7 arrested, cops injured after 100-person street fight :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime
Wow! Note for parents. Time to talk, or throw your kids under the bus. 1:45 in the morning, kids are running amuck in the streets. Sure those that are 20 and 21 can basically hang-out. But one has to take into account what is in that area, that produced such a turn-out? The crazy part about this article, no guns.
Parents, it's time for you to take control. If they are 21, tell them to hit the bricks. If they are under 21, put the hammer down. If they don't like it, show them the door, or their next future behind prison bars. Like this 18 year old dummy.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
The public face of gun-rights battle - chicagotribune.com
The public face of gun-rights battle - chicagotribune.com
It's about time Mr. Mayor. This is one case you will lose. The people are sick of all these knuckle-heads running amuck in this city, with more access to guns then we, the law-abiding citizen.
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It's about time Mr. Mayor. This is one case you will lose. The people are sick of all these knuckle-heads running amuck in this city, with more access to guns then we, the law-abiding citizen.
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Friday, January 29, 2010
Daley's dilemma: Clash over control of hiring :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: City Hall
Daley's dilemma: Clash over control of hiring :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: City Hall
Wow! This just may turn very ugly, with it possibly playing out in a court of law. Can't wait.
Wow! This just may turn very ugly, with it possibly playing out in a court of law. Can't wait.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
1 Year and You Still Have Doubts?
Check out this list of things Done in 1 Year, and More 2 Come:
> >President Obama's accomplishments in the 1st year of his administration: **
> >* *
> >1. Ordered all federal agencies to undertake a study and make >recommendations for ways to cut spending
> >
> >2. Ordered a review of all federal operations to identify and cut >wasteful spending and practices
> >
> >3. Instituted enforcement for equal pay for women
> >
> >4. Beginning the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq
> >
> >5. Families of fallen soldiers have expenses covered to be on hand >when the body arrives at Dover AFB
> >
> >6. Ended media blackout on war casualties; reporting full information
> >
> >7. Ended media blackout on covering the return of fallen soldiers to >Dover AFB; the media is now permitted to do so pending adherence to >respectful rules and approval of fallen soldier's family
> >
> >8. The White House and federal government are respecting the Freedom >of Information Act
> >
> >9. Instructed all federal agencies to promote openness and >transparency as much as possible
> >
> >10. Limits on lobbyist's access to the White House
> >
> >11. Limits on White House aides working for lobbyists after their >tenure in the administration
> >
> >12. Ended the previous stop-loss policy that kept soldiers in >Iraq/Afghanistan longer than their enlistment date
> >
> >13. Phasing out the expensive F-22 war plane and other outdated >weapons systems, which weren't even used or needed in Iraq/Afghanistan
> >
> >14. Removed restrictions on embryonic stem-cell research
> >
> >15. Federal support for stem-cell and new biomedical research
> >
> >16. New federal funding for science and research labs
> >
> >17. States are permitted to enact federal fuel efficiency standards >above federal standards
> >
> >18. Increased infrastructure spending (roads, bridges, power plants) >after years of neglect
> >
> >19. Funds for high-speed, broadband Internet access to K-12 schools
> >
> >20. New funds for school construction
> >
> >21. The prison at Guantanamo Bay is being phased out
> >
> >22. US Auto industry rescue plan
> >
> >23. Housing rescue plan
> >
> >24. $789 billion economic stimulus plan
> >
> >25. The public can meet with federal housing insurers to refinance >(the new plan can be completed in one day) a mortgage if they are >having trouble paying
> >
> >26. US financial and banking rescue plan
> >
> >27. The secret detention facilities in Eastern Europe and elsewhere >are being closed
> >
> >28. Ended the previous policy; the US now has a no torture policy >and is in compliance with the Geneva Convention standards
> >
> >29. Better body armor is now being provided to our troops
> >
> >30. The missile defense program is being cut by $1.4 billion in 2010
> >
> >31. Restarted the nuclear nonproliferation talks and building back >up the nuclear inspection infrastructure/ protocols
> >
> >32. Reengaged in the treaties/agreements to protect the Antarctic
> >
> >33. Reengaged in the agreements/talks on global warming and >greenhouse gas emissions
> >
> >34. Visited more countries and met with more world leaders than any >president in his first six months in office
> >
> >35. Successful release of US captain held by Somali pirates; >authorized the SEALS to do their job
> >
> >36. US Navy increasing patrols off Somali coast
> >
> >37. Attractive tax write-offs for those who buy hybrid automobiles
> >
> >38. Cash for clunkers program offers vouchers to trade in fuel >inefficient, polluting old cars for new cars; stimulated auto sales
> >
> >39. Announced plans to purchase fuel efficient American-made fleet >for the federal government
> >
> >40. Expanded the SCHIP program to cover health care for 4 million >more children
> >
> >41. Signed national service legislation; expanded national youth >service program
> >
> >42. Instituted a new policy on Cuba, allowing Cuban families to >return home to visit loved ones
> >
> >43. Ended the previous policy of not regulating and labeling carbon >dioxide emissions
> >
> >44. Expanding vaccination programs
> >
> >45. Immediate and efficient response to the floods in North Dakota >and other natural disasters
> >
> >46. Closed offshore tax safe havens
> >
> >47. Negotiated deal with Swiss banks to permit US government to gain >access to records of tax evaders and criminals
> >
> >48. Ended the previous policy of offering tax benefits to >corporations who outsource American jobs; the new policy is to >promote in-sourcing to bring jobs back
> >
> >49. Ended the previous practice of protecting credit card companies; >in place of it are new consumer protections from credit card >industry's predatory practices
> >
> >50. Energy producing plants must begin preparing to produce 15% of >their energy from renewable sources
> >
> >51. Lower drug costs for seniors
> >
> >52. Ended the previous practice of forbidding Medicare from >negotiating with drug manufacturers for cheaper drugs; the federal >government is now realizing hundreds of millions in savings
> >
> >53. Increasing pay and benefits for military personnel
> >
> >54. Improved housing for military personnel
> >
> >55. Initiating a new policy to promote federal hiring of military spouses
> >
> >56. Improved conditions at Walter Reed Military Hospital and other >military hospitals
> >
> >57. Increasing student loans
> >
> >58. Increasing opportunities in AmeriCorps program
> >
> >59. Sent envoys to Middle East and other parts of the world that had >been neglected for years; reengaging in multilateral and bilateral >talks and diplomacy
> >
> >60. Established a new cyber security office
> >
> >61. Beginning the process of reforming and restructuring the >military 20 years after the Cold War to a more modern fighting >force; this includes new procurement policies, increasing size of >military, new technology and cyber units and operations, etc.
> >
> >62. Ended previous policy of awarding no-bid defense contracts
> >
> >63. Ordered a review of hurricane and natural disaster preparedness
> >
> >64. Established a National Performance Officer charged with saving >the federal government money and making federal operations more efficient
> >
> >65. Students struggling to make college loan payments can have their >loans refinanced
> >
> >66. Improving benefits for veterans
> >
> >67. Many more press conferences and town halls and much more media >access than previous administration
> >
> >68. Instituted a new focus on mortgage fraud
> >
> >69. The FDA is now regulating tobacco
> >
> >70. Ended previous policy of cutting the FDA and circumventing FDA rules
> >
> >71. Ended previous practice of having White House aides rewrite >scientific and environmental rules, regulations, and reports
> >
> >72. Authorized discussions with North Korea and private mission by >Pres. Bill Clinton to secure the release of two Americans held in prisons
> >
> >73. Authorized discussions with Myanmar and mission by Sen. Jim Web >to secure the release of an American held captive
> >
> >74. Making more loans available to small businesses
> >
> >75. Established independent commission to make recommendations on >slowing the costs of Medicare
> >
> >76. Appointment of first Latina to the Supreme Court
> >
> >77. Authorized construction/ opening of additional health centers to >care for veterans
> >
> >78. Limited salaries of senior White House aides; cut to $100,000
> >
> >79. Renewed loan guarantees for Israel
> >
> >80. Changed the failing/status quo military command in Afghanistan
> >
> >81. Deployed additional troops to Afghanistan
> >
> >82. New Afghan War policy that limits aerial bombing and prioritizes >aid, development of infrastructure, diplomacy, and good government >practices by Afghans
> >
> >83. Announced the long-term development of a national energy grid >with renewable sources and cleaner, efficient energy production
> >
> >84. Returned money authorized for refurbishment of White House >offices and private living quarters
> >
> >85. Paid for redecoration of White House living quarters out of his own pocket
> >
> >86. Held first Seder in White House
> >
> >87. Attempting to reform the nation's healthcare system which is the >most expensive in the world yet leaves almost 50 million without >health insurance and millions more under insured
> >
> >88. Has put the ball in play for comprehensive immigration reform
> >
> >89. Has announced his intention to push for energy reform
> >
> >90. Has announced his intention to push for education reform
> >President Obama's accomplishments in the 1st year of his administration: **
> >* *
> >1. Ordered all federal agencies to undertake a study and make >recommendations for ways to cut spending
> >
> >2. Ordered a review of all federal operations to identify and cut >wasteful spending and practices
> >
> >3. Instituted enforcement for equal pay for women
> >
> >4. Beginning the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq
> >
> >5. Families of fallen soldiers have expenses covered to be on hand >when the body arrives at Dover AFB
> >
> >6. Ended media blackout on war casualties; reporting full information
> >
> >7. Ended media blackout on covering the return of fallen soldiers to >Dover AFB; the media is now permitted to do so pending adherence to >respectful rules and approval of fallen soldier's family
> >
> >8. The White House and federal government are respecting the Freedom >of Information Act
> >
> >9. Instructed all federal agencies to promote openness and >transparency as much as possible
> >
> >10. Limits on lobbyist's access to the White House
> >
> >11. Limits on White House aides working for lobbyists after their >tenure in the administration
> >
> >12. Ended the previous stop-loss policy that kept soldiers in >Iraq/Afghanistan longer than their enlistment date
> >
> >13. Phasing out the expensive F-22 war plane and other outdated >weapons systems, which weren't even used or needed in Iraq/Afghanistan
> >
> >14. Removed restrictions on embryonic stem-cell research
> >
> >15. Federal support for stem-cell and new biomedical research
> >
> >16. New federal funding for science and research labs
> >
> >17. States are permitted to enact federal fuel efficiency standards >above federal standards
> >
> >18. Increased infrastructure spending (roads, bridges, power plants) >after years of neglect
> >
> >19. Funds for high-speed, broadband Internet access to K-12 schools
> >
> >20. New funds for school construction
> >
> >21. The prison at Guantanamo Bay is being phased out
> >
> >22. US Auto industry rescue plan
> >
> >23. Housing rescue plan
> >
> >24. $789 billion economic stimulus plan
> >
> >25. The public can meet with federal housing insurers to refinance >(the new plan can be completed in one day) a mortgage if they are >having trouble paying
> >
> >26. US financial and banking rescue plan
> >
> >27. The secret detention facilities in Eastern Europe and elsewhere >are being closed
> >
> >28. Ended the previous policy; the US now has a no torture policy >and is in compliance with the Geneva Convention standards
> >
> >29. Better body armor is now being provided to our troops
> >
> >30. The missile defense program is being cut by $1.4 billion in 2010
> >
> >31. Restarted the nuclear nonproliferation talks and building back >up the nuclear inspection infrastructure/ protocols
> >
> >32. Reengaged in the treaties/agreements to protect the Antarctic
> >
> >33. Reengaged in the agreements/talks on global warming and >greenhouse gas emissions
> >
> >34. Visited more countries and met with more world leaders than any >president in his first six months in office
> >
> >35. Successful release of US captain held by Somali pirates; >authorized the SEALS to do their job
> >
> >36. US Navy increasing patrols off Somali coast
> >
> >37. Attractive tax write-offs for those who buy hybrid automobiles
> >
> >38. Cash for clunkers program offers vouchers to trade in fuel >inefficient, polluting old cars for new cars; stimulated auto sales
> >
> >39. Announced plans to purchase fuel efficient American-made fleet >for the federal government
> >
> >40. Expanded the SCHIP program to cover health care for 4 million >more children
> >
> >41. Signed national service legislation; expanded national youth >service program
> >
> >42. Instituted a new policy on Cuba, allowing Cuban families to >return home to visit loved ones
> >
> >43. Ended the previous policy of not regulating and labeling carbon >dioxide emissions
> >
> >44. Expanding vaccination programs
> >
> >45. Immediate and efficient response to the floods in North Dakota >and other natural disasters
> >
> >46. Closed offshore tax safe havens
> >
> >47. Negotiated deal with Swiss banks to permit US government to gain >access to records of tax evaders and criminals
> >
> >48. Ended the previous policy of offering tax benefits to >corporations who outsource American jobs; the new policy is to >promote in-sourcing to bring jobs back
> >
> >49. Ended the previous practice of protecting credit card companies; >in place of it are new consumer protections from credit card >industry's predatory practices
> >
> >50. Energy producing plants must begin preparing to produce 15% of >their energy from renewable sources
> >
> >51. Lower drug costs for seniors
> >
> >52. Ended the previous practice of forbidding Medicare from >negotiating with drug manufacturers for cheaper drugs; the federal >government is now realizing hundreds of millions in savings
> >
> >53. Increasing pay and benefits for military personnel
> >
> >54. Improved housing for military personnel
> >
> >55. Initiating a new policy to promote federal hiring of military spouses
> >
> >56. Improved conditions at Walter Reed Military Hospital and other >military hospitals
> >
> >57. Increasing student loans
> >
> >58. Increasing opportunities in AmeriCorps program
> >
> >59. Sent envoys to Middle East and other parts of the world that had >been neglected for years; reengaging in multilateral and bilateral >talks and diplomacy
> >
> >60. Established a new cyber security office
> >
> >61. Beginning the process of reforming and restructuring the >military 20 years after the Cold War to a more modern fighting >force; this includes new procurement policies, increasing size of >military, new technology and cyber units and operations, etc.
> >
> >62. Ended previous policy of awarding no-bid defense contracts
> >
> >63. Ordered a review of hurricane and natural disaster preparedness
> >
> >64. Established a National Performance Officer charged with saving >the federal government money and making federal operations more efficient
> >
> >65. Students struggling to make college loan payments can have their >loans refinanced
> >
> >66. Improving benefits for veterans
> >
> >67. Many more press conferences and town halls and much more media >access than previous administration
> >
> >68. Instituted a new focus on mortgage fraud
> >
> >69. The FDA is now regulating tobacco
> >
> >70. Ended previous policy of cutting the FDA and circumventing FDA rules
> >
> >71. Ended previous practice of having White House aides rewrite >scientific and environmental rules, regulations, and reports
> >
> >72. Authorized discussions with North Korea and private mission by >Pres. Bill Clinton to secure the release of two Americans held in prisons
> >
> >73. Authorized discussions with Myanmar and mission by Sen. Jim Web >to secure the release of an American held captive
> >
> >74. Making more loans available to small businesses
> >
> >75. Established independent commission to make recommendations on >slowing the costs of Medicare
> >
> >76. Appointment of first Latina to the Supreme Court
> >
> >77. Authorized construction/ opening of additional health centers to >care for veterans
> >
> >78. Limited salaries of senior White House aides; cut to $100,000
> >
> >79. Renewed loan guarantees for Israel
> >
> >80. Changed the failing/status quo military command in Afghanistan
> >
> >81. Deployed additional troops to Afghanistan
> >
> >82. New Afghan War policy that limits aerial bombing and prioritizes >aid, development of infrastructure, diplomacy, and good government >practices by Afghans
> >
> >83. Announced the long-term development of a national energy grid >with renewable sources and cleaner, efficient energy production
> >
> >84. Returned money authorized for refurbishment of White House >offices and private living quarters
> >
> >85. Paid for redecoration of White House living quarters out of his own pocket
> >
> >86. Held first Seder in White House
> >
> >87. Attempting to reform the nation's healthcare system which is the >most expensive in the world yet leaves almost 50 million without >health insurance and millions more under insured
> >
> >88. Has put the ball in play for comprehensive immigration reform
> >
> >89. Has announced his intention to push for energy reform
> >
> >90. Has announced his intention to push for education reform
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Furloughed Ford workers get dibs on jobs :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Business
Furloughed Ford workers get dibs on jobs :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Business
Hey, like I said yesterday, something is still better than nothing. Just do the math. If 600 laid-off workers return, there still will be a need for others too fill the void. Some of those 600 may have left for better opportunities, or retired. So when the application process begins, throw your hat into the ring.
Hey, like I said yesterday, something is still better than nothing. Just do the math. If 600 laid-off workers return, there still will be a need for others too fill the void. Some of those 600 may have left for better opportunities, or retired. So when the application process begins, throw your hat into the ring.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Schwarzenegger: Ship California's Illegal Immigrant Prisoners to Mexico - Sphere News
Schwarzenegger: Ship California's Illegal Immigrant Prisoners to Mexico - Sphere News
What's California going to use for money, an IOU?
Reading this article made my head hurt. Totally stupid.
What's California going to use for money, an IOU?
Reading this article made my head hurt. Totally stupid.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Chicago's top 2 hiring watchdogs under fire :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: City Hall
Chicago's top 2 hiring watchdogs under fire :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: City Hall
Ah politics at City Hall. Nothing beats thinking that they all are above the law. I wonder what the Attorney General thinks about this?
Ah politics at City Hall. Nothing beats thinking that they all are above the law. I wonder what the Attorney General thinks about this?
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Brown's defense of 'Jeans Day' fund leaves questions :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Politics
Brown's defense of 'Jeans Day' fund leaves questions :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Politics
New Movie: Dumb-Ass: Return of The Idiot.
Some people just can't leave well enough alone. All the employee's should have just demanded that the money go straight to a charity of choice. Not a picnic, not a dinner. And they wonder why people don't trust them? Look at what your dumb-ass is doing!
New Movie: Dumb-Ass: Return of The Idiot.
Some people just can't leave well enough alone. All the employee's should have just demanded that the money go straight to a charity of choice. Not a picnic, not a dinner. And they wonder why people don't trust them? Look at what your dumb-ass is doing!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Getting to the bottom of 'Jeans Day' hubbub :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Election 2010
Getting to the bottom of 'Jeans Day' hubbub :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Election 2010
Blatant stupidity is by far, the best way of describing some of these elected officials we have here in Chicago. Will someone please tell me why these highly educated dimwits, refuse to accept the fact that if something shady is afoot, people will tell.
Is it really so much to ask, or inform, that all monies will go to such and such a charity? Or better still, let's run this by the Inspector General's office for an okay? You just can't make up how stupid and arrogant this is. I just hope the college this low-lit bulb went too isn't advertising on television. The really sad part about all this, is the employee's that went along with it, without asking for a vote on which charity should receive the funds. It kind of makes one wonder, what school they attended also?
Memo for all incumbents: Does Massachusetts ring a bell? It doesn't matter if the voter is independent, democratic, or republican. They are all sick of your entrenched ways. They will do one thing. They will vote for the person that vows to seriously clean-up government. Especially after what the "Entrenched" Supreme Court did.
Get a clue, and some common-sense. It doesn't cost a thing.
Blatant stupidity is by far, the best way of describing some of these elected officials we have here in Chicago. Will someone please tell me why these highly educated dimwits, refuse to accept the fact that if something shady is afoot, people will tell.
Is it really so much to ask, or inform, that all monies will go to such and such a charity? Or better still, let's run this by the Inspector General's office for an okay? You just can't make up how stupid and arrogant this is. I just hope the college this low-lit bulb went too isn't advertising on television. The really sad part about all this, is the employee's that went along with it, without asking for a vote on which charity should receive the funds. It kind of makes one wonder, what school they attended also?
Memo for all incumbents: Does Massachusetts ring a bell? It doesn't matter if the voter is independent, democratic, or republican. They are all sick of your entrenched ways. They will do one thing. They will vote for the person that vows to seriously clean-up government. Especially after what the "Entrenched" Supreme Court did.
Get a clue, and some common-sense. It doesn't cost a thing.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
The Hits Just Keep Coming
What a total Hypocrite. So this is what they mean by "Taking The Country Back"?
Tea Party Leader Busted For Child Rape, Found With Grenade Launcher![]() Charles Alan Dyer, 29, of Marlow, was arrested Tuesday afternoon by Stephens County Sheriff’s deputies, said Sheriff Wayne McKinney. Dyer served in the United States Marines in Iraq. McKinney said charges included first degree rape and two counts of forcible sodomy. It is expected the charges will be formally presented in Stephens County District Court today, McKinney said. â€Å“These are what we are asking for through the District Attorney’s office,â€� McKinney said. The investigation began after the last alleged incident that was said to have taken place Jan. 2, at Dyer’s residence on Hope Road near Marlow. |
Supreme Court rolls back campaign spending limits :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Nation
Supreme Court rolls back campaign spending limits :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Nation
Well this is what happens when rich people appoint judges that never will share the concerns of the "Common People". The "Conservative Wing" of the Supreme Court just told the individual voter, money rules, and you don't.
How can anyone fight the money, lawyers, and power of corporations now. This ruling will only have more and more politicians flocking to corporations, seeking funds from them, because the people they are supposed to represent, can't afford them anymore. Now we can expect more legislation written by corporations to squeeze us even more. Hell, just look at what corporations have done too the "Tea-Bag", oops sorry, Tea-Party movement. They took them over and left the ones that actually wanted to cut spending, out in the cold. Don't worry about the racist elements of the tea-baggers, sorry again, meant, well, you know, they were already on the outs.
This ruling is an abomination. It stacks the deck against the individual voter. Any candidate we deem fit, or qualified for office, will have to endure the offerings of big corporations too cut our collective knees out from under us. The Supreme Court is supposed to uphold the law, and strike down any other laws, or legislation deemed unconstitutional. This ruling does not serve the interest of the individual voter, and therefore unconstitutional. Corporations are not, and never will be, Human. They are monsters created to destroy individualism, and free will. They have shipped our jobs overseas. They have virtually contaminated our food and water. Ask yourself how we went from an industrial powerhouse, to the "Fattest Nation" on earth? Corporations, that's how. With their, eat this, and buy this policy, we sat back and let them put is in a coma.
It's time to wake up America. We need a Constitutional Convention, and take back this power we gave too our court. A lifetime appointment only corrupts. That is too much power for a select few, that can control the lives of millions. This ruling is a direct slap in the face of Americans. Slap? I should have said spat, because that is a better term for what they did. They just blew chunks on us all.
Well this is what happens when rich people appoint judges that never will share the concerns of the "Common People". The "Conservative Wing" of the Supreme Court just told the individual voter, money rules, and you don't.
How can anyone fight the money, lawyers, and power of corporations now. This ruling will only have more and more politicians flocking to corporations, seeking funds from them, because the people they are supposed to represent, can't afford them anymore. Now we can expect more legislation written by corporations to squeeze us even more. Hell, just look at what corporations have done too the "Tea-Bag", oops sorry, Tea-Party movement. They took them over and left the ones that actually wanted to cut spending, out in the cold. Don't worry about the racist elements of the tea-baggers, sorry again, meant, well, you know, they were already on the outs.
This ruling is an abomination. It stacks the deck against the individual voter. Any candidate we deem fit, or qualified for office, will have to endure the offerings of big corporations too cut our collective knees out from under us. The Supreme Court is supposed to uphold the law, and strike down any other laws, or legislation deemed unconstitutional. This ruling does not serve the interest of the individual voter, and therefore unconstitutional. Corporations are not, and never will be, Human. They are monsters created to destroy individualism, and free will. They have shipped our jobs overseas. They have virtually contaminated our food and water. Ask yourself how we went from an industrial powerhouse, to the "Fattest Nation" on earth? Corporations, that's how. With their, eat this, and buy this policy, we sat back and let them put is in a coma.
It's time to wake up America. We need a Constitutional Convention, and take back this power we gave too our court. A lifetime appointment only corrupts. That is too much power for a select few, that can control the lives of millions. This ruling is a direct slap in the face of Americans. Slap? I should have said spat, because that is a better term for what they did. They just blew chunks on us all.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Woman charged after biting ER nurse, throwing vomit :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime
Woman charged after biting ER nurse, throwing vomit :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime
Wow! Beyond Stupid. What else can anyone say?
Wow! Beyond Stupid. What else can anyone say?
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Fixed schools fail :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Education
Fixed schools fail :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Education
I don't know about the rest of you, but this looks like a good opportunity for some reporters to get out and talk to the students. This is the only sure-fire way to really find out why these schools are doing so bad. Each and every time, it's the adults running the schools, that come up with moving, or closing schools, as a means of fixing the problem, without any input from the kids that actually go there.
How would they know what the root cause of the problem is, when they don't even darken the doors of these "failed, or failing schools". Just from reading the article, you get the impression all they do is sit on their collective backsides and read "test scores". The school superintendent doesn't "Know Everything". He/she may have specialized in a particular field of study, not an entire curriculum students must endure. There must be people at the Board of Education that specialize in each area of study? So would it not be a good idea to send them out to failing schools and get some "boots on the ground" feedback?
That sounds like a sure fire way to see if it's a teaching, curriculum, or student problem. Or all combined.
Just a thought.
I don't know about the rest of you, but this looks like a good opportunity for some reporters to get out and talk to the students. This is the only sure-fire way to really find out why these schools are doing so bad. Each and every time, it's the adults running the schools, that come up with moving, or closing schools, as a means of fixing the problem, without any input from the kids that actually go there.
How would they know what the root cause of the problem is, when they don't even darken the doors of these "failed, or failing schools". Just from reading the article, you get the impression all they do is sit on their collective backsides and read "test scores". The school superintendent doesn't "Know Everything". He/she may have specialized in a particular field of study, not an entire curriculum students must endure. There must be people at the Board of Education that specialize in each area of study? So would it not be a good idea to send them out to failing schools and get some "boots on the ground" feedback?
That sounds like a sure fire way to see if it's a teaching, curriculum, or student problem. Or all combined.
Just a thought.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Secret Service agent Abraham Bolden of Chicago served President John Kennedy as the first African-American on the White House security detail - chicagotribune.com
Secret Service agent Abraham Bolden of Chicago served President John Kennedy as the first African-American on the White House security detail - chicagotribune.com
Now this is an amazing story.
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Now this is an amazing story.
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Sunday, January 17, 2010
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Chicago landlord suing former Cub Milton Bradley :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State
Chicago landlord suing former Cub Milton Bradley :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State
Christ almighty. This guy is a total tool. What a titty-baby. Nobody likes me, so I'll bail on my rent and leave town. You know, if the Cubs have any extra millions laying around, they should hire me as the team Asshole. Picture me holding a press conference, telling reporters to stick it, get bent, and eat my shorts. Ha.
Milton Bradley, grow up.
Christ almighty. This guy is a total tool. What a titty-baby. Nobody likes me, so I'll bail on my rent and leave town. You know, if the Cubs have any extra millions laying around, they should hire me as the team Asshole. Picture me holding a press conference, telling reporters to stick it, get bent, and eat my shorts. Ha.
Milton Bradley, grow up.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Chicago schools vehicle-lease deal: Inspector general investigating staffers' use of cars - chicagotribune.com
Chicago schools vehicle-lease deal: Inspector general investigating staffers' use of cars - chicagotribune.com
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Only when they get busted, they fake "Outrage". Common sense would have told him, making so much money on the taxpayers dime, and having two vehicles was not a responsible, fiscally sound thing to do in these current economic situations.
The lesson once again, "Greed knows no Bounds". $200,000 grand a year. Buy your own vehicle. That way you might not layoff so many teachers, and truant officers. Which by the way, has anyone seen a truant officer in a neighborhood? Oh that's right, we got rid of them to pay for executive salaries at ridiculous prices. Every time a department head, alderman/woman, vote themselves a pay raise, someone has too get laid-off. You know, the ones that "Actually" work.
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Only when they get busted, they fake "Outrage". Common sense would have told him, making so much money on the taxpayers dime, and having two vehicles was not a responsible, fiscally sound thing to do in these current economic situations.
The lesson once again, "Greed knows no Bounds". $200,000 grand a year. Buy your own vehicle. That way you might not layoff so many teachers, and truant officers. Which by the way, has anyone seen a truant officer in a neighborhood? Oh that's right, we got rid of them to pay for executive salaries at ridiculous prices. Every time a department head, alderman/woman, vote themselves a pay raise, someone has too get laid-off. You know, the ones that "Actually" work.
$500 Tip Leads Police to $66 Million in Fake Bills - Sphere News
$500 Tip Leads Police to $66 Million in Fake Bills - Sphere News
You know what? If this dimwit is smart enough to print so much money, how come he was so dumb as to not know the "History" of the money he was printing?
When was the last time anyone living, seen a $500 bill? Yet I guess the bigger question that remains, is how long has he gotten away with it? Well if anything, the lesson here folks, greed knows no bounds. As one can see, this dimwit printed $66 million and that wasn't enough. He just had to get greedier, and greedier, and printed a bill that is no longer in circulation.
You know what? If this dimwit is smart enough to print so much money, how come he was so dumb as to not know the "History" of the money he was printing?
When was the last time anyone living, seen a $500 bill? Yet I guess the bigger question that remains, is how long has he gotten away with it? Well if anything, the lesson here folks, greed knows no bounds. As one can see, this dimwit printed $66 million and that wasn't enough. He just had to get greedier, and greedier, and printed a bill that is no longer in circulation.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
CPS' Project Protection: Hire citizen safety patrols :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Education
CPS' Project Protection: Hire citizen safety patrols :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Education
Well, that's one way of making "out-of-work" parents responsible for youth in communities around Chicago. On the other hand, you still have those parents, that may, or may not have a blemish on their respective backgrounds. You know, like a misdemeanor, or God forbid, a felony. One thing you can bet on, those kids that haven't returned too school, may be mired in the distribution of drugs, or have just simply given up all hope of living a "Normal Life" without fear of being recruited, or beaten by gangs.
Other then that, I hope this project works, and shows impressive results.
Well, that's one way of making "out-of-work" parents responsible for youth in communities around Chicago. On the other hand, you still have those parents, that may, or may not have a blemish on their respective backgrounds. You know, like a misdemeanor, or God forbid, a felony. One thing you can bet on, those kids that haven't returned too school, may be mired in the distribution of drugs, or have just simply given up all hope of living a "Normal Life" without fear of being recruited, or beaten by gangs.
Other then that, I hope this project works, and shows impressive results.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Who Won The War?
Hiroshima, Nagasaki1945 We all know that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed in August 1945 after explosion of atomic bombs.However we know little about the progress made by the people of that land during the past 64 years.Here are some photos.
HIROSHIMA 64 YEARS LATERHiroshima, Nagasaki1945 We all know that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed in August 1945 after explosion of atomic bombs.However we know little about the progress made by the people of that land during the past 64 years.Here are some photos.
Who the hell won the war!
GOP: Response to Reid remark shows Dems' racial double standard :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Politics
GOP: Response to Reid remark shows Dems' racial double standard :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Politics
Will someone please donate a brain to the GOP. If it's a "double-standard, why does Rush and Beck still have a job? Why does Congressman "You Lie" still have a job? And last but not least, why are we even bothering hearing what the Party of No has to say anyway?
Once again the GOP proves to the nation that a "Mind is a Terrible thing to Waste". I didn't hear Reid yearn back to the days of segregation, like oh, Trent Lott. Reid doesn't play Barack the Magic Negro on his radio show either. And Reid certainly didn't call the president a liar, proclaim to "Waterloo" his presidency, or call him a racist on a "Fake News Show".
It's obvious that honesty isn't the best policy when it comes to the GOP. Teabag on GOP. That's all you have besides no clue, and no ideas.
Will someone please donate a brain to the GOP. If it's a "double-standard, why does Rush and Beck still have a job? Why does Congressman "You Lie" still have a job? And last but not least, why are we even bothering hearing what the Party of No has to say anyway?
Once again the GOP proves to the nation that a "Mind is a Terrible thing to Waste". I didn't hear Reid yearn back to the days of segregation, like oh, Trent Lott. Reid doesn't play Barack the Magic Negro on his radio show either. And Reid certainly didn't call the president a liar, proclaim to "Waterloo" his presidency, or call him a racist on a "Fake News Show".
It's obvious that honesty isn't the best policy when it comes to the GOP. Teabag on GOP. That's all you have besides no clue, and no ideas.
Monday, January 11, 2010
'I'm Blacker' Than Obama, Blagojevich Tells Esquire - Sphere News
'I'm Blacker' Than Obama, Blagojevich Tells Esquire - Sphere News
WTF! Boy they sure can demonstrate how stupid they can actually be. I know if that was me doing the interview, God knows how many times I would have shook my head, and thought this man is a complete idiot.
WTF! Boy they sure can demonstrate how stupid they can actually be. I know if that was me doing the interview, God knows how many times I would have shook my head, and thought this man is a complete idiot.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Daley: We should be more like China :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State
Daley: We should be more like China :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State
Ha. I love the comments:
Ha. I love the comments:
billy skarbek wrote: go figure corrupt chicago style politics at it's best! gimme a break! 1/10/2010 1:26 PM CST on suntimes.com
| |||
| just crazy wrote: Idiot 1/10/2010 12:45 PM CST on suntimes.com | ||
| uh oh wrote: It figures he'd like china...dictatorial governments top to bottom. LOTS AND LOTS OF CORRUPTION AT THE LOCAL LRVEL. 1/10/2010 12:29 PM CST on suntimes.com | ||
| focus wrote: I don't know if Chicagoans should laugh or cry. This sawed off thug's,ultimate dream . Nobody would ever say no to him,or criticize him and his kleptocracy. 1/10/2010 12:02 PM CST on suntimes.com | ||
| soc wrote: Good Lord is this man a complete idiot. Thankfully somebody reminded this guy about China's political system. "The form of government has nothing to do with it. . . ." Please. I bet Da Mare's constituents on 22nd and Wentworth would beg to differ. As would any other thinking person. How this guy has managed to stay in charge of this city for so long is baffling. 1/10/2010 11:53 AM CST on suntimes.com |
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Chicago Public Schools chief Ron Huberman has not one, but two cars paid for by you - chicagotribune.com
Chicago Public Schools chief Ron Huberman has not one, but two cars paid for by you - chicagotribune.com
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WTF dude? 230,000 grand a year isn't enough to BUY your own car, or truck? There are HOMELESS children attending Public Schools, and you have the audacity to ride around in not one, but two vehicles?
Stop it. Just stop it. Now we know why this city has budget problems. If pulling in over 230,000 grand isn't enough to buy your own vehicle, something is very wrong. I can see the city paying for a driver, but auto's that you can afford is beyond selfish, and stupid.
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WTF dude? 230,000 grand a year isn't enough to BUY your own car, or truck? There are HOMELESS children attending Public Schools, and you have the audacity to ride around in not one, but two vehicles?
Stop it. Just stop it. Now we know why this city has budget problems. If pulling in over 230,000 grand isn't enough to buy your own vehicle, something is very wrong. I can see the city paying for a driver, but auto's that you can afford is beyond selfish, and stupid.
Oh You Gonna Love This
If this doesn't make you think for once in your life, I have nothing else for you, that will help.
The New York Times reports that one of the main suppliers of processed beef filler to fast food restaurants like McDonald's and Burger King -- not to mention school lunch and grocery store meat -- had been using ammonia as a means of killing E. coli O157:H7 and salmonella.
Yes. Ammonia.
Years ago, the supplier, Beef Products Inc., figured out a way to process and treat the inedible bits from the carcass -- bits that "typically include most of the material from the outer surfaces of the carcass," the article reports. The processed filler, when mixed into ground beef, is intended to reduce the cost of beef and thus boost profit margins.
However, a considerable amount of dangerous bacteria like salmonella and E. coli O157:H7 is present in the "outer surfaces" such as the skin itself. So Beef Products began to blast its filler product with ammonia to kill the bacteria. Ammonia.
And they're still doing it.
The only problem was that it tasted terrible, so they apparently began to use less ammonia.
Meanwhile the USDA exempted Beef Products filler from inspection, since the ammonia would do the trick. Do you see where this is headed?
Less ammonia but the same amount of filler means increased traces of pathogens in beef samples -- a result that was confirmed by school lunch officials and the New York Times. In other words, too much ammonia and pH levels are too high and the filler is inedible. Not enough and it doesn't kill the pathogens. But either way, the beef still deliberately contains ammonia.
Again, this is beef filler that's used in school lunches and the most popular fast food chains in America. As recently as 2004, school lunch beef contained as much as 15% of this ammonia-treated filler as a means of saving a whole three cents per pound.
On several occasions, school lunch officials have suspended the use of Beef Products filler. But only temporarily due to bacteria contamination and not because of ammonia, pH or alkalinity levels. Meanwhile, fast food and grocery store beef continues to contain Beef Products' ammonia-doused processed whatever.
You won't find ammonia listed on any labels, by the way, so don't bother looking. Long ago, the government acquiesced to Beef Products' request that the ammonia treatment be categorized as a "processing agent" so it doesn't appear on any consumer labeling.
UPDATE: Here's a clip from the documentary Food Inc. about Beef Products Inc.'s ammonia cleansing process.
I'll have a burger and fries with everything -- hold the ammonia
Yes. Ammonia.
Years ago, the supplier, Beef Products Inc., figured out a way to process and treat the inedible bits from the carcass -- bits that "typically include most of the material from the outer surfaces of the carcass," the article reports. The processed filler, when mixed into ground beef, is intended to reduce the cost of beef and thus boost profit margins.
However, a considerable amount of dangerous bacteria like salmonella and E. coli O157:H7 is present in the "outer surfaces" such as the skin itself. So Beef Products began to blast its filler product with ammonia to kill the bacteria. Ammonia.
And they're still doing it.
The only problem was that it tasted terrible, so they apparently began to use less ammonia.
Meanwhile the USDA exempted Beef Products filler from inspection, since the ammonia would do the trick. Do you see where this is headed?
Less ammonia but the same amount of filler means increased traces of pathogens in beef samples -- a result that was confirmed by school lunch officials and the New York Times. In other words, too much ammonia and pH levels are too high and the filler is inedible. Not enough and it doesn't kill the pathogens. But either way, the beef still deliberately contains ammonia.
Again, this is beef filler that's used in school lunches and the most popular fast food chains in America. As recently as 2004, school lunch beef contained as much as 15% of this ammonia-treated filler as a means of saving a whole three cents per pound.
On several occasions, school lunch officials have suspended the use of Beef Products filler. But only temporarily due to bacteria contamination and not because of ammonia, pH or alkalinity levels. Meanwhile, fast food and grocery store beef continues to contain Beef Products' ammonia-doused processed whatever.
You won't find ammonia listed on any labels, by the way, so don't bother looking. Long ago, the government acquiesced to Beef Products' request that the ammonia treatment be categorized as a "processing agent" so it doesn't appear on any consumer labeling.
UPDATE: Here's a clip from the documentary Food Inc. about Beef Products Inc.'s ammonia cleansing process.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Oaksterdam University in California Trains Students for Medical Marijuana Business - Sphere News
Oaksterdam University in California Trains Students for Medical Marijuana Business - Sphere News
Mayor Daley, Governor Quinn, State Legislature, City Council, I do hope you read this story. Feel free to click the link. We are talking an estimate $15 BILLION dollar a year industry.
Enough said.
Mayor Daley, Governor Quinn, State Legislature, City Council, I do hope you read this story. Feel free to click the link. We are talking an estimate $15 BILLION dollar a year industry.
Enough said.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Daley agrees CTA funding unfair, but won't play the race card :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State
Daley agrees CTA funding unfair, but won't play the race card :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State
Ah Duh. Anyone riding public transportation knows this.
Ah Duh. Anyone riding public transportation knows this.
Kirk: All 'major' Taliban leaders are former Gitmo prisoners :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Politics
Kirk: All 'major' Taliban leaders are former Gitmo prisoners :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Politics
Oh gee, who let them out again? That's right, Bush/Cheney. It is truly amazing how quickly this clown forgot that, and how quickly the press forgot that Big Fat Fact also. The next time these lying politicians open those pie-holes they call a mouth, how about the press actually calling them out with some facts. In all honesty, this article could not even count as Toilet Paper. That means it isn't even good enough to wipe ones ass.
If this is the best the press can do, they might as well print, or upload video from You-Tube of of morons.
Oh gee, who let them out again? That's right, Bush/Cheney. It is truly amazing how quickly this clown forgot that, and how quickly the press forgot that Big Fat Fact also. The next time these lying politicians open those pie-holes they call a mouth, how about the press actually calling them out with some facts. In all honesty, this article could not even count as Toilet Paper. That means it isn't even good enough to wipe ones ass.
If this is the best the press can do, they might as well print, or upload video from You-Tube of of morons.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
CPS student arrested for having ammunition, gun in bookbag: police :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime
CPS student arrested for having ammunition, gun in bookbag: police :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime
Not at all surprised about this story. The stunning comments left by the readers is what really boggles the mind. While reading them all, only one made the most sense. The rest, was nothing but racist dribble. How quickly these people forget about the Columbine murders, and the racial makeup of those two repugnant criminals.
Anyway I digress. Here's the comment that really made any sense. I do hope this Mayor bothers too read it also.
"This is a fine example of why parents need to be held to account. Being the child is only 12 years old and his nuts have not even dropped yet, I would let the child go and charge the parents for this possession of a handgun. When we start to charge parents with these crimes, I will bet they start to teach a few life lessons and actually care for their child. You would probably see a real drop in crime then".
Not at all surprised about this story. The stunning comments left by the readers is what really boggles the mind. While reading them all, only one made the most sense. The rest, was nothing but racist dribble. How quickly these people forget about the Columbine murders, and the racial makeup of those two repugnant criminals.
Anyway I digress. Here's the comment that really made any sense. I do hope this Mayor bothers too read it also.
"This is a fine example of why parents need to be held to account. Being the child is only 12 years old and his nuts have not even dropped yet, I would let the child go and charge the parents for this possession of a handgun. When we start to charge parents with these crimes, I will bet they start to teach a few life lessons and actually care for their child. You would probably see a real drop in crime then".
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Field Museum expert dishes up lowdown on millipede sex :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Lifestyles
Field Museum expert dishes up lowdown on millipede sex :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Lifestyles
Wow talk about time on your hands. Can you imagine getting paid just to figure out how insects hump?
Wow talk about time on your hands. Can you imagine getting paid just to figure out how insects hump?
Monday, January 4, 2010
NYC slammed for city-funded heroin guidebook :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Nation
NYC slammed for city-funded heroin guidebook :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Nation
If this isn't a damn shame, I'm beyond stupefied. How in the hell can you justify using tax-payer dollars, telling a junkie how to shoot up safely?
This is beyond stupid, and totally insane. With all the big bank bailouts, inexcusable unemployment numbers, and crime, these misguided morons, think it's a good idea wasting tax-payer funds helping junkies. Police and Fireman all over this country can't get a raise, you can include Teachers in the mix also. You hear this constant blubbering from politicians, that they just don't have the funds to implement this program or that. Yet they somehow seem to find money for stupid, moronic, crap like this. Memo for Mayor Daley. That Olympic money (Courtesy of the Tax-Payer), was also non-refundable. It makes you wonder if New York's parking rates went up just to fund this bull.
Oh well, this is what you get, when Big Business "out-monies' the regular voter.
If this isn't a damn shame, I'm beyond stupefied. How in the hell can you justify using tax-payer dollars, telling a junkie how to shoot up safely?
This is beyond stupid, and totally insane. With all the big bank bailouts, inexcusable unemployment numbers, and crime, these misguided morons, think it's a good idea wasting tax-payer funds helping junkies. Police and Fireman all over this country can't get a raise, you can include Teachers in the mix also. You hear this constant blubbering from politicians, that they just don't have the funds to implement this program or that. Yet they somehow seem to find money for stupid, moronic, crap like this. Memo for Mayor Daley. That Olympic money (Courtesy of the Tax-Payer), was also non-refundable. It makes you wonder if New York's parking rates went up just to fund this bull.
Oh well, this is what you get, when Big Business "out-monies' the regular voter.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
3 hurt during fight near Northwest Side police station :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime
3 hurt during fight near Northwest Side police station :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime
Well what else can I say? If you are going to get your ass kicked, what better place than near a police station? What puzzles myself about this story, is that with all this "surveillance equipment", why didn't the police see what was going down a building or two away? Did the beaten party have to walk, or limp too the station? Or did a patrol car just happen by? Oh well, as of now the "beaters" may still be at large, unless the "beat-es" knew them, and may seek revenge later.
Well what else can I say? If you are going to get your ass kicked, what better place than near a police station? What puzzles myself about this story, is that with all this "surveillance equipment", why didn't the police see what was going down a building or two away? Did the beaten party have to walk, or limp too the station? Or did a patrol car just happen by? Oh well, as of now the "beaters" may still be at large, unless the "beat-es" knew them, and may seek revenge later.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
2 men behind bars after firing shots on Near Year's Eve :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime
2 men behind bars after firing shots on Near Year's Eve :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime
Ladies and gentleman, I present to you, a couple of "Dumb-Asses".
In this age of "Instant Communications", and "Gun-Shot Detectors", these two dumb-asses decided it would be a good idea to fire off a few rounds to celebrate the New Year. Yes, a mind is a terrible thing to waste. In the case of these moron's, it's a damn shame. I take it they don't read newspapers, or watch news programs. It's too late to inform them that "Times Have Changed", and even if you did, they probably would not believe you.
I can think back when the city first installed these camera's on major intersections, and some moronic dumb-ass opined, "They just put them there to try and scare us". Haven't seen that idiot lately, must be locked-up.
Oh well. Fixing stupid continues, as the dumb-asses keep getting dumber, and dumber.
Ladies and gentleman, I present to you, a couple of "Dumb-Asses".
In this age of "Instant Communications", and "Gun-Shot Detectors", these two dumb-asses decided it would be a good idea to fire off a few rounds to celebrate the New Year. Yes, a mind is a terrible thing to waste. In the case of these moron's, it's a damn shame. I take it they don't read newspapers, or watch news programs. It's too late to inform them that "Times Have Changed", and even if you did, they probably would not believe you.
I can think back when the city first installed these camera's on major intersections, and some moronic dumb-ass opined, "They just put them there to try and scare us". Haven't seen that idiot lately, must be locked-up.
Oh well. Fixing stupid continues, as the dumb-asses keep getting dumber, and dumber.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Under The Radar
Here's a story flying under the radar:
Report: Arenas, Crittenton Pull Guns on Each Other
Jan 1, 9:34 AM (ET)
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NEW YORK (AP) -Washington Wizards teammates Gilbert Arenas and Javaris Crittenton drew guns on each other during a Christmas Eve locker room argument over a gambling debt, according to The New York Post. Citing an anonymous source, the newspaper reports in Friday's edition that the standoff was sparked when Crittenton became angry at Arenas for refusing to make good on a gambling debt. That prompted Arenas to draw on Crittenton, who then also grabbed for a gun, league security sources tell the Post.
Asked by the Post about the confrontation, Arenas denied pulling a gun on Crittenton.
"This is unprecedented in the history of sports," Billy Hunter, executive director of the Player's Association, tells the Post. "I've never heard of players pulling guns on each other in a locker room."
The Wizards said on the night of Dec. 24 that Arenas had stored unloaded firearms in a container in his locker at the arena and that the NBA was looking into the situation. On Tuesday, Washington, D.C. police said they were investigating a report that weapons were found inside a locker room at the Verizon Center.
Now, the federal government is also involved. Ben Friedman, a spokesman for the US Attorney's Office in DC, tells the Post "we're working with the Metropolitan Police Department on the investigation."
Report: Arenas, Crittenton Pull Guns on Each Other
Jan 1, 9:34 AM (ET)
NEW YORK (AP) -Washington Wizards teammates Gilbert Arenas and Javaris Crittenton drew guns on each other during a Christmas Eve locker room argument over a gambling debt, according to The New York Post. Citing an anonymous source, the newspaper reports in Friday's edition that the standoff was sparked when Crittenton became angry at Arenas for refusing to make good on a gambling debt. That prompted Arenas to draw on Crittenton, who then also grabbed for a gun, league security sources tell the Post.
Asked by the Post about the confrontation, Arenas denied pulling a gun on Crittenton.
"This is unprecedented in the history of sports," Billy Hunter, executive director of the Player's Association, tells the Post. "I've never heard of players pulling guns on each other in a locker room."
The Wizards said on the night of Dec. 24 that Arenas had stored unloaded firearms in a container in his locker at the arena and that the NBA was looking into the situation. On Tuesday, Washington, D.C. police said they were investigating a report that weapons were found inside a locker room at the Verizon Center.
Now, the federal government is also involved. Ben Friedman, a spokesman for the US Attorney's Office in DC, tells the Post "we're working with the Metropolitan Police Department on the investigation."
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