me of the old Soviet Union where people would sweep the streets in order for that communist system could brag about having zero unemployment. Such a proposal coming from a Republican? A Republican accused, and fined for Fraud no less.
So while you are thanking the U.S. Camber of Commerce, just ask yourself what will this country look like without repairing our infrastructure, and being "Forced" to sweep streets?
You can thank the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for this.
What is it that these uncaring, super-rich want from the average working man and women? Do they really want to turn the United States into a feudal system of land barons, and reduce the average citizens into peasant status? What could they possibly think how this country would look, should they continue the shipping of jobs overseas? What will they do when the people of the oppressive governments they do business with revolt, and demand a decent living wage? We have given them tax cuts and they have spat in the face of Americans by hording, and hiring cheap labor. They will fight to the death any legislative attempt at comprehensive immigration reform. After-all, they are the ones hiring undocumented workers in this country just to save a few more pennies.
This country has transformed from a manufacturing powerhouse, into an obese consumer industry. We know, and see our infrastructure crumbling across this nation. But just the slight mention of a tax increase in order for us to repair this crumbling, we remove the jelly doughnut from our obese mouths and scream, no way. We are in a "Cake and Eat it Too" society, and this cannot, and should not ever be the case. The middle class, lower middle class, and the working poor have sacrificed enough. The State of Florida just elected for governor a man that had to pay millions in fines for bilking Medicare. Now he proposes those on the roster of the unemployed, to do community service in order for the continuance of receiving such funds. When you think about that scenario, it reminds me of the old Soviet Union where people would sweep the streets in order for that communist system could brag about having zero unemployment. Such a proposal coming from a Republican? A Republican accused, and fined for Fraud no less.
So while you are thanking the U.S. Camber of Commerce, just ask yourself what will this country look like without repairing our infrastructure, and being "Forced" to sweep streets?
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Gov. Pat Quinn talks big-time borrowing while Illinois House mulls income tax increase options -
Gov. Pat Quinn talks big-time borrowing while Illinois House mulls income tax increase options -
After reading this article, I'm still curious about where is all that money collected from the sale of Illinois Lottery Tickets?
Doesn't that money go to the "General Education Fund"? Or better still, what fund does it go too? On another note. In the City of Chicago, we still haven't heard where that missing "TIF" money is. Now we have a lottery system that has been in-place for years, and yet we hear, or see, so little on where those funds are going.
It really makes a person wonder about the lottery being the stop-gap for budget problems (Remember that lie they told us?), that for some strange reason, never materialized. So any rational thinking person would ponder, why our State is going into debt, when we have all this revenue streaming in from the Illinois Lottery.
So in a nutshell, where's that lottery money going?
After reading this article, I'm still curious about where is all that money collected from the sale of Illinois Lottery Tickets?
Doesn't that money go to the "General Education Fund"? Or better still, what fund does it go too? On another note. In the City of Chicago, we still haven't heard where that missing "TIF" money is. Now we have a lottery system that has been in-place for years, and yet we hear, or see, so little on where those funds are going.
It really makes a person wonder about the lottery being the stop-gap for budget problems (Remember that lie they told us?), that for some strange reason, never materialized. So any rational thinking person would ponder, why our State is going into debt, when we have all this revenue streaming in from the Illinois Lottery.
So in a nutshell, where's that lottery money going?
Monday, December 27, 2010
Meth suspect passed out in cab, cops say -
Meth suspect passed out in cab, cops say -
That old code comes to mind here. "Don't Get High On your Own Supply". This guy is obviously a candidate for the Dumber Then A Bag Of Hammers Award.
By all means I'm no fan of drugs of this toxic nature. They should be viewed as extremely dangerous, and accompanied with longer prison sentences. Well, this dummy should enjoy a sobering time behind bars for hopefully five to ten years.
That old code comes to mind here. "Don't Get High On your Own Supply". This guy is obviously a candidate for the Dumber Then A Bag Of Hammers Award.
By all means I'm no fan of drugs of this toxic nature. They should be viewed as extremely dangerous, and accompanied with longer prison sentences. Well, this dummy should enjoy a sobering time behind bars for hopefully five to ten years.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Prescription drug abuse is fastest-growing drug problem in country - Chicago Sun-Times
Prescription drug abuse is fastest-growing drug problem in country - Chicago Sun-Times
Why am I not surprised about this article?
Why am I not surprised about this article?
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Illinois Supreme Court: Park Grill free from paying property tax - Chicago Sun-Times
Illinois Supreme Court: Park Grill free from paying property tax - Chicago Sun-Times
Oh this just stinks from the get go. And as one would expect, right under King Daley's watch.
The guy knocks up a "Park District Employee" just to make sure he gets the deal! WTF!
Oh this just stinks from the get go. And as one would expect, right under King Daley's watch.
The guy knocks up a "Park District Employee" just to make sure he gets the deal! WTF!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Emanuel in, Meeks out as Chicago mayor race gets reshaped -
Emanuel in, Meeks out as Chicago mayor race gets reshaped -
Ha! Told ya so. Meeks had to drop out because he suffered from that horrendous disease of "Insert Foot In Mouth Syndrome". The poor guy must have contracted it from Palin, Limbaugh, and Beck.
Anyway, it's good that the field is beginning to narrow of sorts. I'm hoping for some very interesting debates next month. I do hope they find a cure for Meeks syndrome, and hope other politicians immunize themselves from it. But we all know that will never happen as long as FOX keeps its current roster of dim-bulbs on air.
Anyway, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and may you all have a blessed, and prosperous New Year.
Ha! Told ya so. Meeks had to drop out because he suffered from that horrendous disease of "Insert Foot In Mouth Syndrome". The poor guy must have contracted it from Palin, Limbaugh, and Beck.
Anyway, it's good that the field is beginning to narrow of sorts. I'm hoping for some very interesting debates next month. I do hope they find a cure for Meeks syndrome, and hope other politicians immunize themselves from it. But we all know that will never happen as long as FOX keeps its current roster of dim-bulbs on air.
Anyway, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and may you all have a blessed, and prosperous New Year.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
FCC chairman seeks conditions on Comcast, NBC deal - Chicago Sun-Times
FCC chairman seeks conditions on Comcast, NBC deal - Chicago Sun-Times
OK, I must have fallen asleep here? The only condition this chairman has to set is the "Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890".
That old saying of "History repeating Itself", applies here. Here we find ourselves as a country sneaking back in time, creating "Monopolies" again. You can pretty much take it to the bank that there will be "Price-Fixing" going on once this unsavory deal goes through. How do I know? Like the average citizen, I'm a consumer, and companies just love gouging us. Our crummy politicians basically repealed The "Glass-Steagall Act of 1933". Look what happened to this country. Banks went wild on greed, and nearly sent this country into the abyss. Have the banks been held to account? No. What are they doing still to this day? Giving themselves more bonuses, and more golden toilets. Who suffers? We do.
Yet we sit here and applaud our politicians for giving people, that don't need a tax cut, a tax cut. They get two more years of gravy-training the country, while the very people they laid-off, get only 13 months of unemployment benefits, by the way, that they (The People), paid into for supporting their families.
So now here we have Comcast waiting in the wings for the big "How much can we screw the people over with this deal mindset". The Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 is in dire distress when this GOP led congress reconvenes next year. It will no doubt be centered in their cross-hairs, because it is a threat to big companies "Bottom-Line". The repealing of Glass-Steagall was a big mistake. Tampering, or attempting to "SLIP" around the Sherman Act will be even more dangerous for consumers.
With that said, my only call for our political representatives is simple. Re-instate the Glass-Steagall Act, and don't even think about "Modifying", or repealing The Sherman Act. If they do voters, prepare for more of the same. Yes, more job losses, more companies fleeing overseas to exploit the people there, and corporations getting bigger, and bigger. Politicians think we are stupid. Let us show them how very wrong they are.
OK, I must have fallen asleep here? The only condition this chairman has to set is the "Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890".
That old saying of "History repeating Itself", applies here. Here we find ourselves as a country sneaking back in time, creating "Monopolies" again. You can pretty much take it to the bank that there will be "Price-Fixing" going on once this unsavory deal goes through. How do I know? Like the average citizen, I'm a consumer, and companies just love gouging us. Our crummy politicians basically repealed The "Glass-Steagall Act of 1933". Look what happened to this country. Banks went wild on greed, and nearly sent this country into the abyss. Have the banks been held to account? No. What are they doing still to this day? Giving themselves more bonuses, and more golden toilets. Who suffers? We do.
Yet we sit here and applaud our politicians for giving people, that don't need a tax cut, a tax cut. They get two more years of gravy-training the country, while the very people they laid-off, get only 13 months of unemployment benefits, by the way, that they (The People), paid into for supporting their families.
So now here we have Comcast waiting in the wings for the big "How much can we screw the people over with this deal mindset". The Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 is in dire distress when this GOP led congress reconvenes next year. It will no doubt be centered in their cross-hairs, because it is a threat to big companies "Bottom-Line". The repealing of Glass-Steagall was a big mistake. Tampering, or attempting to "SLIP" around the Sherman Act will be even more dangerous for consumers.
With that said, my only call for our political representatives is simple. Re-instate the Glass-Steagall Act, and don't even think about "Modifying", or repealing The Sherman Act. If they do voters, prepare for more of the same. Yes, more job losses, more companies fleeing overseas to exploit the people there, and corporations getting bigger, and bigger. Politicians think we are stupid. Let us show them how very wrong they are.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Meeks, Davis, Braun meet — will any drop out of mayoral race? - Chicago Sun-Times
Meeks, Davis, Braun meet — will any drop out of mayoral race? - Chicago Sun-Times
So long Meeks. You already know how bad you stuck your foot in your mouth with your complete asinine comments, so hit the road Jack.
Nothing more to see here folks. Move along.
So long Meeks. You already know how bad you stuck your foot in your mouth with your complete asinine comments, so hit the road Jack.
Nothing more to see here folks. Move along.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Trauma centers blowing patient transfer deadlines - Chicago Sun-Times
Trauma centers blowing patient transfer deadlines - Chicago Sun-Times
I take it we can file this article under the infamous "What The F**K Is Going On Here?"
It's always something going on when we turn our backs, or close our eyes for one second.
I take it we can file this article under the infamous "What The F**K Is Going On Here?"
It's always something going on when we turn our backs, or close our eyes for one second.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Store owner recognizes masked gunman as a frequent customer - Chicago Sun-Times
Store owner recognizes masked gunman as a frequent customer - Chicago Sun-Times
If a picture is worth a thousand words, well this has Dumber then a Bag of Hammers written all over it.
That is all folks, nothing to see here.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, well this has Dumber then a Bag of Hammers written all over it.
That is all folks, nothing to see here.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Chicago’s gang crime spreading to the suburbs - Chicago Sun-Times
Chicago’s gang crime spreading to the suburbs - Chicago Sun-Times
This really isn't anything new. As soon as law enforcement officials turn up the heat, gangs will flee to less patrolled areas.
With the dismantling of the housing projects in the city, gang members, like law abiding citizens must find other housing. The sad part, is that the gang members are just to dumb to turn their lives around. They know nothing but what the street has taught them, because they have completely given up on educational opportunities.
Suburban law enforcement officials are very much indeed aware of this problem. The only solution they must seek, from an economical standpoint, is an increase in local taxes to enable the hiring of more police. If residents insist on the stubborn behavior of the tea bag mantra of "No New Taxes", they will reap what they sow. They cannot have that cake, and eat it also. A sacrifice is called for with this problem.
As a lesson in history will teach us about the migration of the California gangs that have relocated to areas like Iowa, and other mid-western states, law enforcement resources became over-strained until they came to their senses and beefed-up personnel in such troubled areas.
Again, this trend isn't new. It will keep on happening when the heat is on. So prepare for the influx, and always plan ahead.
This really isn't anything new. As soon as law enforcement officials turn up the heat, gangs will flee to less patrolled areas.
With the dismantling of the housing projects in the city, gang members, like law abiding citizens must find other housing. The sad part, is that the gang members are just to dumb to turn their lives around. They know nothing but what the street has taught them, because they have completely given up on educational opportunities.
Suburban law enforcement officials are very much indeed aware of this problem. The only solution they must seek, from an economical standpoint, is an increase in local taxes to enable the hiring of more police. If residents insist on the stubborn behavior of the tea bag mantra of "No New Taxes", they will reap what they sow. They cannot have that cake, and eat it also. A sacrifice is called for with this problem.
As a lesson in history will teach us about the migration of the California gangs that have relocated to areas like Iowa, and other mid-western states, law enforcement resources became over-strained until they came to their senses and beefed-up personnel in such troubled areas.
Again, this trend isn't new. It will keep on happening when the heat is on. So prepare for the influx, and always plan ahead.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Showdown over police beat changes - Chicago Sun-Times
Showdown over police beat changes - Chicago Sun-Times
For those in our more "affluent" neighborhoods, go hire your own security forces. After-all, you got your tax cut that you don't deserve.
See, I just gave you some incentive to help the economy by hiring people to protect your golden toilets.
For those in our more "affluent" neighborhoods, go hire your own security forces. After-all, you got your tax cut that you don't deserve.
See, I just gave you some incentive to help the economy by hiring people to protect your golden toilets.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Feds recover nearly 11 tons of marijuana, arrest 7 -
Feds recover nearly 11 tons of marijuana, arrest 7 -
Damn it, damn it, damn it!
Will you lazy politicians go ahead and legalize this plant!
For every bust of this magnitude, there is another warehouse replacing it. The Bogus "War on Drugs" is a complete failure. What, two days ago they bust a family out in the suburbs right? Now this. Come on, quit wasting taxpayer money and legalize this stuff. Are your collective brains so short of memory that you have completely forgotten what happened during "Prohibition"? Well let me remind you "PRUDES" what went down. People still drank. It didn't work then, and this stupid war isn't working now.
Take the money you clowns can get from legalizing this plant, and do something positive for your cities, towns, and suburbs. You know, stuff like hiring teachers, police, fire, and emt's? Oh, how about building decent schools, or who knows, fix the roads. Once again we are talking BILLIONS in State revenue should you decide to get pro-active and legalize this plant.
Come on politicians. WTF! Rocket scientist isn't a requirement with this no-brain-er.
Damn it, damn it, damn it!
Will you lazy politicians go ahead and legalize this plant!
For every bust of this magnitude, there is another warehouse replacing it. The Bogus "War on Drugs" is a complete failure. What, two days ago they bust a family out in the suburbs right? Now this. Come on, quit wasting taxpayer money and legalize this stuff. Are your collective brains so short of memory that you have completely forgotten what happened during "Prohibition"? Well let me remind you "PRUDES" what went down. People still drank. It didn't work then, and this stupid war isn't working now.
Take the money you clowns can get from legalizing this plant, and do something positive for your cities, towns, and suburbs. You know, stuff like hiring teachers, police, fire, and emt's? Oh, how about building decent schools, or who knows, fix the roads. Once again we are talking BILLIONS in State revenue should you decide to get pro-active and legalize this plant.
Come on politicians. WTF! Rocket scientist isn't a requirement with this no-brain-er.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Meeks says minority contracts should only go to blacks - Chicago Sun-Times
Meeks says minority contracts should only go to blacks - Chicago Sun-Times
Back tracking or not, that still is, and was the dumbest thing for this bigot to say.
Yes folks he's a bigot. Bigots use narrow-minded thought processes. Don't believe me? Why would he back track and say "only White women"? Last time I checked, they (women period) have been getting screwed over (no pun intended) throughout time itself. Now this complete Dip wants to discriminate against one particular group of women.
As for full disclosure, I have no intentions of voting for this particular meat-head in the first place. The last thing I need is for a person of the church running for Public Office, shoving his or her religious beliefs in my face. And you can bet, that will be exactly what he will do. What I'm looking for in this mayoral race is a candidate that will fix our infrastructure, schools, police, fire, employment, and environment. A candidate that will get our bridge, and parking meters back. A candidate that will go down to Springfield and demand a crackdown on crime from the streets, to the corporate level. In other words, I'm looking for a candidate that will work hard for pushing Fairness, not not one that selectively single out groups base on race, creed, color, gender, or orientation.
Yes folks, that was a bigot speaking. He'll never get my vote.
Back tracking or not, that still is, and was the dumbest thing for this bigot to say.
Yes folks he's a bigot. Bigots use narrow-minded thought processes. Don't believe me? Why would he back track and say "only White women"? Last time I checked, they (women period) have been getting screwed over (no pun intended) throughout time itself. Now this complete Dip wants to discriminate against one particular group of women.
As for full disclosure, I have no intentions of voting for this particular meat-head in the first place. The last thing I need is for a person of the church running for Public Office, shoving his or her religious beliefs in my face. And you can bet, that will be exactly what he will do. What I'm looking for in this mayoral race is a candidate that will fix our infrastructure, schools, police, fire, employment, and environment. A candidate that will get our bridge, and parking meters back. A candidate that will go down to Springfield and demand a crackdown on crime from the streets, to the corporate level. In other words, I'm looking for a candidate that will work hard for pushing Fairness, not not one that selectively single out groups base on race, creed, color, gender, or orientation.
Yes folks, that was a bigot speaking. He'll never get my vote.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Life expectancy has grown, but we're spending more time sick -
Life expectancy has grown, but we're spending more time sick -
As far as I'm concerned, just look at the "Quality" of the food we consume these days. Though no official will admit it, our food supply has been "adjusted". All a researcher has to do is follow the rise in diabetes cases over the last fifty (50) years.
High Fructose Corn Syrup My Ass! Mechanically Separated Meat? Are you kidding me? And who can ever forget good old yellow. and red dye #5, 6, 7, 8, well you get the picture.
As far as I'm concerned, just look at the "Quality" of the food we consume these days. Though no official will admit it, our food supply has been "adjusted". All a researcher has to do is follow the rise in diabetes cases over the last fifty (50) years.
High Fructose Corn Syrup My Ass! Mechanically Separated Meat? Are you kidding me? And who can ever forget good old yellow. and red dye #5, 6, 7, 8, well you get the picture.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Chico: I’ll keep children’s museum out of Grant Park - Chicago Sun-Times
Chico: I’ll keep children’s museum out of Grant Park - Chicago Sun-Times
I never understood why this current mayor wanted to move this museum in the park in the first place. But then it dawned on me, money.
That is the entire root of the motivational factor behind this politician. He destroyed Miegs Field. He sold our bridge. He sold our parking meters. He'd sell our police, fire, and emt's to the highest bidder if he could get away with it.
Boy I can't wait till this guy is long gone.
I never understood why this current mayor wanted to move this museum in the park in the first place. But then it dawned on me, money.
That is the entire root of the motivational factor behind this politician. He destroyed Miegs Field. He sold our bridge. He sold our parking meters. He'd sell our police, fire, and emt's to the highest bidder if he could get away with it.
Boy I can't wait till this guy is long gone.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Nearly all who apply for gun permits in Chicago receive them. But permit process tedious and expensive, some say. -
Nearly all who apply for gun permits in Chicago receive them. But permit process tedious and expensive, some say. -
I'm letting all of you know here and now, that this process King Daley has in-place is Unconstitutional.
There is nothing "reasonable" about the additional "fees" King Daley has imposed upon the citizens of this city. It is nothing more then gouging the people of money. These are not fees, but additional taxes on the people so he can, and will pad his little campaign war chest before he skips town. What sense does it make to have citizens travel into the suburbs for "training classes", finding "certified instructors", and spend additional funds just to meet his edict?
I do so hope that someone out there is challenging this unconstitutional fiasco this money-grubbing clown has stuck its citizens with. This guy shows nothing but utter contempt for the people he swore to serve. The same applies to his lock-step alder-manic council that he, not us, employed. That "fee" is nothing more then an additional tax and must be ruled unconstitutional because it is clearly unreasonable, given that there are no certified instructors, and training facilities within the city limits.
This permit process is expensive, unreasonable, and absolutely unconstitutional.
I'm letting all of you know here and now, that this process King Daley has in-place is Unconstitutional.
There is nothing "reasonable" about the additional "fees" King Daley has imposed upon the citizens of this city. It is nothing more then gouging the people of money. These are not fees, but additional taxes on the people so he can, and will pad his little campaign war chest before he skips town. What sense does it make to have citizens travel into the suburbs for "training classes", finding "certified instructors", and spend additional funds just to meet his edict?
I do so hope that someone out there is challenging this unconstitutional fiasco this money-grubbing clown has stuck its citizens with. This guy shows nothing but utter contempt for the people he swore to serve. The same applies to his lock-step alder-manic council that he, not us, employed. That "fee" is nothing more then an additional tax and must be ruled unconstitutional because it is clearly unreasonable, given that there are no certified instructors, and training facilities within the city limits.
This permit process is expensive, unreasonable, and absolutely unconstitutional.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Teens to new mayor: Keep us safe - Chicago Sun-Times
Teens to new mayor: Keep us safe - Chicago Sun-Times
It's a simple message. Let us all hope whomever the new Mayor is, shall listen.
Carry on with your football now. Nothing more to see here. Go Bears!
It's a simple message. Let us all hope whomever the new Mayor is, shall listen.
Carry on with your football now. Nothing more to see here. Go Bears!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Health care account scammer bought Bentleys, faces prison - Chicago Sun-Times
Health care account scammer bought Bentley's, faces prison - Chicago Sun-Times
Wow! Just Wow is all anyone can say about the level of greed some people will do.
But this really isn't all that shocking. This type of behavior has gone on for centuries. Of those amongst us that remain sane, we shake, and scratch our collective heads in disgust, and disbelief. You can't take it with you. So the elephant in the room will always be the proverbial ultimate question. WHY?
What did it prove? Well, besides the fact that you are a greedy imbecile. And when you really think about it, the punishment comes nowhere near close to the crime. A rip-off of this magnitude deserves more time in prison then a mere 10-20 years. There must be more indictments coming down the road with this guy? That "plea deal" better produce more criminals, and longer prison time.
A wise man once said "The love/lust of money, is the root of all evil."
Wow! Just Wow is all anyone can say about the level of greed some people will do.
But this really isn't all that shocking. This type of behavior has gone on for centuries. Of those amongst us that remain sane, we shake, and scratch our collective heads in disgust, and disbelief. You can't take it with you. So the elephant in the room will always be the proverbial ultimate question. WHY?
What did it prove? Well, besides the fact that you are a greedy imbecile. And when you really think about it, the punishment comes nowhere near close to the crime. A rip-off of this magnitude deserves more time in prison then a mere 10-20 years. There must be more indictments coming down the road with this guy? That "plea deal" better produce more criminals, and longer prison time.
A wise man once said "The love/lust of money, is the root of all evil."
Friday, December 10, 2010
Feds: Former dean hacked into system, sent students e-mail threats - Chicago Sun-Times
Feds: Former dean hacked into system, sent students e-mail threats - Chicago Sun-Times
Wow! I must have skipped class on those days?
Wow! I must have skipped class on those days?
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Woman sues McDonald’s over drive-thru ‘spitting incident’ - Chicago Sun-Times
Woman sues McDonald’s over drive-thru ‘spitting incident’ - Chicago Sun-Times
Now if this isn't a WTF moment (maybe reefer madness), I'm stumped.
Now if this isn't a WTF moment (maybe reefer madness), I'm stumped.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Altered loan documents: Prison sentence for former banker -
Altered loan documents: Prison sentence for former banker -
Fuck it. He's a modern day "Robin Hood" in my book.
Fuck it. He's a modern day "Robin Hood" in my book.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Obama makes deal on tax cuts - Chicago Sun-Times
Obama makes deal on tax cuts - Chicago Sun-Times
Oh well, we all should have saw this coming.
I really think someone needs to inform this guy he isn't Jesus Christ, so stop turning the other cheek. We all get it. The Republican party stands for nothing more then Hate, Greed, and Major Stupidity. That is what we fight against. We just don't give in to such evil.
It's your turn Mr. President, to say NO. Say no to anything these evil creeps come up with. You already know it will never benefit the middle class, or the poor. Put the gloves on sir, and stop this insanity.
Oh well, we all should have saw this coming.
I really think someone needs to inform this guy he isn't Jesus Christ, so stop turning the other cheek. We all get it. The Republican party stands for nothing more then Hate, Greed, and Major Stupidity. That is what we fight against. We just don't give in to such evil.
It's your turn Mr. President, to say NO. Say no to anything these evil creeps come up with. You already know it will never benefit the middle class, or the poor. Put the gloves on sir, and stop this insanity.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Meter, cop, tax referenda won't be on ballot - Chicago Sun-Times
Meter, cop, tax referenda won't be on ballot - Chicago Sun-Times
Wow! This mayor sure loves sticking it to the people.
Wow! This mayor sure loves sticking it to the people.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Daley urges Fed probe of mayoral petitions :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: City Hall
Daley urges Fed probe of mayoral petitions :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: City Hall
Go figure since he isn't running.
Need anymore be said?
Go figure since he isn't running.
Need anymore be said?
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Mayoral petitions draw secretary of state probe :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State
Mayoral petitions draw secretary of state probe :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State
Let me see if i got this right. The penalty is a "misdemeanor with a one grand fine for each forged signature" right?
No wonder they are doing it. Go back and change the law. It should be a felony crime for forging people's signatures, and a ten thousand dollar fine. Time for all of us to get serious about breaking the law. People that do break it, will never learn a thing with time-outs in the corner, or slaps on the wrist.
Let me see if i got this right. The penalty is a "misdemeanor with a one grand fine for each forged signature" right?
No wonder they are doing it. Go back and change the law. It should be a felony crime for forging people's signatures, and a ten thousand dollar fine. Time for all of us to get serious about breaking the law. People that do break it, will never learn a thing with time-outs in the corner, or slaps on the wrist.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Chicago police stop responding to calls of trouble at the Cook County Juvenile Detention Center -
Chicago police stop responding to calls of trouble at the Cook County Juvenile Detention Center -
I have to side with the Chicago Police on this matter. It is, in fact, a County facility.
Citizen of Chicago, and Cook County, if taxes have to be raised for a fully staffed police, and sheriff's department, that is a Sacrifice we all have to make. It's a common sense issue. If you don't want to pay for police, well, good luck. Don't complain. We ask our soldiers to sacrifice. We ask our law enforcement officials for the same. But when it comes to paying for such service, you refuse. You would rather go buy something. Stop this insanity, Step up, stop crying about crime and make the necessary sacrifice we all must undertake. This isn't a political, nor partisan issue.
Whenever you read about some BULLSHIT like this, it's time for action.
I have to side with the Chicago Police on this matter. It is, in fact, a County facility.
Citizen of Chicago, and Cook County, if taxes have to be raised for a fully staffed police, and sheriff's department, that is a Sacrifice we all have to make. It's a common sense issue. If you don't want to pay for police, well, good luck. Don't complain. We ask our soldiers to sacrifice. We ask our law enforcement officials for the same. But when it comes to paying for such service, you refuse. You would rather go buy something. Stop this insanity, Step up, stop crying about crime and make the necessary sacrifice we all must undertake. This isn't a political, nor partisan issue.
Whenever you read about some BULLSHIT like this, it's time for action.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Embattled Stroger's leaves office with 'some bitterness' :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Politics
Embattled Stroger's leaves office with 'some bitterness' :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Politics
Again I ask, why isn't this super crook under a jail?
Again I ask, why isn't this super crook under a jail?
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
From the Net So Don't Quote Me
Maria Garriga:
A two-hour animal rights demonstration on the Green Monday sparked outrage instead of sympathy from the public.
"This is the most racist thing I've ever seen on the Green. How dare you," roared Philip Goldson, 43, of New Haven at the protest organizers at Church and Chapel streets.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, a national animal rights group, posted giant photographs of people, mostly black Americans, being tortured, sold and killed, next to photographs of animals, including cattle and sheep, being tortured, sold and killed.
"I think it is an apt comparison," said Josh Warchol, 26, of Wallingford, president of the Southern Connecticut Vegetarian Society, which is aligned with PETA.
PETA officials said they had hoped to generate dialogue with the shocking photographs.
"We realize these images are hurtful. It's hard for me to imagine the hurt the animals go through. We should be treating animals according to their own best interests, not to the best interests of people," said Dawn Carr, PETA's director of special projects.
PETA wants people to stop eating animals, stop using them for clothing, stop forcing animals to entertain people (as in a circus) and stop animal experimentation. Carr said she doesn't want animals sold or treated as property either.
The controversial display, which is on a national tour, is intended to drive home PETA's point.
However, critics said the organization's demonstration backfired.
One man demanded that the NAACP get involved immediately. Five minutes later, Scot X. Esdaile, president of the state and Greater New Haven chapters of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, arrived at the scene, surveyed the photos and blasted the organizers.
"Once again, black people are being pimped. You used us. You have used us enough," Esdaile said. "Take it down immediately." "I am a black man! I can't compare the suffering of these black human beings to the suffering of this cow," said Michael Perkins, 47, of New Haven. He stood in front of a photo of butchered livestock hung next to the photo of two lynched black men dangling before a white mob.
"You can't compare me to a freaking cow," shouted John Darryl Thompson, 46, of New Haven, inches from Carr's face. "We don't care about PETA. You are playing a dangerous game."
Paul Tomaselli, 46, of North Branford took exception to an exhibit that included a photo of a black man being beaten to the ground by a white man with a stick while a white mob gathers.
Next to that photo was one of a man chasing a seal across the snow with a club. "I think he's right," said Tomaselli, who is white, in support of Thompson. "To compare people to animals is an unfairness to people."
The display, "Are Animals the New Slaves?" is on a 10-week, 42-city tour that started in early July. Today's stop: Scranton, Pa., then on to Baltimore and Washington, D.C.
"New Haven is important because of the Amistad. This is a place where slaves were brought. What happened here was very important for abolition. The next great liberation movement is animal liberation," Carr said.
However, the Anti-Defamation League, a national civil rights organization, has publicly condemned PETA's use of photos comparing human suffering in the Holocaust to animal suffering today; PETA apologized in May for the hurt it caused but stood by the comparisons.
That point of disagreement became a flashpoint in New Haven. "This is the most hostile audience we've had," said PETA volunteer Ben Godwin. At one point, police hovered at the edge of the Green, across from the demonstration.
Eight of the 12 banners compared the suffering of black Americans to the suffering of cattle, sheep, an elephant, a seal and a rooster. Other banners showed Native Americans exiled from their homes, children in a factory and men in a counter-demonstration against women's rights.
A photo showing a concentration camp inmate with a number tattooed across his emaciated chest was juxtaposed against a shot of a monkey in a laboratory with a number branded across its chest.
A two-hour animal rights demonstration on the Green Monday sparked outrage instead of sympathy from the public.
"This is the most racist thing I've ever seen on the Green. How dare you," roared Philip Goldson, 43, of New Haven at the protest organizers at Church and Chapel streets.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, a national animal rights group, posted giant photographs of people, mostly black Americans, being tortured, sold and killed, next to photographs of animals, including cattle and sheep, being tortured, sold and killed.
"I think it is an apt comparison," said Josh Warchol, 26, of Wallingford, president of the Southern Connecticut Vegetarian Society, which is aligned with PETA.
PETA officials said they had hoped to generate dialogue with the shocking photographs.
"We realize these images are hurtful. It's hard for me to imagine the hurt the animals go through. We should be treating animals according to their own best interests, not to the best interests of people," said Dawn Carr, PETA's director of special projects.
PETA wants people to stop eating animals, stop using them for clothing, stop forcing animals to entertain people (as in a circus) and stop animal experimentation. Carr said she doesn't want animals sold or treated as property either.
The controversial display, which is on a national tour, is intended to drive home PETA's point.
However, critics said the organization's demonstration backfired.
One man demanded that the NAACP get involved immediately. Five minutes later, Scot X. Esdaile, president of the state and Greater New Haven chapters of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, arrived at the scene, surveyed the photos and blasted the organizers.
"Once again, black people are being pimped. You used us. You have used us enough," Esdaile said. "Take it down immediately." "I am a black man! I can't compare the suffering of these black human beings to the suffering of this cow," said Michael Perkins, 47, of New Haven. He stood in front of a photo of butchered livestock hung next to the photo of two lynched black men dangling before a white mob.
"You can't compare me to a freaking cow," shouted John Darryl Thompson, 46, of New Haven, inches from Carr's face. "We don't care about PETA. You are playing a dangerous game."
Paul Tomaselli, 46, of North Branford took exception to an exhibit that included a photo of a black man being beaten to the ground by a white man with a stick while a white mob gathers.
Next to that photo was one of a man chasing a seal across the snow with a club. "I think he's right," said Tomaselli, who is white, in support of Thompson. "To compare people to animals is an unfairness to people."
The display, "Are Animals the New Slaves?" is on a 10-week, 42-city tour that started in early July. Today's stop: Scranton, Pa., then on to Baltimore and Washington, D.C.
"New Haven is important because of the Amistad. This is a place where slaves were brought. What happened here was very important for abolition. The next great liberation movement is animal liberation," Carr said.
However, the Anti-Defamation League, a national civil rights organization, has publicly condemned PETA's use of photos comparing human suffering in the Holocaust to animal suffering today; PETA apologized in May for the hurt it caused but stood by the comparisons.
That point of disagreement became a flashpoint in New Haven. "This is the most hostile audience we've had," said PETA volunteer Ben Godwin. At one point, police hovered at the edge of the Green, across from the demonstration.
Eight of the 12 banners compared the suffering of black Americans to the suffering of cattle, sheep, an elephant, a seal and a rooster. Other banners showed Native Americans exiled from their homes, children in a factory and men in a counter-demonstration against women's rights.
A photo showing a concentration camp inmate with a number tattooed across his emaciated chest was juxtaposed against a shot of a monkey in a laboratory with a number branded across its chest.
Stroger administration spent nearly $79,000 on zoo picnic for flood victims -
Stroger administration spent nearly $79,000 on zoo picnic for flood victims -
Again I ask. Why isn't this man Under A Jail?
This guy is just giving the Finger to everyone, taxpayers included.
Again I ask. Why isn't this man Under A Jail?
This guy is just giving the Finger to everyone, taxpayers included.
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