Putting chimps in their place :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State
A tale of stupidity in action. Yes folks, there is something amiss when "Sane" human beings think it's a good idea owning a primate. Go ahead, piss it off, and watch what happens.
Primates are "Wild Animals". That is a fact. Domesticate them all you want, they will still stick to their natural instincts, and beat the holy hell out of you when you cross the line. The day they (Primates & Some Humans) master fire, and be able to go use a toilet, and wipe, then you can proudly hold your head up and say domesticated. Until then, stop thinking you can train wild animals as a "Part of the Family".
Stupid is as Stupid does.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Decriminalizing pot would devastate cartels :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Steve Huntley
Decriminalizing pot would devastate cartels :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Steve Huntley
Can anyone argue with $1.4 billion bucks? Now imagine that doubling once the vote is taken. The last time I checked, marijuana doesn't make people attack bar-maids. Booze does that.
Wake up Illinois, and jump on the band-wagon. Our State, Cities, Counties, and Villages need this revenue to hold down increasing taxes on property, fair increases on public transportation, and gutting schools.
Who can argue with that? I know, a person that has no sense of history. They will lie. Just like they did when they banned marijuana.
Can anyone argue with $1.4 billion bucks? Now imagine that doubling once the vote is taken. The last time I checked, marijuana doesn't make people attack bar-maids. Booze does that.
Wake up Illinois, and jump on the band-wagon. Our State, Cities, Counties, and Villages need this revenue to hold down increasing taxes on property, fair increases on public transportation, and gutting schools.
Who can argue with that? I know, a person that has no sense of history. They will lie. Just like they did when they banned marijuana.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Man cites boredom for streaking through Tenn. supermarket :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Nation
Man cites boredom for streaking through Tenn. supermarket :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Nation
I take it this clown never heard of Playstation 3?
I take it this clown never heard of Playstation 3?
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Layoffs could top 20,000 in school districts statewide :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES ::
Layoffs could top 20,000 in school districts statewide :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES ::
Robbing Peter, to Pay Paul. Here's a simple solution. Legalize marijuana, and tax the hell out of it. People already know that is a billion dollar a year industry. But we know our inept politicians will only stuff that money into their own pockets, and continue crying broke.
Here's another idea. Chicago Public Schools can always use advertising at their "stadiums", if they are not already, and use those funds like our Public Transportation does. Oh wait, they pocket that money and also scream broke. Never-mind, scrap that idea. Just legalize marijuana already.
Robbing Peter, to Pay Paul. Here's a simple solution. Legalize marijuana, and tax the hell out of it. People already know that is a billion dollar a year industry. But we know our inept politicians will only stuff that money into their own pockets, and continue crying broke.
Here's another idea. Chicago Public Schools can always use advertising at their "stadiums", if they are not already, and use those funds like our Public Transportation does. Oh wait, they pocket that money and also scream broke. Never-mind, scrap that idea. Just legalize marijuana already.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
The week in WTF?! :: Chicago Sun-Times :: Photo Gallery
The week in WTF?! :: Chicago Sun-Times :: Photo Gallery
Putting it simply, holy hell is all I can say about some of these photos and video's in this salute from the WTF files. I found the "Zip-Line" photo as the wildest ride a kid could ever endure, just to make it to class. WTF!
Putting it simply, holy hell is all I can say about some of these photos and video's in this salute from the WTF files. I found the "Zip-Line" photo as the wildest ride a kid could ever endure, just to make it to class. WTF!
Friday, March 26, 2010
City Council showdown on Wal-Mart in May? :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: City Hall
City Council showdown on Wal-Mart in May? :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: City Hall
This should be an interesting fight. Jobs, or No Jobs? That is the question.
This should be an interesting fight. Jobs, or No Jobs? That is the question.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Man shooting at barn hit his own hand instead :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State
Man shooting at barn hit his own hand instead :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State
Great Parenting here. Dumb kids, not even of legal age, riding around with a gun and a rifle, violating the law. Here's my question for the parents of these two. Will you report the weapons in question as Stolen? And here's an even better one for our state legislature. When will you make situations such as this a Felony? Owning guns, and rifles demand responsibility, and accountability.
I'm all for gun rights under the Second Amendment. But blatant stupidity, and ignorance of the law is no excuse for anyone, and must be dealt with in the most serious manner. True, they were not shooting at anyone. But they still Broke the Law. This cannot, and shall not ever be tolerated by all of us. No fines, just Jail Time. If that doesn't work, Lock them up (all violators) for a Hard 10 years. Maybe then they will see how serious breaking the law is. We don't need stupid gun bans. We need strict enforcement of the law, and tougher sentencing.
Great Parenting here. Dumb kids, not even of legal age, riding around with a gun and a rifle, violating the law. Here's my question for the parents of these two. Will you report the weapons in question as Stolen? And here's an even better one for our state legislature. When will you make situations such as this a Felony? Owning guns, and rifles demand responsibility, and accountability.
I'm all for gun rights under the Second Amendment. But blatant stupidity, and ignorance of the law is no excuse for anyone, and must be dealt with in the most serious manner. True, they were not shooting at anyone. But they still Broke the Law. This cannot, and shall not ever be tolerated by all of us. No fines, just Jail Time. If that doesn't work, Lock them up (all violators) for a Hard 10 years. Maybe then they will see how serious breaking the law is. We don't need stupid gun bans. We need strict enforcement of the law, and tougher sentencing.
California Voters to Decide Whether to Legalize Marijuana - AOL News
California Voters to Decide Whether to Legalize Marijuana - AOL News
Come on Illinois, the writing is on the wall. Just think of the Billions in Tax revenue this will give to this cash-strapped state. This will pass in California, and other states will follow.
Come on Illinois, the writing is on the wall. Just think of the Billions in Tax revenue this will give to this cash-strapped state. This will pass in California, and other states will follow.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Fourteen States Seek to Block Health Care Reform Law in Court -- Politics Daily
Fourteen States Seek to Block Health Care Reform Law in Court -- Politics Daily
Why are they all White? I could see if they had a case if there was some diversity in this group. That way one could tell if they really, really had a case.
I, in my wildest dreams would have never thought, I would see politicians actually attempt defeating the People that voted them in office, the denial of decent health-care. It truly boggles the mind that some of these states, with high teenage pregnancy, poverty, literacy, and catastrophic illness rates refuse helping people. It's sort of like an "I got Mine, So Screw You" attitude. They are using an excuse for something that hasn't even happened. The "Mandate" doesn't take affect until 2014. Common sense would tell you that by that time, the theoretical possibly of a "Public Option", "Single Payer", or "Medicare for All". would wipe out the need for a "Mandate".
But getting back to the "All White" question. The answer is simple. They don't have a case. They don't have consensus from a diversity of legal scholars. Had that been the case, many people would support such action from the "Party of Tort Reform". It's practically laughable that these are the same people that scream "Tort Reform", and run straight into a court room and sue. How can they possibly justify no health care for children, and adults with a pre-existing condition? That working parents can't keep their children on plans until they reach the age of 26? They are all White because they don't care about others in this country that can never afford health care at these ridiculous premium increases. That includes "Poor Whites" whom they consider inferior. They got theirs, and just don't care about you.
The next election cycle, please get rid of these hypocrites. If you don't, your Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid will be next. If you don't believe that, just look at Republican Congressman Paul Ryan's plan.
Why are they all White? I could see if they had a case if there was some diversity in this group. That way one could tell if they really, really had a case.
I, in my wildest dreams would have never thought, I would see politicians actually attempt defeating the People that voted them in office, the denial of decent health-care. It truly boggles the mind that some of these states, with high teenage pregnancy, poverty, literacy, and catastrophic illness rates refuse helping people. It's sort of like an "I got Mine, So Screw You" attitude. They are using an excuse for something that hasn't even happened. The "Mandate" doesn't take affect until 2014. Common sense would tell you that by that time, the theoretical possibly of a "Public Option", "Single Payer", or "Medicare for All". would wipe out the need for a "Mandate".
But getting back to the "All White" question. The answer is simple. They don't have a case. They don't have consensus from a diversity of legal scholars. Had that been the case, many people would support such action from the "Party of Tort Reform". It's practically laughable that these are the same people that scream "Tort Reform", and run straight into a court room and sue. How can they possibly justify no health care for children, and adults with a pre-existing condition? That working parents can't keep their children on plans until they reach the age of 26? They are all White because they don't care about others in this country that can never afford health care at these ridiculous premium increases. That includes "Poor Whites" whom they consider inferior. They got theirs, and just don't care about you.
The next election cycle, please get rid of these hypocrites. If you don't, your Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid will be next. If you don't believe that, just look at Republican Congressman Paul Ryan's plan.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Racism simmers below surface on health care :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Mary Mitchell
Racism simmers below surface on health care :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Mary Mitchell
Tell us something we don't know Mary. That is the motivating factor for super douche-bags like Limbaugh, Beck, Sara (There are too many Asians in Hawaii)Palin, and others of such ilk. They have been yelling such vile since the election of President Obama. The Great part, they don't even attempt hiding it. Doing such, at the very least, allows people the opportunity to see them for what they truly are. Douche-bags.
They are just as vile as that so-called minister and his disgusting cult, protesting soldiers funerals. Yet fear not good citizens. Good has, and will, conquer evil. Just look at the history. Evil never wins, and neither shall they. Douche-bags.
Tell us something we don't know Mary. That is the motivating factor for super douche-bags like Limbaugh, Beck, Sara (There are too many Asians in Hawaii)Palin, and others of such ilk. They have been yelling such vile since the election of President Obama. The Great part, they don't even attempt hiding it. Doing such, at the very least, allows people the opportunity to see them for what they truly are. Douche-bags.
They are just as vile as that so-called minister and his disgusting cult, protesting soldiers funerals. Yet fear not good citizens. Good has, and will, conquer evil. Just look at the history. Evil never wins, and neither shall they. Douche-bags.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Search of felon's home turns up 1,600 knives :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime
Search of felon's home turns up 1,600 knives :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime
Hey Republican and Tea Party ignoramus members. This is what you get when you strip Mental Health Funding. This loon should have been getting treatment, but because all you want is No Government Intervention, we get stuck with people like this attempting access in Government Buildings and harming Law Enforcement Officials.
I'm sure glad our members of law enforcement caught this delusional twerp before he did some damage.
Hey Republican and Tea Party ignoramus members. This is what you get when you strip Mental Health Funding. This loon should have been getting treatment, but because all you want is No Government Intervention, we get stuck with people like this attempting access in Government Buildings and harming Law Enforcement Officials.
I'm sure glad our members of law enforcement caught this delusional twerp before he did some damage.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Shootings spur vigil: 'Time for this to stop' :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime
Shootings spur vigil: 'Time for this to stop' :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime
So much for the Mayors unconstitutional gun ban. It never makes any rational sense, when criminals have access too guns, and law-abiding citizens don't.
So much for the Mayors unconstitutional gun ban. It never makes any rational sense, when criminals have access too guns, and law-abiding citizens don't.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Pension fix starts in Illinois :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES ::
Pension fix starts in Illinois :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES ::
Go figure. Now if only they would vote themselves a pay-cut we might have a little, and I mean very little respect for them. This vote basically tells anyone seeking a run for office or judgeship in the future that "we got ours, so stick it".
Go figure. Now if only they would vote themselves a pay-cut we might have a little, and I mean very little respect for them. This vote basically tells anyone seeking a run for office or judgeship in the future that "we got ours, so stick it".
Friday, March 19, 2010
Man arrested for 242nd time in Gold Coast :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime
Man arrested for 242nd time in Gold Coast :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime
Okay, now who has the record in Chicago? The other complete tool is over 60 times, and now we have this complete douche, at 242. Does the phrase "Lost Cause" ring any bells?
Sadly there are people out there that just give up. We've heard the old saying, "God helps those that Help themselves". But what do you do with a situation of this magnitude? Do we institutionalize the person? For many, that would appear the most obvious choice. Spending a night in jail, apparently isn't proving effective.
So what can we do with persons that refuse getting their act together?
Okay, now who has the record in Chicago? The other complete tool is over 60 times, and now we have this complete douche, at 242. Does the phrase "Lost Cause" ring any bells?
Sadly there are people out there that just give up. We've heard the old saying, "God helps those that Help themselves". But what do you do with a situation of this magnitude? Do we institutionalize the person? For many, that would appear the most obvious choice. Spending a night in jail, apparently isn't proving effective.
So what can we do with persons that refuse getting their act together?
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Officer, Chicago teacher charged with smuggling drugs into jail :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime
Officer, Chicago teacher charged with smuggling drugs into jail :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime
What else can one say? Dumber then a Bag of Hammers.
What else can one say? Dumber then a Bag of Hammers.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Union: Chicago schools boss using 'scare tactics' :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: News
Union: Chicago schools boss using 'scare tactics' :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: News
Well that's the School Board for you. They sure do have a big pair of nuts on them, don't they? Last week they screwed a disabled youth over by not providing transportation. Now they are ready to pounce on teachers. Is it just me, or has anyone heard them say, they (administration officials) will take a pay cut first? Nope.
There folks is the problem. The big money, greedy administration officials, refuse any type of sacrifice. They would rather cut teacher's salary, lay them off, and overcrowd classrooms. Now we have them resorting to threats. It's bad enough, they have already deprived students of actual classroom time. Students today, have more time off from class, oh let's say 30 years ago. Hell, even 20 years ago.
I heard a story, a long time ago, about purchases that schools make. They would order all kinds of stuff like, pencils, pens, coffee, cream, chairs, desks, well you get the picture. Just to run back and say "Look we spent the money allotted in our budget. Give us more". Meanwhile all this "Stuff", would sit in warehouses across the state. Now maybe some of you have heard, companies that ship such items too the schools, would rather "Destroy" the merchandise then take it back. Shocking huh? The point is, Chicago Public Schools, need to take that long hard look in the mirror, before they ask employee's that do the actual work, for a sacrifice. They need a showing of leadership, not several vehicles.
By the way, that story of merchandise in warehouses, can be verified. All you have to do is follow the money. It's better then threatening teachers.
Well that's the School Board for you. They sure do have a big pair of nuts on them, don't they? Last week they screwed a disabled youth over by not providing transportation. Now they are ready to pounce on teachers. Is it just me, or has anyone heard them say, they (administration officials) will take a pay cut first? Nope.
There folks is the problem. The big money, greedy administration officials, refuse any type of sacrifice. They would rather cut teacher's salary, lay them off, and overcrowd classrooms. Now we have them resorting to threats. It's bad enough, they have already deprived students of actual classroom time. Students today, have more time off from class, oh let's say 30 years ago. Hell, even 20 years ago.
I heard a story, a long time ago, about purchases that schools make. They would order all kinds of stuff like, pencils, pens, coffee, cream, chairs, desks, well you get the picture. Just to run back and say "Look we spent the money allotted in our budget. Give us more". Meanwhile all this "Stuff", would sit in warehouses across the state. Now maybe some of you have heard, companies that ship such items too the schools, would rather "Destroy" the merchandise then take it back. Shocking huh? The point is, Chicago Public Schools, need to take that long hard look in the mirror, before they ask employee's that do the actual work, for a sacrifice. They need a showing of leadership, not several vehicles.
By the way, that story of merchandise in warehouses, can be verified. All you have to do is follow the money. It's better then threatening teachers.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Rappelling Thieves Steal $75M in Drugs in Connecticut - AOL News
Rappelling Thieves Steal $75M in Drugs in Connecticut - AOL News
Oh this is just a complete trip. If this isn't an inside job, I'm as dumb as a republican.
Oh this is just a complete trip. If this isn't an inside job, I'm as dumb as a republican.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Man Tasered in Macy's racks up 64th arrest: cops :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime
Man Tasered in Macy's racks up 64th arrest: cops :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime
64 times and you still don't get it? That question is for lawmakers and judges. How on earth can you even consider bail? 64 times is a no-brainer. No bail.
This is a classic study of the proverbial "Lost Cause". Being as cynical as I am, it would not shock me that there are many more, with a record topping this bozo. Look, let's get real on felony convictions. 3 strikes and kiss life on the streets goodbye.
64 times? What a joke.
64 times and you still don't get it? That question is for lawmakers and judges. How on earth can you even consider bail? 64 times is a no-brainer. No bail.
This is a classic study of the proverbial "Lost Cause". Being as cynical as I am, it would not shock me that there are many more, with a record topping this bozo. Look, let's get real on felony convictions. 3 strikes and kiss life on the streets goodbye.
64 times? What a joke.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Secretive Catholic Order Founded by Accused Pedophile Under Fire - AOL News
Secretive Catholic Order Founded by Accused Pedophile Under Fire - AOL News
Things are not looking good for this sect. But what else can you expect from the "Do as I say, and Not as I do Gang"?
Things are not looking good for this sect. But what else can you expect from the "Do as I say, and Not as I do Gang"?
Saturday, March 13, 2010
City crime off 10.3% this year: cops :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime
City crime off 10.3% this year: cops :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime
Well some good news for a change. Let's just hope it keeps going down. In all honesty, it may fall even lower once they legalize marijuana, and tax the hell out of it.
Oh well, wishful thinking on my part. But you never know, our next generation of leaders, may agree with that view.
Well some good news for a change. Let's just hope it keeps going down. In all honesty, it may fall even lower once they legalize marijuana, and tax the hell out of it.
Oh well, wishful thinking on my part. But you never know, our next generation of leaders, may agree with that view.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Daley defends expanded use of tasers :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: City Hall
Daley defends expanded use of tasers :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: City Hall
You just got to love this mayor. This guy is just comedic gold.
You just got to love this mayor. This guy is just comedic gold.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Daley: Students get cheated when grades are changed :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: City Hall
Daley: Students get cheated when grades are changed :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: City Hall
Uh duh! Of course it can't be proven, but the billion dollar question remains. Who ordered the principals, to order the teachers, to change the grades?
See the pattern here? So naturally it would go something like this. The order comes from city hall, then the Board of Education, then principals, then teachers. The only reason the changing of grades took place, is grabbing more federal dollars for stuffing into pockets of those that should be under a jail.
Got it? So, follow the money.
Uh duh! Of course it can't be proven, but the billion dollar question remains. Who ordered the principals, to order the teachers, to change the grades?
See the pattern here? So naturally it would go something like this. The order comes from city hall, then the Board of Education, then principals, then teachers. The only reason the changing of grades took place, is grabbing more federal dollars for stuffing into pockets of those that should be under a jail.
Got it? So, follow the money.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Daley condemns rampant grade changing :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: City Hall
Daley condemns rampant grade changing :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: City Hall
Gee had they not got caught, you would not have heard a peep out of this Mayor. Check out the big fat lie he told reporters on who ordered the grade changing.
"Pressed on where the pressure to change grades is coming from, Daley said, “I don’t know. Ask the teacher who did it … [Schools CEO] Ron Huberman would never do that. What do you want to give everybody Cs and Bs for who can’t read or write or function? They graduate from high school, and they can’t get a job.”
Classic lie. Some person at the Board told these principals to change those grades. Those principals in turn told the teachers. Take the Mayor's advice, and ask the teachers, and principals. I'll bet you, you will hear more lies coming from the Board, and City Hall when the truth comes out.
Gee had they not got caught, you would not have heard a peep out of this Mayor. Check out the big fat lie he told reporters on who ordered the grade changing.
"Pressed on where the pressure to change grades is coming from, Daley said, “I don’t know. Ask the teacher who did it … [Schools CEO] Ron Huberman would never do that. What do you want to give everybody Cs and Bs for who can’t read or write or function? They graduate from high school, and they can’t get a job.”
Classic lie. Some person at the Board told these principals to change those grades. Those principals in turn told the teachers. Take the Mayor's advice, and ask the teachers, and principals. I'll bet you, you will hear more lies coming from the Board, and City Hall when the truth comes out.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Chicago City Council stealth payroll criticized - chicagotribune.com
Chicago City Council stealth payroll criticized - chicagotribune.com
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Our we learning anything yet? Follow the money.
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Our we learning anything yet? Follow the money.
The 2010 census: Count means billions for Illinois and the Chicago area. - chicagotribune.com
The 2010 census: Count means billions for Illinois and the Chicago area. - chicagotribune.com
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No wonder this state is broke. They spent the money on themselves.
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No wonder this state is broke. They spent the money on themselves.
Chicago police plan covert surveillance camera upgrade - chicagotribune.com
Chicago police plan covert surveillance camera upgrade - chicagotribune.com
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Today is drop my jaw day because I came across three (3) stories of great interest courtesy of the Chicago Tribune.
The first story deals with the "Covert Cameras" that will soon be going up, or may already have. You will know when police start making raids. Kudos to police departments everywhere that will, or already have installed them.
The other two stories deal with the infamous "Follow The Money" call because our city and state, continue their loud cry of being broke. I find that hard, well, easy to believe, because what they did with the Billions sent from the federal government, continues to fall in the mystery category. But all one has to do is just look at the salaries these bums are squeezing from us taxpayers.
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Today is drop my jaw day because I came across three (3) stories of great interest courtesy of the Chicago Tribune.
The first story deals with the "Covert Cameras" that will soon be going up, or may already have. You will know when police start making raids. Kudos to police departments everywhere that will, or already have installed them.
The other two stories deal with the infamous "Follow The Money" call because our city and state, continue their loud cry of being broke. I find that hard, well, easy to believe, because what they did with the Billions sent from the federal government, continues to fall in the mystery category. But all one has to do is just look at the salaries these bums are squeezing from us taxpayers.
Monday, March 8, 2010
When you really think about it, these people lost loved ones because of his stupid ban on guns in the city. I'm not saying that if those people, kids included, were armed, this would not have happened. But this Mayor doesn't have a clue about what his unconstitutional ban has done to this city.
Since his ban, the criminals are the ones obtaining guns, not the law-abiding citizens. Now he's running around in Springfield trying to get legislation that should have been enacted 30 years ago. Any person with the enabled skill of common-sense would know that strengthening prison sentences for "Known Gang Members" using guns is the right approach among many alternatives. Common-sense dictates that "Responsible" gun owners have no problem with having background checks in-place. No person wants an individual with a history of mental instability getting their hands on guns. The same goes for criminals. Proof this Mayor has no clue, check out this quote:
“I know that many people may not appreciate these proposals, especially the gang bangers and the drug dealers and the thugs who basically terrorize our communities,” Daley said. “Taken together, I believe these initiatives will reduce gun violence, not only in Chicago, in the metropolitan area in Illinois, but in the country."
Why on this earth would a gang banger, or drug dealer "Appreciate" anything?
When you really think about it, these people lost loved ones because of his stupid ban on guns in the city. I'm not saying that if those people, kids included, were armed, this would not have happened. But this Mayor doesn't have a clue about what his unconstitutional ban has done to this city.
Since his ban, the criminals are the ones obtaining guns, not the law-abiding citizens. Now he's running around in Springfield trying to get legislation that should have been enacted 30 years ago. Any person with the enabled skill of common-sense would know that strengthening prison sentences for "Known Gang Members" using guns is the right approach among many alternatives. Common-sense dictates that "Responsible" gun owners have no problem with having background checks in-place. No person wants an individual with a history of mental instability getting their hands on guns. The same goes for criminals. Proof this Mayor has no clue, check out this quote:
“I know that many people may not appreciate these proposals, especially the gang bangers and the drug dealers and the thugs who basically terrorize our communities,” Daley said. “Taken together, I believe these initiatives will reduce gun violence, not only in Chicago, in the metropolitan area in Illinois, but in the country."
Why on this earth would a gang banger, or drug dealer "Appreciate" anything?
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Ill. budget to hit schools, police, child care :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State
Ill. budget to hit schools, police, child care :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State
Gee, billions in "Stimulus Money, billions more from "Lottery Proceeds", a Mayor here in Chicago selling city services to the highest bidder, no wonder the state is broke. Our elected officials need to stand up and take a pay cut. I personally see no justification for their salaries, if they can't keep teachers, police, and health workers employed.
That means both democratic, and republican lawmakers in the entire state. Take a pay cut before you even think of cutting someone's job that "Actually" works. I'm talking alderman/women, council-persons, Mayor's, and all of your respective department heads. Take a pay cut.
Gee, billions in "Stimulus Money, billions more from "Lottery Proceeds", a Mayor here in Chicago selling city services to the highest bidder, no wonder the state is broke. Our elected officials need to stand up and take a pay cut. I personally see no justification for their salaries, if they can't keep teachers, police, and health workers employed.
That means both democratic, and republican lawmakers in the entire state. Take a pay cut before you even think of cutting someone's job that "Actually" works. I'm talking alderman/women, council-persons, Mayor's, and all of your respective department heads. Take a pay cut.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Bridge to ease rail gridlock, create 1,450 jobs :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Transportation
Bridge to ease rail gridlock, create 1,450 jobs :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Transportation
Some good news for a change. Folks call our congressional, and senatorial representatives and congratulate them for a fantastic bill that will help many people seeking employment.
P.S. Up yours Republicans. I bet you voted No on this also.
Some good news for a change. Folks call our congressional, and senatorial representatives and congratulate them for a fantastic bill that will help many people seeking employment.
P.S. Up yours Republicans. I bet you voted No on this also.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Vatican Hit By Gay Sex Scandal - AOL News
Vatican Hit By Gay Sex Scandal - AOL News
Holy Crap! Ha, well I guess this really isn't such shocking news. Anyone that "Protest Too Much", always get caught with their own pants around the ankles.
Holy Crap! Ha, well I guess this really isn't such shocking news. Anyone that "Protest Too Much", always get caught with their own pants around the ankles.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Ex-security boss: O'Hare is nation's 'least secure airport' :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Transportation
Ex-security boss: O'Hare is nation's 'least secure airport' :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Transportation
Why am I not surprised? This Mayor is a big joke. He cares for nothing, but filling his, and his cronies pockets at our expense. I find it stunning that Homeland Security, and the TSA warned these boobs twice about the "Parking Situation", and yet they still refuse to rectify the problem.
Well I guess now that it has hit the media, watch out for some good old "Cover Your Ass Firings". This lawsuit is going to hurt. And I hope it does.
Why am I not surprised? This Mayor is a big joke. He cares for nothing, but filling his, and his cronies pockets at our expense. I find it stunning that Homeland Security, and the TSA warned these boobs twice about the "Parking Situation", and yet they still refuse to rectify the problem.
Well I guess now that it has hit the media, watch out for some good old "Cover Your Ass Firings". This lawsuit is going to hurt. And I hope it does.
Tape Reveals Child Directing Air Traffic at JFK Airport - AOL News
Tape Reveals Child Directing Air Traffic at JFK Airport - AOL News
WTF Remember the Family Guy episode when Stewie found out Mathew McConaughey was on a plane and had it land in the Atlantic? These major dumb-bulbs are going to get fired for sure.
WTF Remember the Family Guy episode when Stewie found out Mathew McConaughey was on a plane and had it land in the Atlantic? These major dumb-bulbs are going to get fired for sure.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Chicago man explains challenge of city's handgun ban :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State
Chicago man explains challenge of city's handgun ban :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State
Are you listening/reading this Mayor Daley? The ban isn't working. Stop wasting taxpayer dollars on this unconstitutional ban. You have gotten away with this for 30 years. Enough is enough. Hey Tea party Knuckle-Heads, see who's really coming after your guns? And not a peep out of you for over thirty years. Could it be that it's all about skin color? Seems so.
Hey Mayor read the mans quote:
"I wish I could get Mayor Daley to feel what I feel and see what I see,'' McDonald said. ''Maybe he could come here and spend the night, especially during the summer, and listen to what I listen to out my window. If he could, and he was open to that, he would see what's really going on in his city ... and maybe he would understand where I'm coming from.''
"If this handgun ban was working, I would say, 'OK, no problem,' even though it's against my constitutional rights. But it's not working,'' McDonald said. ''If law-abiding citizens could have handguns, a robber in the streets will have something to think about when he get ready to do one of these numbers on somebody. He don't know who might have one.''
Are you listening/reading this Mayor Daley? The ban isn't working. Stop wasting taxpayer dollars on this unconstitutional ban. You have gotten away with this for 30 years. Enough is enough. Hey Tea party Knuckle-Heads, see who's really coming after your guns? And not a peep out of you for over thirty years. Could it be that it's all about skin color? Seems so.
Hey Mayor read the mans quote:
"I wish I could get Mayor Daley to feel what I feel and see what I see,'' McDonald said. ''Maybe he could come here and spend the night, especially during the summer, and listen to what I listen to out my window. If he could, and he was open to that, he would see what's really going on in his city ... and maybe he would understand where I'm coming from.''
"If this handgun ban was working, I would say, 'OK, no problem,' even though it's against my constitutional rights. But it's not working,'' McDonald said. ''If law-abiding citizens could have handguns, a robber in the streets will have something to think about when he get ready to do one of these numbers on somebody. He don't know who might have one.''
Monday, March 1, 2010
Drug gangs taking over U.S. public lands :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Nation
Drug gangs taking over U.S. public lands :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Nation
Well there is only one way to fix this little problem. Legalize marijuana. Doing this takes the incentive away from the drug dealer. If any Tom, Dick, and Harry can walk into a store and buy a pack of weed, goodbye drug dealer, hello State cash flow. I'm sorry but this is a No-Brain-er. Look at all the crap they put into cigarettes. Legalize marijuana so States can reap the windfall of the revenue this one crop can generate.
We are talking a Billion Dollar a Year Industry. States are crying Broke. Marijuana use has been going on for centuries, and has not stopped, and will not stop. It's medicinal purpose has been established for Centuries, along with its recreational usage. It was outlawed in 1936 because some greedy punk knew it would destroy their Timber industry cash-cow.
Now we have knuckleheads running amok in our National Parks because the Zealots still want to control the lie that marijuana is Bad for You. So is cigarettes, and booze. So what's your point? We tax cigarettes and booze don't we? Remember when the Zealots tried that little experiment with banning booze? How'd that work out for you? Not very good right?
The bottom line is, legalize it. Tax it. And watch the knucklehead drug dealer find some other type of cash-cow. And oh, before I forget, strengthen the sentencing laws for the really dangerous drugs. You know, cocaine, meth (Alaska is #1 in usage), and heroin. You betcha.
Well there is only one way to fix this little problem. Legalize marijuana. Doing this takes the incentive away from the drug dealer. If any Tom, Dick, and Harry can walk into a store and buy a pack of weed, goodbye drug dealer, hello State cash flow. I'm sorry but this is a No-Brain-er. Look at all the crap they put into cigarettes. Legalize marijuana so States can reap the windfall of the revenue this one crop can generate.
We are talking a Billion Dollar a Year Industry. States are crying Broke. Marijuana use has been going on for centuries, and has not stopped, and will not stop. It's medicinal purpose has been established for Centuries, along with its recreational usage. It was outlawed in 1936 because some greedy punk knew it would destroy their Timber industry cash-cow.
Now we have knuckleheads running amok in our National Parks because the Zealots still want to control the lie that marijuana is Bad for You. So is cigarettes, and booze. So what's your point? We tax cigarettes and booze don't we? Remember when the Zealots tried that little experiment with banning booze? How'd that work out for you? Not very good right?
The bottom line is, legalize it. Tax it. And watch the knucklehead drug dealer find some other type of cash-cow. And oh, before I forget, strengthen the sentencing laws for the really dangerous drugs. You know, cocaine, meth (Alaska is #1 in usage), and heroin. You betcha.
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